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Chairman Imran Khan is not Anti America, PTI USA leader Atif Khan tells Congressman Adam Schiff

Could you please explain that distinction in geopolitical terms, for my benefit. Thanks.

it's geographical problem VC ... he was never against USA he was against America which is in close proximity geographically speaking, this causes problems for IK's haters
Look at it this way: did IK not blame USA for being anti-IK by conspiring to ouster him? So now he is asking those he falsely accused of being against him for their help after fanning anti-America rhetoric for his own political gains. The issue here is IK's unpredictable swings of views and policies, and nothing else. Everyone who matters is now wary of his views and commitments, and rightfully so.
my question again, with all that balony you have said. has the yankee interference inside Pakistan been denied? you are bending backwards like mad to tell people that IK this that the other BUT can you confidently say that the yanks did not interfere in bringing his government down?
. . .
IK is not bending over backward and allowing Americans to run a train on his behind and people of Pakistan.
IK is engaging the world super power which pretends to support human rights and democracy and has highlighted in the past how Pakistan nuclear weapons are not safe. By engaging them, he is highlighting the risk of civil war in Pakistan.

There is a huge difference between how Pakistani haramkhor generals and PDM engage with Americans to what PTI is doing. IK is not asking Americans to make him PM, PTI stance is that democracy should not be derailed otherwise there will be consequences that the entire world will face.

I like how feeble minded PDM and faujeets keep confusing PTI engagement with Americans. You guys love to twist statements and situations to how you view the world through your undeveloped brains.
it's geographical problem VC ... he was never against USA he was against America which is in close proximity geographically speaking, this causes problems for IK's haters

Well, USA does have a global presence just about everywhere, whether people love it or hate it. That is their problem, since no one is stopping them from developing such global reach themselves.

If that is the case then it is perfectly fine for PTI and IK to also state the same.

Of course he is entitled to his views, and to pursue policies based on those views if he is in power, whatever they may be. The only issue here is his trying to make up with those in private that he offends in public by making outlandish and false claims, and totally unnecessarily at that, that come at a high cost to Pakistan's overall national interests.
Same old garbage by pmln bhudda same topic on daily basis useless.

Been discussed since April 2022.

against America or against American policy is two different views .... that's why I always say ... PMLN supporters need atleast high school degree ... I am against Indian govt or Modi views and policy but not against India or Indian people.
pmln are filled with Jahil bhudda
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