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Centre denying KP right of direct borrowing


Apr 27, 2010
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Centre denying KP right of direct borrowing

PESHAWAR: The federal government has put its feet over the provinces’ right of borrowing directly from domestic or foreign donors to the dismay of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa government, which wants to use the constitutional provision in this respect to its benefit.

According to well-placed official sources, the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa government has moved the federal government more than once to fulfil the constitutional obligation and allow the federating units to borrow directly from the domestic or foreign donors.

“They (federal decision makers) have not been listening to the provinces’ repeated reminders,” said an official of the provincial government.

After the passage of the 18th Constitutional Amendment in April 2010, said the official, the federating units could borrow directly from the domestic and international lenders but the constitutional right remained unfulfilled.

The Section (4) of Article 167 of the Constitution empowers the federating units to negotiate and borrow directly by issuing sovereign guarantees, but the incumbent federal government, like its predecessor, said the official, had exercised reluctance to let the provinces avail themselves of the facility.

The constitutional provision, in this regard, says: “a province may raise domestic or international loan, or give guarantees on the security of the Provincial Consolidated Fund within such limit and subject to such conditions as may be specified by the National Economic Council.”

According to officials, the constitutional obligations remains unfulfilled because the NEC has yet to prescribe a framework for the provincial governments thereby they could negotiate the loan agreements.

“Like its predecessor, the sitting federal government, too, has been uncompromising,” said the official.

Another official said the federal government was unrelenting due to its own compulsions.

“The center has used the borrowing limit to the maximum, leaving little for the provinces to take loans directly,” he added.

The denial of the constitutional rights has been a source of anxiety for the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa government and its bureaucrats.

The province, said an official, wanted to exploit the facility for carrying out capital intensive development initiatives.

Apart from exploiting the expensive hydel power generation opportunities, the provincial government, said an official, could use the Centre denying KP right of direct borrowing facility to exploit the province’s oil and gas sector potential and the future promise held by the tourism sector.

The province, added the official, had got plans, which needed massive investment.

“Even if the domestic and foreign lenders do not lend money to the provincial government, it may use other options available to it to raise money for undertaking the growth-oriented development endeavor,” said the official.

He said in such an eventuality (no lending by domestic and foreign lending institutions), the provincial government might issue bonds, tapping the potential entailed in the overseas Pakhtun diasporas.

“Though there is no such organised thinking at present to issue bonds, but this makes a vibrant option to raise money from the market without looking towards the lending institutions,” said the official.

The provincial bureaucracy attaches significance to the facility as it would allow the province to arrange much wanted funds for the growth oriented projects.

The province does not have ample fiscal space to undertake expensive endeavors whereas the existing mechanism of borrowing funds (from international lending institutions) happens to be time consuming as the Economic Division has the decisive role in borrowing money for the federating units.

Provincial finance minister Sirajul Haq, when contacted, said apart from acquiring investment for the hydro power generation plants, the provincial government needed funds for extracting mineral resources of the province.

“The provincial government does not have the financial resources to exploit the province’s mineral resources,” said the minister, adding that the provincial government also needed investment for constructing an important trade road to access Central Asian markets by linking Chitral with Tajikistan.

“This is a huge economic endeavor which would benefit the province’s economic interest, in particular, and Pakistan’s, in general, in the long run, but the provincial government does not have the funds to build the road,” said the minister.

He said the direct borrowing facility would help the province materialise the Chitral-Tajikistan trade route linkage apart from undertaking other projects vital for boosting the provincial economy.

In this respect, according to official sources, the minister also explained the province’s grievance to the leaders of the provincial parliamentary parties belonging to the joint opposition, in a meeting with them on Thursday, and sought their cooperation in this regard.

He apprised the opposition leaders that despite the lapse of more than three years after the passage of the 18th Constitutional amendment, the framework to be prescribed by the NEC had not been put in place.

However, Senator Haji Adeel of Awami National Party, who is also representing Khyber Pakhtunkhwa as its non-statutory member on the National Finance Commission, on Saturday said the provincial government should take up the matter at the Senate.

“Since both the Jamaat-i-Islami and Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf do not have representation in the Senate, they can ask us (ANP’s senators) to raise the province’s concerns in the Upper House of the Parliament,” he told Dawn.

Centre denying KP right of direct borrowing - DAWN.COM


On one hand, CM Punjab Shahbaz Sharif is directly engaged in negotiations with chineese and turkish companies for the province and federal (even though, he have no authority to approve anything for federal) but Federal govt is deliberately denying the rights of KP provincial govt. Shame

1) Federal Govt is not giving KPK its rightful share as per NFC Award 2010

2) Federal Govt is not giving KPK its share in electricity earnings

3) Federal Govt was not comfortable when WHO offered direct polio vaccination assistance to KP Govt without involving federal govt, as an acknowledgement of KP govt's efforts to curb polio from province

4) Federal Govt is not letting KPK to bring in direct foreign or local investment and aren't allowing them to do borrowing for their provincial projects

And then they ask where is Naya KPK??

