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CH-5 drone in pakistan


Funny, ... it's exactly my collage of image to demonstrate that it was a WL-I I posted some months ago.

Can't be ... WL II just had its maiden flight last month!

It is exactly your collage to remind you while you were calling it US drone on first page. It's good your memory got reloaded.

It was good catch by SOHEIL that it was WL.
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It is exactly your collage to remind you while you were calling it US drone on first page. It's good your memory got reloaded.

It was good catch by SOHEIL that it was WL.

I think You are mixing the chronological order. Given the first image posted (= 1.) someone noted it was a CH-5 and my collage (= 2.) was posted to show it was a Reaper. That Reaper however did not crash in Pakistan but somewhere else and only then the true crashed (= 3.) UAV was posted, which - to correct my first statement - is clearly a Wing Loong I.
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