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Chavez to troops: Prepare for war with Colombia

May I ask a question about some Indians’ mindset?

Why on one side they want to ally with US to get benefit from it, on the other side, they can’t conceal their glee when US, their ally-to-be, is/to be in trouble?

Why on one side they accept communist Soviet aids, on other side they condemn communism?

Can we call it ungrateful?

Can we consider them unreliable friend, or enemy-friend, if they are our friend?

Just curious.

Nice phrasing.Inorder to clear all the conspiracies curtailing in ur mind about my so said above statement,
My blood is aryan.So do are my principles.I neither like the US/UK(reasons are quiet obvious) nor the China(reasons are specific)
I am against the US nukes on my land and I am against the US policing the world.US is a land of tribals , a country full of oxymorons .Neither had any culture nor any beliefs.How can you bow to a land of forest tribes with few technological apparatus in hand being robbed from germany?Apart from all this business is business.If they are making money why cant I? hence my business works out.But its makes the par value utter important to you allocate your profited money.

I do have the Nheru-Gandhian junta of India.I do hate their money and fame thirsty politics.After being a cause for the deaths of all their nationalistic leaders they were left with few people who cant even wear proper clothes to cover their organs. a Shabby freaks.

All your points can be applied to China as well.
Being a communist it deals with all the democratic governments world wide and partner will most of them for monetary purpose.And being a communist it ups ante on Russia for sake of few barren lands.
Being a communist it fought against vietnam (which is a communist again) and lost the face when lost the most infamous sino-vietnam war.

If china can do as many weird things,I guess nothing goes wrong with India choosing its sides based on its national policies.
Chavez is too clever to actually go to war with Colombia. He knows his forces would get their clocks cleaned. HOWEVER, he LOVES attention. Honduras is not going his way so time to stir something else up. IF the CIA were actually "operational" in SA, Chavez would have been taken out long ago. With Democrat Progressives in charge of the CIA for the next 3 years, minimum, Chavez has clear sailing to have maximum fun. Won't do the Venezuelan people any good though ....
The funniest quote ever INDEED.
Dont get me wrong if I have to mention the 630+ murder attempts by CIA on CAstro of cuba which is just minutes walk from US. :P
Official US Air Force Document Reveals the True Intentions Behind the US-Colombia Military Agreement

by Eva Golinger

An official document from the Department of the US Air Force reveals that the military base in Palanquero, Colombia will provide the Pentagon with “…an opportunity for conducting full spectrum operations throughout South America…” This information contradicts the explainations offered by Colombian President Alvaro Uribe and the US State Department regarding the military agreement signed between the two nations this past October 30th. Both governments have publicly stated that the military agreement refers only to counternarcotics and counterterrorism operations within Colombian territory. President Uribe has reiterated numerous times that the military agreement with the US will not affect Colombia’s neighbors, despite constant concern in the region regarding the true objetives of the agreement. But the US Air Force document, dated May 2009, confirms that the concerns of South American nations have been right on target. The document exposes that the true intentions behind the agreement are to enable the US to engage in “full spectrum military operations in a critical sub-region of our hemisphere where security and stability is under constant threat from narcotics funded terrorist insurgencies…and anti-US governments…”

The military agreement between Washington and Colombia authorizes the access and use of seven military installations in Palanquero, Malambo, Tolemaida, Larandia, Apíay, Cartagena and Málaga. Additionally, the agreement allows for “the access and use of all other installations and locations as necessary” throughout Colombia, with no restrictions. Together with the complete immunity the agreement provides to US military and civilian personnel, including private defense and security contractors, the clause authorizing the US to utilize any installation throughout the entire country – even commercial aiports, for military ends, signifies a complete renouncing of Colombian sovereignty and officially converts Colombia into a client-state of the US.

The Air Force document underlines the importance of the military base in Palanquero and justifies the $46 million requested in the 2010 budget (now approved by Congress) in order to improve the airfield, associated ramps and other installations on the base to convert it into a US Cooperative Security Location (CSL). “Establishing a Cooperative Security Location (CSL) in Palanquero best supports the COCOM’s (Command Combatant’s) Theater Posture Strategy and demonstrates our commitment to this relationship. Development of this CSL provides a unique opportunity for full spectrum operations in a critical sub-region of our hemisphere where security and stability is under constant threat from narcotics funded terrorist insurgencies, anti-US governments, endemic poverty and recurring natural disasters.”