@cb4 @hasnain0099 @arushbhai @Saifullah Sani @Tameem @Armstrong @LoveIcon @Leader @mafiya @Aeronaut @A.Rafay @pkuser2k12 @Jzaib @Azlan Haider
^^^ can punjab govt directly borrow money then?
I can understand why they will do it though because PTI has many plans to do many things that cannot be achieved within budget.
^^^ can punjab govt directly borrow money then?

Yes, Lahore Metro Bus project is perfect example as Turkey directly invested in it. Plus CM Punjab is directly engaged in Chinese and Turkish investors for several projects (even for federal), he frequently visits these countries.

Plus (from same article):

The Section (4) of Article 167 of the Constitution empowers the federating units to negotiate and borrow directly by issuing sovereign guarantees, but the incumbent federal government, like its predecessor, said the official, had exercised reluctance to let the provinces avail themselves of the facility.
Typical Pakistani politicians , just for their won benefits they will destroy the country.:angry:
Sharif doesn't want KPK developed under PTI so in next elections they can swoop in to save the day, Simply Disgusting.
PTI should simply go public with it , Noora is not a strong ruler just apply a little pressure and he will abide :agree:
PTI should simply go public with it , Noora is not a strong ruler just apply a little pressure and he will abide :agree:

Agreed with this, PTI especially KP govt should apply some pressure. They should go to court and see all other available options to find a way out. KP govt cannot afford to just sit idly and do nothing because of shortage of funds and resources.
Yes, Lahore Metro Bus project is perfect example as Turkey directly invested in it. Plus CM Punjab is directly engaged in Chinese and Turkish investors for several projects (even for federal), he frequently visits these countries.

Plus (from same article):
metrobus is a BOT project, its not a simple case of borrowing money. There is nothing wrong in infra development project through partnership unless it involves collosal sums of money.
I hope there is a limit to how much a province can borrow (either fixed amount or as percentage of its gdp) in your constitutional provision, otherwise provinces will borrow like there is no tomorrow and federal govt will face consequence.
metrobus is a BOT project, its not a simple case of borrowing money. There is nothing wrong in infra development project through partnership unless it involves collosal sums of money.
I hope there is a limit to how much a province can borrow (either fixed amount or as percentage of its gdp) in your constitutional provision, otherwise provinces will borrow like there is no tomorrow and federal govt will face consequence.
KP cannot depend on investments like Punjab due to security situation.
It isn't given enough budget , therefore it needs soft loans etc to develop itself otherwise it will always lag.Therefore Noora is seriously and intentionally hurting the situation here , to make way for his party. KPK does not uphold Family politics unlike other Sindh. You either perform or you go if PTI fails in this Noora couldn't get happier.
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Yes, Lahore Metro Bus project is perfect example as Turkey directly invested in it. Plus CM Punjab is directly engaged in Chinese and Turkish investors for several projects (even for federal), he frequently visits these countries.

Plus (from same article):
There is a difference between investment and borrowing.
1-An institutional investor investing in Pakistan doesn't constitute as provincial borrowing.
2-The foremost aspect of allowing provinces to borrow would be how the risk of provincial borrowing would be conceived?
2a-What would be the status of provincial borrowing i.e. would this be considered as AAA as the federation of sovereign is? or would this debt raising be conditioned to e.g. transfers from domestic pool or domestic taxation capacity? allowing interprovincial borrowing is risky not only for provincial fiscal management but also for federation since it will always be seen as implied guarantor of provincial borrowing
ohh here it comes again another excuse for the #PTI failures ...every where
1. MBT was not a loan, it was direct investment by Turks .. built operate n transfer contract ...
2. is it a bogus projct... well yes as per #PTI's definition cuz more than 180'000 ppl using this at 20RS / 20 km ....
certainly ppl benefit is agaisnt #PTI's real manifesto ...
3. KPK implementing the same project for Peshawar ... where population density is wayyyyyyyyyy less than Lahore .....THAT IS A REAL BOGUS PJ,
4. Last i heared from #IK abusive jalsas that #PTI will never borrow ..... so again a U turn or Business as usual .. ????
5. No province including #PU is allowed for direct borrowing, every thing is subjected to sovereign guarantees by Fed govt ...so spreading rumors tht Pu is borrowing is #pathetic

Stop being a J*%k ..... accept where ur wrong only then you can achieve something .... uptill now #Tsunami is only being able to bring further depreciation to #KPK nothing more ...

Yes, Lahore Metro Bus project is perfect example as Turkey directly invested in it. Plus CM Punjab is directly engaged in Chinese and Turkish investors for several projects (even for federal), he frequently visits these countries.

