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Checkmate Fighter. Russia's new Fighter Jet.

It's a neat little jet but two problems:

1. Russia don't have the industrial capacity to make it in any meaningful numbers.

2. Russia don't have any global soft power to sell it. Eastern Europe with the exception of Serbia and Belarus absolutely hate Russia. Only China might buy it in any meaningful number.

would China seriously consider this, when it has its own companies far along with two designs. They only viable way I think this would be seen in Chinese service is if has the lift fan (from the Yak-141 design) added so it can be used on Type 075 LHD type platforms, and even the. It might only be fielded in the low hundreds, but that might be enough to keep Russian industry going along.
Su 57 production just started because Russian low on $$$ and other defense priorities, this jet is lot cheaper than f35 hence its developing costs is much lower than F35 and its basically a export oriented jet,
its looks like mixture of X32/YF23

who going to buy this??
Russian claims

Fully Stealth fighter

it engine will be 35% more powerful then SU-57"s

7,500 Payload

it will be cheap to maintain

Advance Digital

it has not been tested in the air yet?

As for now it is a wooden model.
Not a fine tune product before at least 10 years. We have time to see if it is true, if it's something else than pure marketing.
As for now it is a wooden model.
Not a fine tune product before at least 10 years. We have time to see if it is true, if it's something else than pure marketing.

Marketing to who.

NK can't afford it
Russia can't afford build T-14, barely can afford the SU-57 in limited production.
China don't need it. will likely buy a few just to reverse engineer anything they don't already have.
Iran can afford it. but can't maintain it.
India see China comment above

none of the other nations that buy Russian equipment need it or more importantly can afford it.

Armenia & Syria will buy it though.

Turkey might as well if by then it relationship with the USA has not improved.

of course a decade from now
putin will be 78
Erdoğan will be 77
Lukashenko will be 76
Jinping will be 78

who knows who will be the leaders in the US, India and other nations. but they have a history of replacing leaders easy. China & Turkey will be fine.

Russia and Belarus might not be.

This plane is more of a way to get more capital investment funds from outsiders for United Aircraft Corp.
Armenia & Syria will buy it though.

They don't have the money to buy this. Too expensive. Armenia bought 4 Su-30 which failed spectacularly in Armenia Azerbaijan war last year. They don't buy Russian again. I think they will go Chinese considering Armenia imported Chinese vaccine this time.
UAE/middle eastern countries may be some Latin American countries ànd some south Asian countries etc etc

Not a chance. They rather go for J-10C than this crap. Now that's a looker.

J-10 is far better than that Russian crap. Russia had trouble selling vaccine this time around. Chinese vaccines are popular in ME. In tens years Russia be 3rd world. Chinese exports dominate ME.
Oh dude, ME is near 100% influence from western countries Most of them have Western military hardware, you have little to no Chance to sell it, and you're usig that crap from decades, look at your Airforce almost based on that crap designs (J7/J8/J11/J15/J16 lol, think before you post, you have only chance on Latin American countries/ some in Africa and some in South East Asia, If J10C is that powerful than why you didn't export it so far??? lol
Oh dude, ME is near 100% influence from western countries Most of them have Western military hardware, you have little to no Chance to sell it, and you're usig that crap from decades, look at your Airforce almost based on that crap designs (J7/J8/J11/J15/J16 lol, think before you post, you have only chance on Latin American countries/ some in Africa and some in South East Asia, If J10C is that powerful than why you didn't export it so far??? lol

US is declining. By 2050 US will be majority non white weak like Mexico, Brazil. Do you think they will buy F-16 from such a weak country? Or buy J-10 from China which by then is by far the most powerful country on the planet. Soft power baby. Soft power. Read Sun Tzu. :china:
US is declining. By 2050 US will be majority non white weak like Mexico, Brazil. Do you think they will buy F-16 from such a weak country? Or buy J-10 from China which by then is by far the most powerful country on the planet. Soft power baby. Soft power. Read Sun Tzu. :china:
Lol in your dream, and you're in white country also, if you hate America that much why you should migrate China?? and also why do you suggest your Govt (Canadian) not to uses US military hardware, and as for Mexico they have no Threats from anyone, so they have minimal military expenditures, so they don't need J10 from you and Brazil already have JAS 39 Grippen and considering Grippen NG, so they also don't need J10, May be J10 will be bought by Argentina, Peru like small countires, and americans are not going anywhere from middle east, they have bases all around the world, what influence you have lol
By 2050 US will be majority non white weak like Mexico, Brazil.
The US population is now, and in 2050, made of a vast majority of nearly idiots, just knowing their own state and where the nearest steak house is, and a small minority of very very intelligent, skilled and clever elite.
China will become the first GDP country, it's sure, but never, never underestimate USA.
China will have to deal in the future with : people rejection of the communism party, aging of their population, pollution, higher wages....
Brazil already have JAS 39 Grippen and considering Grippen NG
They don't have the legacy Gripen. Their sole order is for Gripen E (the NG variant).
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