It’s not difficult to imagine which governments in South America are considered by Washington to be “anti-US governments”. The constant agressive declarations and statements emitted by the State and Defense Departments and the US Congress against Venezuela and Bolivia, and even to some extent Ecuador, evidence that the ALBA nations are the ones perceived by Washington as a “constant threat”. To classify a country as “anti-US” is to consider it an enemy of the United States. In this context, it’s obvious that the military agreement with Colombia is a reaction to a region the US now considers full of “enemies”.


Per the US Air Force document, “Access to Colombia will further its strategic partnership with the United States. The strong security cooperation relationship also offers an opportunity for conducting full spectrum operations throughout South America to include mitigating the Counternarcotics capability.” This statement clearly evidences that counternarcotics operations are secondary to the real objetives of the military agreement between Colombia and Washington. Again, this clearly contrasts the constant declarations of the Uribe and Obama governments insisting that the main focus of the agreement is to combat drug trafficking and production. The Air Force document emphasizes the necessity to improve “full spectrum” military operations throughout South America – not just in Colombia – in order to combat “constant threats” from “anti-US governments” in the region.


The Air Force document explains that “Palanquero is unquestionably the best site for investing in infrastructure development within Colombia. Its central location is within reach of…operations areas…its isolation maximizes Operational Security (OPSEC) and Force Protection and minimizes the US military profile. The intent is to leverage existing infrastructure to the maximum extent possible, improve the US ability to respond rapidly to crisis, and assure regional access and presence at minimum cost. Palanquero supports the mobility mission by providing access to the entire South American continent with the exception of Cape Horn…”


The document additionally confirms that the US military presence in Palanquero, Colombia, will improve the capacity of espionage and intelligence operations, and will allow the US armed forces to increase their warfare capabilities in the region. “Development of this CSL wil further the strategic partnership forged between the US and Colombia and is in the interest of both nations…A presence will also increase our capability to conduct Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR), improve global reach, support logistics requirements, improve partnerships, improve theater security cooperation and expand expeditionary warfare capability.”

The language of war included in this document evidences the true intentions behind the military agreement between Washington and Colombia: they are preparing for war in Latin America. The past few days have been full of conflict and tension between Colombia and Venezuela. Just days ago, the Venezuelan government captured three spies from the Colombian intelligence agency, DAS, and discovered several active destabilization and espionage operations against Cuba, Ecuador and Venezuela. The operations – Fénix, Salomón and Falcón, respectively, were revealed in documents found with the captured DAS agents. Approximately two weeks ago, 10 bodies were found in Táchira, a border zone with Colombia. After completing the relevant investigations, the Venezuelan government discovered that the bodies belonged to Colombian paramilitaries infiltrated inside Venezuelan territory. This dangerous paramilitary infiltration from Colombia forms part of a destabilization plan against Venezuela that seeks to create a paramilitary state inside Venezuelan territory in order to breakdown President Chávez’s government.

The military agreement between Washington and Colombia will only increase regional tensions and violence. The information revealed in the US Air Force document unquestionably evidences that Washington seeks to promote a state of warfare in South America, using Colombia as its launching pad. Before this declaration of war, the peoples of Latin America must stand strong and unified. Latin American integration is the best defense against the Empire’s aggression.

*The US Air Force document was submitted in May 2009 to Congress as part of the 2010 budget justification. It is an official government document and reaffirms the authenticity of the White Book: Global Enroute Strategy of the US Air Mobility Command, which was denounced by President Chávez during the UNASUR meeting in Bariloche, Argentina this past August 28th. I have placed the original document and the non-official translation to Spanish that I did of the relevant parts relating to Palanquero on the web page of the Center to Alert and Defend the People “Centro de Alerta para la Defensa de los pueblos”, a new space we are creating to garantee that strategic information is available to those under constant threat from imperialist aggression.

