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CDC data show 74% of people who tested positive for the virus in Massachusetts outbreak were fully vaccinated


Jul 2, 2014
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UPDATE 2-Most COVID-19 cases in Massachusetts outbreak among vaccinated, says CDC
Manas Mishra
Sat, July 31, 2021, 1:38 AM·2 min read

(Updates case number and specifies town)
By Manas Mishra
July 30 (Reuters) - Three-quarters of people infected with COVID-19 at July public events in a town on Cape Cod in Massachusetts were fully vaccinated, a study by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) showed.
The study, published on Friday, suggested the Delta variant of the virus was highly contagious. The outbreak occurred in Provincetown on Cape Cod, according to Barnstable County health authorities.
The CDC study found vaccinated individuals had a similar amount of virus presence as the unvaccinated, suggesting that, unlike with other variants, vaccinated people infected with the Delta variant could transmit the virus, the CDC said.
CDC Director Rochelle Walensky said this was a "pivotal discovery" leading to CDC's recommendation this week that masks be worn in areas where cases were surging as a precaution against possible transmission by fully vaccinated people.
"The masking recommendation was updated to ensure the vaccinated public would not unknowingly transmit virus to others, including their unvaccinated or immunocompromised loved ones," Walensky said.
The CDC said 469 cases were found among Massachusetts residents from July 3 to 26 related to the Cape Code outbreak. Of those, 74% were among fully vaccinated people. The CDC said its study excluded residents of 22 other states. Barnstable County reported that as of July 30, 934 total cases had been associated with the outbreak.
The CDC said that overall, 79% of the vaccinated individuals who were infected with COVID-19 also reported symptoms such as cough, headache, sore throat and fever. Four had to be hospitalized, the CDC said.
Vaccinated individuals had received one of the three available shots made by Pfizer Inc and BioNTech , Moderna Inc or Johnson & Johnson, the data showed.
The study's authors recommended local health authorities consider requiring masks in indoor public settings regardless of vaccination status or the number of cases in the community.
The CDC said that people with COVID-19 reported having been at densely packed indoor and outdoor events including bars, restaurants, guest houses and rental homes. (Reporting by Manas Mishra in Bengaluru; Editing by Howard Goller and Edmund Blair)

Is Singapore government deranged?

(mRNA) vaccines have an effectiveness of 69 per cent against the Delta variant of the coronavirus, regardless of symptoms, Health Minister Ong Ye Kung said.

The data also shows that the mRNA vaccines provide 80 to 90 per cent protection against symptomatic disease, and 93 per cent protection against severe symptoms requiring oxygen supplementation or intensive care and death.

According to UK data one can still catch the virus eventhough they have been vaccinated with both jabs. However hospital admissions and deaths are down which shows the vaccines are working. It is still best to implement social distancing measures.
Not my oppinion just what I saw on UK news.
According to UK data one can still catch the virus eventhough they have been vaccinated with both jabs. However hospital admissions and deaths are down which shows the vaccines are working. It is still best to implement social distancing measures.
Not my oppinion just what I saw on UK news.

Same as Sinovac and Sinopham but western media will always try to paint Chinese vaccine as useless while claim Western vaccine as magic solution. Now we are seeing mass covid-19 resurgent in US becos of Delta Variant. The death and hospitalisation rate will slowly go up too.. @Mista

What happened? I thought u claim Moderna and Pfizer are the magic solution? Can reduced death rate and hospitalization significantly? Why so many American vaccinated still need intensive care or even death? So many lies from you. If Sinovac is useless, Moderna and Pfizer are equally trashed against Delta Variant.

OKLAHOMA CITY – The seven-day average of new COVID-19 cases in Oklahoma topped 1,000 over the weekend as the formidable delta variant – now the dominant strain in the United States – continued to spread.

The Oklahoma State Department of Health on Monday reported 9,130 active cases of COVID-19 in the state and a new-case seven-day average of 1,159, which is nearly six times as high as one month ago.

The department’s most recent weekly epidemiology and surveillance report shows 4,840 cases were reported July 11-17 – an increase of 80% from the week before – and 37 deaths were reported.

“This is resulting in a lot more hospitalizations. Currently, a third of those admitted to the hospital are in an intensive care unit bed, and while care for COVID patients has improved, there will continue to be deaths from this disease,” said Dr. Dale Bratzler, the University of Oklahoma’s chief COVID officer. “We have a fairly profound shortage of nurses in the state – in part due to COVID burnout from early this year – which is making it just that much more difficult to care for patients.”
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Is Singapore government deranged?

(mRNA) vaccines have an effectiveness of 69 per cent against the Delta variant of the coronavirus, regardless of symptoms, Health Minister Ong Ye Kung said.

