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Chaudhary Shujat: Imran and Qadri dharna harmed Pakistan, harmed economy and delayed China visit

Now that is such a political statement from people known to be sale-able commodity in political market.

In the days of dharna, they were supporting it.
Now that is such a political statement from people known to be sale-able commodity in political market.

In the days of dharna, they were supporting it.
People like chaudhry shujat are opportunist , what else you expext from them.
People like sheikh rasheed and shujat used IK to settle their score them N league.
Iam sure in your view the only saint journalist for you will be the drunk hasan nisar
The list of good journalists is long. The corrupt or stupid journalists are a few like Salim Safi, Minhas, Najam Sethi, Hamid Mir etc. The latter two are traitors of the state of Pakistan and should be tried for that.
Well the fact is IK & TUQ had really damaged Pakistan by their so called DHARNA, which was a complete flop. They were not united, their views were not one & this whole drama ended immediately with both of them wasting so much of Pakistan's precious time. They had no clue what to do & how to do.
Well the fact is IK & TUQ had really damaged Pakistan by their so called DHARNA, which was a complete flop. They were not united, their views were not one & this whole drama ended immediately with both of them wasting so much of Pakistan's precious time. They had no clue what to do & how to do.
It may be the first time that supporting leaders of Dharna have admitted that the dharna harmed Pakistan, its economy and delayed Chinese president visit.

The sit-in timing was picked JUST to avoid the Chinese PM. The real plan was outlined by a visitor from Dubai (Shuja), Zaheer, the owner of ARY, Tareen and IK :enjoy: (note I didn't write the word "general" in front of the first two names, as what they tried to do here, was straight up treason, the REAL Generals, who love their country have character of Gen. Raheel just to show comparison). Here was the plan:

1) To get Gen. Raheel and NS into a typical expected internal fight / conflict, where the military and public will go: "oh yea, this was going to happen as it is NS", so with that history, public back lash will be minimal or not at all as even NS's own party will say, this is all NS's fault to mess with the military.

But the reality would be, things would happen and move so quickly that Gen. Raheel and NS won't even know what happened, or would have the time to calculate actions and reactions to control the situation.

2) To force general Raheel to topple NS after a few days of sit ins and obviously, triggering from some police action which would be shown on the media as "state torturing its people", but the reality would be few people would commit violence (just like they did, but something changed the plan, Gen. Raheel and NS talked right away and Gen. Raheel committed to NS that he won't use the power card to remove the elected government. And he wanted to work with NS to move the country forward. He said the same to all generals and he told IK up front that all demands can be discussed but NS's resignation is off the table).

3) The sit-ins one of the major goal was to stop the Chinese president's visit and then the Turkish president's visit

4) Through the sit-in, show IK as someone with public backing, once NS is out (under the original plan), Gen. Raheel would get busy with borders and internal situation. IK would be made available as the ONLY best choice to run the country.

5) At this point when IK's brought into power, through rigged elections of course, IK, Tareen and the Media will project his policies before he even gets into the office. These in reality will be the same policies where significant analysis have already been completed by NS's government, and the work was supposed to start if the Chinese Premier and the Turkish PM came on original schedule.

6) IK with his few senior ministers and the military chief, would go to China. They would tell them all is good and they'd like to resume from where NS left it at. The military, due to the Chinese investors being reluctant, would guarantee that IK will remain in power and they won't topple him. China would be reminded that Gawader is very critical for them due to India being next door and all. (this is the most dangerous part, where they are risking $ 46 billion investment in this case and hoping the India Carrot would actually work).

7) Worst case, some investment would still come in from China and Turkey under the friendship card, and the Media (ARY and some other paid channels, including some from Dawn), would then glorify IK in the same manner the state media used to glorify the military back in Mushy's time.

In either situation, IK would take credit for everything he DIDN'T do (stuff already completed initial hard work and was waiting for funding from the Chinese when IK's sit ins started).

And from his track record before getting KPK and after getting the KPK tells you that he doesn't deliver anything. He just finds all wrong in other people's work. So when you don't take a risk of doing something, how could you be at fault for messing up, failing or making an honest mistake? You can only mess up or make a mistake when you actually do something. So in reality, IK's politics are awesome, don't do anything, just criticize other people's work all day every day!!! Pretty lazy, greedy and lame!! And the plan failed just like his bad sit ins! Pakistanis should now say no to bad leadership and politics, whoever is working, should complete their term and put in the foundation that's already started to take shape. IK and others can try to come through legal channels in the next elections!

@WishLivePak @Meengla @Oscar @MastanKhan @Major Sam : guys, any additional comments on the above plan which miserably failed but it hurt Pakistan like hell for a while and put her behind in all projects?
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The list of good journalists is long. The corrupt or stupid journalists are a few like Salim Safi, Minhas, Najam Sethi, Hamid Mir etc. The latter two are traitors of the state of Pakistan and should be tried for that.
Here comes the custodians of patriotism with their certificates.
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