Eva Golinger is a Venezuelan-American attorney from New York, living in Caracas, Venezuela since 2005 and author of the best-selling books, “The Chávez Code: Cracking US Intervention in Venezuela” (2006 Olive Branch Press) and “Bush vs. Chávez: Washington’s War on Venezuela” (2007, Monthly Review Press). Since 2003, Eva, a graduate of Sarah Lawrence College and CUNY Law School in New York, has been investigating, analyzing and writing about US intervention in Venezuela using the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) to obtain information about the US Government’s efforts to destabilize progressive movements in Latin America.
May I ask a question about some Indians’ mindset?

Why on one side they want to ally with US to get benefit from it, on the other side, they can’t conceal their glee when US, their ally-to-be, is/to be in trouble?

Why on one side they accept communist Soviet aids, on other side they condemn communism?

Can we call it ungrateful?

Can we consider them unreliable friend, or enemy-friend, if they are our friend?

Just curious.

That's the whole bone of contention right there!

In global world, no country is your friend or foe. It always depends on national policies and interests. We never claimed Russia or USA to be our ally nor did we fought any war on their behalf.

And we do business with Russia, ITS NOT AID. Same thing china did with russia before sino-ussr war and with usa after sino-ussr war.

As long as Russia keeps selling us weapons and new tech, we are on same page. In return. Russia gets much needed capital to run their economy. It doesn't matter if they are communists as long as we have mutual interests.

If you see the other way around, back in 70's & 80's Russia helped India to get influence in asia. USA is also trying same concept to hinder China's Military ambitions, BUT we are not standing against china for USA interests alone neither we are NATO member.

Every country is alone in global power struggle, especially if two "so called" ally countries are not from same human race like China and pak. This whole idea of friend or brother is patented by Pakistan or maybe pakistani friends over here ;)( I get the feeling). Result, they had to face embarrassment in Ulghar episode when champions of Islam couldn't issue one statement against china.

India OTOH, regretted Indians killings in AU and Sikhs killing in US after 9/11 and took the issue with their authorities.

Conclusion: No country is saint including India and this brother /friend BS is nothing but wet dreams of some people blind in hatered.
Do remember your assessment of the CIA's capabilities -- always stupid -- and refrain in the future any indictments, claims, and speculations about how the CIA install presidents, control governments, manipulate economies...etc...etc...

What's wrong with it? Don't you believe CIA is self-perpetuating entity? Why it's not answerable to US Federal Courts?? And as far as I know, it's not answerable to anyone except the President, as per US's constitution. And President is much much weak to question CIA :no: ??

By any mean, I don't mean to offend you :no:
All I'm asking is, how and why you warrant the role of CIA? :confused:
The beasts having a showdown in south America . another war btw global powers ...

Russia is not really a global power any more,,, its military and economic spending is only about 10 percent of that of the USA now days...you are thinking of what use to be the USSR...

Chavez has made it very clear he is an enemy of the USA,,,if he attacks allies of the USA then he will have to suffer the consquences.
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The funniest quote ever INDEED.
Dont get me wrong if I have to mention the 630+ murder attempts by CIA on CAstro of cuba which is just minutes walk from US. :P
Wait a minute...How do you know we did not 'miss' or 'fail' on purpose?


Keep in mind that the CIA install presidents, control governments and manipulate economies. So what is truly funny is that some people can hold conflicting beliefs on what the CIA is capable of doing and pull the appropriate belief out -- incompetent or omnipotent -- when rhetorically convenient.
Keep in mind that the CIA install presidents, control governments and manipulate economies. So what is truly funny is that some people can hold conflicting beliefs on what the CIA is capable of doing and pull the appropriate belief out -- incompetent or omnipotent -- when rhetorically convenient.

There's nothing wrong in that. If it's not true, why does CIA not reveal the documents to the federal courts that lead to the real culprit of Kennedy's assassination :azn:

For six years, the agency has fought in federal court to keep secret hundreds of documents from 1963, when an anti-Castro Cuban group it paid clashed publicly with the soon-to-be assassin, Lee Harvey Oswald. The C.I.A. says it is only protecting legitimate secrets. But because of the agency’s history of stonewalling assassination inquiries, even researchers with no use for conspiracy thinking question its stance.

