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Chandrayaan-3 on Cards? India May Again Attempt Soft Landing on Moon Next November

CIA Mole

May 1, 2019
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United States

Chandrayaan-3 on Cards? India May Again Attempt Soft Landing on Moon Next November
The Indian Space Research Organisation had constituted a high-level committee, headed by S Somanath, Director of Thiruvanathapuram-based Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre, the lead centre responsible for all launch vehicle programmes of ISRO, to prepare a report on the proposed Chandrayaan-3.

Updated:November 14, 2019, 12:36 PM IST

India’s second Moon mission Chandrayaan-2 lifts off onboard GSLV Mk III-M1 launch vehicle from Satish Dhawan Space Center at Sriharikota in Andhra Pradesh. (Image: PTI)

Bengaluru: After an unsuccessful bid two months ago, India may attempt another soft landing on the Moon by next year-end, probably in November, sources in ISRO said on Thursday.

The Indian Space Research Organisation had constituted a high-level committee, headed by S Somanath, Director of Thiruvanathapuram-based Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre, the lead centre responsible for all launch vehicle programmes of ISRO, to prepare a report on the proposed Chandrayaan-3.

Ahh priorities
"By next year-end"------"By the end of 2020 or early 2021"-------"In 2021"------"By the end of 2021"-----"By the end of 2021 or early 2022"---------
Let’s make fun when we’re able to achieve what a fraction of ISRO is capable of.

Only complete retards like our science minister make fun of the adversary for things which we’re behind on and that they’ve done well.
Oh Jungi, dissapointed that you said this. ISRO is a scam. Be it the Muti sat launch, ASAT test, or chandrayaan2. Ask @Horus, what I told him about the ASAT test, and how long before Chandrayaan2 I told him it was a failure - contact was lost.

Horus 31 July 2019  - -.JPG
ISRO is a scam.
Yeah, that's why them Arabs collab and send sats with ISRO.

what I told him about the ASAT test
NASA who tracked debris of ASAT test must be part of the scam too.

I don't understand why we should declare we failed at that scam (Chandrayaan 2) it could've been declared a success, then that's a successful scam.
Let’s make fun when we’re able to achieve what a fraction of ISRO is capable of.

Only complete retards like our science minister make fun of the adversary for things which we’re behind on and that they’ve done well.

Well I would have celebrated their last mission, but then these mannerless rats starting using it to malign Pakistan so now I dont care
Yeah, that's why them Arabs collab and send sats with ISRO.

NASA who tracked debris of ASAT test must be part of the scam too.

I don't understand why we should declare we failed at that scam (Chandrayaan 2) it could've been declared a success, then that's a successful scam.

According to this fella, there is definitely no CY-2 orbiter beaming back pictures and data either lol. It all just failed at launch. Dayum!

That's a lot of agencies worldwide in on this conspiracy.
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How can you knock India for this? at least they are trying and not giving up. The US has had space failures too. We did not throw in the towel because of that. Only losers do!

Its gets even better in this thread lol. "Professionals" and "think tanks" all essentially claiming NASA @KAL-EL , ESA @Vergennes and even Indonesia Space agency (LAPAN) @Indos telemetry and comms networks are in on the conspiracy of chandrayaan 2 blowing up at launch and there being some foul fiction up there.

They are all receiving and relaying fictitious made up comms data from the orbiter as we speak lol. Not to mention all the international radars tracking CY-2 during orbit raising and lunar trajectory all were "told" to make things up :rofl:

You really can't make things like this up! @rott more street fighter exorcism is needed sometimes lol

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