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Chanakya TV Series

PS @aasim- I really liked the parts where Amatya 'Rakshas' comes in. The quality of his acting is superb. That would be between episodes 20 and 30 where the uprisings aginast Magadha begin to finally start taking shape.
to all my Indian friends,, please dont compare zaid hamid to Kautilya,, its insult to compare a joker to the greatest strategist ever walked this earth,. Other than that,, Rakshas had an equal capabilities in terms of strategising and statecraft but Nandas didnt allow him a free hand and their lackadaiscal attitude towards ruling the kingdom, wasted his accumen. I believe Rakshas deserves an equal respect in history as Kautilya 
to all my Indian friends,, please dont compare zaid hamid to Kautilya,, its insult to compare a joker to the greatest strategist ever walked this earth,. Other than that,, Rakshas had an equal capabilities in terms of strategising and statecraft but Nandas didnt allow him a free hand and their lackadaiscal attitude towards ruling the kingdom, wasted his accumen. He was the Bhishma of Magadh, right person stuck with wrong people. I believe Rakshas deserves an equal respect in history as Kautilya.
first book ever on statecraft-arthashastra..
he also made a series 'ek aur mahabharat' .. but stopped at 14 episodes .. it was quite good, better than br chopra's
We are not talking about time lines but intentions behind it. Anyone who think Chanakya had noble intentions is grade a idiot, especially when there is possibility he killed Punjabi King Porus.
There is a difference. Chanakya wanted to create a greater powerfull Indian state capable of stopping foreign invasions such as greeks. And he actually succeeded.
But Sir Zaid hamid?

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