“The C.I.A.’s conduct is maddening,” said Mr. Morley, 51, a former Washington Post reporter and the author of a 2008 biography of a former C.I.A. station chief in Mexico. ---- Tells your own Journalist of Washington Post :woot:

Gerald Posner, the author of an anti-conspiracy account of the Kennedy assassination, “Case Closed” (Random House, 1993), said the C.I.A.’s withholding such aged documents was “a perfect example of why nobody trusts the agency.

Even though, Paul Gimigliano, CIA's spokesman say that CIA has revealed all the documents before the court, but there's much ahead yet.

Excerpts taken from: http://www.nytimes.com/2009/10/17/us/17inquire.html?pagewanted=2&em

PS: This is what your Media says too. What I believe on isn't something singular. Your own country is full of a host of people not trusting the Agency :blink:

PPS: Btw, it was a bad sarcasm, even if it was a sarcasm at all. No offense
May I ask a question about some Indians’ mindset?

Why on one side they want to ally with US to get benefit from it, on the other side, they can’t conceal their glee when US, their ally-to-be, is/to be in trouble?

Why on one side they accept communist Soviet aids, on other side they condemn communism?

Can we call it ungrateful?

Can we consider them unreliable friend, or enemy-friend, if they are our friend?

Just curious.

it's high time we choose sides....that is the problem with democracy...the left parties want us to be modeled on erstwhile USSR and China...while the there are other who vouch for a close proximity with NATO...
possibly the way the expansion of the SCO takes place might decide who we'd ally with.
I see an equal chance of us falling with the west as that of us forming a alliance with the Chinese and the russians...
the clock is ticking though...
Best ways to take care of uncle sam is stop there oil.
Saudis should tell the us forces to take a hike....
A united Muslim peace keeping force to go to iraq and kuwait no more american interuption in our STUFFFFFFFFF no more oil== Uncle Sam gets paralyzed
Best ways to take care of uncle sam is stop there oil.
Saudis should tell the us forces to take a hike....
A united Muslim peace keeping force to go to iraq and kuwait no more american interuption in our STUFFFFFFFFF no more oil== Uncle Sam gets paralyzed

:victory::victory::victory: Great move for global warming, americans learn they can actually survive driving a compact rather than a 3 ton Hummer look alike. Americas defecit is wiped out because they no longer waste money importing oil. The solar and nuclear industries get a huge boost. America tightens its belts for a few years and gets over it.

Saudis go oh f**k we cant sit on our ***** and just take in oil money we need to work? House of saud colapses during revolt.

Iran already with high unemployment and a teetering economy goes into free fall when oil becomes just that black sticky stuff that wrecks an oasis rather than a ride to the easy life.

Iraq and Kuwait wonder why they are being invaded by muslim countries?

Israel laughs all the way to the west bank now Hamas and Hizbollah no longer get money and arms from Iran.

Most importantly 90% of the middle east works out were most of their food used to come from, America can suvive with out middle east oil, starvation is a much uglier thing.

Best ways to take care of uncle sam is stop there oil.
Saudis should tell the us forces to take a hike....
A united Muslim peace keeping force to go to iraq and kuwait no more american interuption in our STUFFFFFFFFF no more oil== Uncle Sam gets paralyzed

That has been tried...And failed. Look up the 1970s Saudi oil export reduction, claimed to be an 'embargo', to the US as punishment for our support of Israel. The Saudis reduce output by merely %5. The US ended up with long lines at the gas pumps but also increased fuel efficient autos. The Saudis later admitted that the revenue loss was too much to bear. They had too many princes to support.

But here is why your loony idea would not work...

Crude Oil and Total Petroleum Imports Top 15 Countries

We are not as reliant upon ME oil as you believe. But do entertain yourself with the fiction that the ME can control US through oil.
Wait a minute...How do you know we did not 'miss' or 'fail' on purpose?


Keep in mind that the CIA install presidents, control governments and manipulate economies. So what is truly funny is that some people can hold conflicting beliefs on what the CIA is capable of doing and pull the appropriate belief out -- incompetent or omnipotent -- when rhetorically convenient.

seems like some one is attesting the infamous Cuban missile crisis as a CIA orchestration :P
seems like some one is attesting the infamous Cuban missile crisis as a CIA orchestration :P
You have to find the answer in the CIA world fact book. There is a code that not only you have to find but also decipher.
. .

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