Plus (from same article):
There is a difference between investment and borrowing.
1-An institutional investor investing in Pakistan doesn't constitute as provincial borrowing.
2-The foremost aspect of allowing provinces to borrow would be how the risk of provincial borrowing would be conceived?
2a-What would be the status of provincial borrowing i.e. would this be considered as AAA as the federation of sovereign is? or would this debt raising be conditioned to e.g. transfers from domestic pool or domestic taxation capacity? allowing interprovincial borrowing is risky not only for provincial fiscal management but also for federation since it will always be seen as implied guarantor of provincial borrowing

Stop going round and round, come to the point. If direct borrowing by province is bad, then why only Punjab is allowed? Similarly why direct foreign investment is coming to Punjab only while other provinces are not allowed?

Foreign Direct Investment of 1 Billion dollars in Punjab by a German company in Solar power projects ... Just because of the credibility PML(N) leadership enjoys internationally. Turkish, Chinese, Germans have worked quite comfortably with Chief Minister Punjab Shahbaz Sharif. First solar energy project being setup in Cholistan this month which will start functioning by June 2013.


Souce: Khawaja Asif - Foreign Direct Investment of 1 Billion... | Facebook (Khawaja Asif Official on FB

PUNJAB's debt burden is mounting fast. The provincial debt stock has soared in two years to Rs486 billion — domestic loans of Rs95 billion and foreign borrowings of Rs391 billion — from Rs350 billion. The outstanding debt is 83 per cent of the proposed provincial budgetary outlay of Rs583.6 billion for the next financial year, and above 99 per cent of the estimated outlay of Rs490 billion for the outgoing year.

Source: Punjab`s huge debt and revenue lag - DAWN.COM

PS: Read complete article to open your eyes.

Punjab’S total foreign and domestic debt stock is on the increase in absolute terms. But it has shown a declining trend in terms of the debt to gross regional product ratio in the last few years, because of what provincial managers describe as better financial management.

Source: Punjab defines ‘sustainable’ debt burden - DAWN.COM

Also Punjab govt borrowing like there’s no tomorrow | Pakistan Today

ohh here it comes again another excuse for the #PTI failures ...every where
1. MBT was not a loan, it was direct investment by Turks .. built operate n transfer contract ...
2. is it a bogus projct... well yes as per #PTI's definition cuz more than 180'000 ppl using this at 20RS / 20 km ....
certainly ppl benefit is agaisnt #PTI's real manifesto ...
3. KPK implementing the same project for Peshawar ... where population density is wayyyyyyyyyy less than Lahore .....THAT IS A REAL BOGUS PJ,
4. Last i heared from #IK abusive jalsas that #PTI will never borrow ..... so again a U turn or Business as usual .. ????
5. No province including #PU is allowed for direct borrowing, every thing is subjected to sovereign guarantees by Fed govt ...so spreading rumors tht Pu is borrowing is #pathetic

Stop being a J*%k ..... accept where ur wrong only then you can achieve something .... uptill now #Tsunami is only being able to bring further depreciation to #KPK nothing more ...

LOL what direct investment, the whole project was on borrowing, the returns will be paid by the earnings.. :lol:

Plus if CM Punjab Showbaz Sharif does it, its peefectly fine but when KP Govt does this (here they are not allowed to do so yet) then Character Dhela hay.. :lol:

Suck this: Punjab condemns foreign funds but accepts billions anyway - thenews.com.pk

Here's an excerpt:
ISLAMABAD: The government of Punjab, which had recently secured front page coverage by its proclamation about shunning all funding by foreign donors, demanded from Islamabad to increase its borrowing limits and ensure release of development funds to avoid delays in the execution of projects in the next budget, it is learnt.

Go bang your head at nearby wall, might help you come to your senses.. :laugh:
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There is a difference between investment and borrowing.
1-An institutional investor investing in Pakistan doesn't constitute as provincial borrowing.
2-The foremost aspect of allowing provinces to borrow would be how the risk of provincial borrowing would be conceived?
2a-What would be the status of provincial borrowing i.e. would this be considered as AAA as the federation of sovereign is? or would this debt raising be conditioned to e.g. transfers from domestic pool or domestic taxation capacity? allowing interprovincial borrowing is risky not only for provincial fiscal management but also for federation since it will always be seen as implied guarantor of provincial borrowing

bandar ke haath main govt a gye hay, her moving cheez ke pichey bhaagta hay without knowing it could be a poison
reading your post suggests .... u already banged ur head pretty bad
... foreign investment is coming to Pu cuz of its development n projects completed ... not like #PTi whoes #KPK is only #Peshawar ..... n even that is not complete ....

so if what u said is not "build Operate n transfer contract ...... then chunoooo ...the thing best for you is #IK's abusive #tsunami goliaaaa ...
try googling the difference .....

Stop going round and round, come to the point. If direct borrowing by province is bad, then why only Punjab is allowed? Similarly why direct foreign investment is coming to Punjab only while other provinces are not allowed?
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