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Centre Plans ‘Strategic Change’ Against Naxals

Send in army and mechanised division to blow those f##ks out.
India would have been better without them.

Bro,the terrain is such that i dont think mechanised divisions would be too effective.

I would like to see the attack helicopters and Garuds in action.
Yeah bro , I got impulsive and typed that. I meant heavy weapons .
But this mess should be solved quickly.
how do they get weapons?

When intel agencies of Western countries use tourism as a guise and do the following shit:

Purulia arms drop case - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This is why even the Europeans are not free of any guilt. They are as much in bed with the bad as any bigger power is.

Having cobbled streets and low population-based low crime rate doesn't make them peaceful. Most of them do their dirty stuff in other developing countries whose governments are too weak to oppose.

Naxalite terrorists have clear funding, arms and ammunition supply from foreign countries. Most of these people have supply lines through Nepal-India border which is dense forests.
Ok but can you explain this to children/mother of father/son who got killed by these "innocent" men ?
What a pathetic thing to think , we can keep our self clean and sacrifice a few soldiers.
Do you know that in 1999 the during Kargil conflict the casualty would've much less if we had attacked inside Pakistan's territory and cut off their supply route. But our politicians chose the path of self rightness .
Always remember it's not a sin to take up arm against someone who takes it up against you.
The only reason I would not wan't the IA to get involved here is that using them "inside india" would decrease their morale as people will shout , why are you killing your own people ?
exactly...................thats why we need only para it will do the job.........para has gone a lot of transformation it can now handle this kind of situation no need of army......
When intel agencies of Western countries use tourism as a guise and do the following shit:

Purulia arms drop case - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This is why even the Europeans are not free of any guilt. They are as much in bed with the bad as any bigger power is.

Having cobbled streets and low population-based low crime rate doesn't make them peaceful. Most of them do their dirty stuff in other developing countries whose governments are too weak to oppose.

Naxalite terrorists have clear funding, arms and ammunition supply from foreign countries. Most of these people have supply lines through Nepal-India border which is dense forests.

In time these suckers will be crushed
Do whatever it takes but clean them up. They are holding up development as well as resources. If they are not interested in joining mainstream then convert them in manure for forests.

If one is engaging and holding up significant number of paramilitary personnel for so long then it is grave threat.
what a thread... talk of murder of naxalites who only want a progressive society in india... no talk or demand for indian military to take action against gathering places of sanghis who on february 14 will be terrorizing india.

@Horus @Jungibaaz @waz

i request close of this terrorist support thread... look at the posts 20 and 21.
what a thread... talk of murder of naxalites who only want a progressive society in india... no talk or demand for indian military to take action against gathering places of sanghis who on february 14 will be terrorizing india.

@Horus @Jungibaaz @waz

i request close of this terrorist support thread... look at the posts 20 and 21.

It's internal politics bro. I can't really step in. Truthfully my knowledge of the scene is sketchy.
First you ignore them.
Then you laugh at them.
Then you criticize them.
Then you get angry at them.
Then you change your strategy in frustration.
Then they win!
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