The data also shows that the mRNA vaccines provide 80 to 90 per cent protection against symptomatic disease, and 93 per cent protection against severe symptoms requiring oxygen supplementation or intensive care and death.

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The Singapore minister are all American lapdogs. Always singing the tune with American. They just take American words without any verification. The America are some suffering from Delta attack and their moderna and Pfizer are equally useless too. Not the claim of 80-90% protection against symptomatic disease or death. Singapore better continue strict lockdown too.
Is Singapore government deranged?

(mRNA) vaccines have an effectiveness of 69 per cent against the Delta variant of the coronavirus, regardless of symptoms, Health Minister Ong Ye Kung said.

The data also shows that the mRNA vaccines provide 80 to 90 per cent protection against symptomatic disease, and 93 per cent protection against severe symptoms requiring oxygen supplementation or intensive care and death.

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39%, it kind of matches up to the OP news with not much % difference.

Same as Sinovac and Sinopham but western media will always try to paint Chinese vaccine as useless while claim Western vaccine as magic solution. Now we are seeing mass covid-19 resurgent in US becos of Delta Variant. The death and hospitalisation rate will slowly go up too.. @Mista

What happened? I thought u claim Moderna and Pfizer are the magic solution? Can reduced death rate and hospitalization significantly? Why so many American vaccinated still need intensive care or even death? So many lies from you. If Sinovac is useless, Moderna and Pfizer are equally trashed against Delta Variant.

If you want to tag me, tag me from the start instead of editing. I didn't receive your notification.

And I stand by my claim that mRNA vaccines are still more effective than Sinovac. I still see no convincing counterargument.


8 out of 184 cases are in serious condition. 8/184 = 4.3%.

That's a percentage similar to Singapore's unvaccinated:


We need to know how many out of the 184 cases are vaccinated to draw more conclusion.


I don't see a drop in daily deaths in Chile since its vaccination started since around January.

OTOH deaths in Israel, UK and the US have dropped significantly since vaccination around January, despite more getting recently infected with delta.




The Singapore minister are all American lapdogs.

Lmao. Yeah yeah, typical of Chinese keyboard warriors to say that.
If you want to tag me, tag me from the start instead of editing. I didn't receive your notification.

And I stand by my claim that mRNA vaccines are still more effective than Sinovac. I still see no convincing counterargument.

View attachment 767080

I don't see a drop in daily deaths in Chile since its vaccination started since around January.

OTOH deaths in Israel, UK and the US have dropped significantly since vaccination around January, despite more getting recently infected with delta.

View attachment 767081
View attachment 767082
View attachment 767083

Lmao. Yeah yeah, typical of Chinese keyboard warriors to say that.
We already have another case study to gauge effectiveness of Chinese Vaccines - Indonesia. Chinese vaccines proved significantly useless against the raging Indian variant whereas western vaccines are doing surprisingly well against the same variant.

Unfortunately my folks back home got the Chinese ones. For now, I've told them to take precautions assuming they're not vaccinated. Alliance with China doesn't mean we stop calling black, black.
Not the claim of 80-90% protection against symptomatic disease or death.

Look at the statistic from Singapore I provided above.


Around 5% of unvaccinated requires oxygen supplementation/ICU, while for fully vaccinated the figure is around 0.1%. Which means to say you're more than 10x likely to end up in serious condition if you're completely unvaccinated compared to fully vaccinated.

Thus, the claim of "80-90% protection against symptomatic disease or death" is reasonable.
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We already have another case study to gauge effectiveness of Chinese Vaccines - Indonesia. Chinese vaccines proved significantly useless against the raging Indian variant whereas western vaccines are doing surprisingly well against the same variant.

Unfortunately my folks back home got the Chinese ones. For now, I've told them to take precautions assuming they're not vaccinated. Alliance with China doesn't mean we stop calling black, black.

I honestly couldn't care less where the vaccines come from. Different vaccines have different efficacies. And since Singapore have access to both mRNA and Sinovac vaccines we should use the ones who can give us the greatest chance of returning to normalcy, which happen to be the Western mRNA vaccines.

I would advocate for Chinese vaccines if there are multiple studies that show its superior. But you can see the attitude of Chinese posters here... I don't have to elaborate. Heck, even their own experts have admitted that their vaccines are less effective than mRNA vaccines. And here you have posters calling others American lapdogs for not using their vaccines lol.


For most developing countries, a less effective vaccine is still better than no vaccine. Your relatives made the right choice instead of waiting.
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American state propaganda mouthpieces and keyboard warriors got pretty silent about their "leaky vaccine" buzzword from last months fads to slander Chinese vaccines, abusing the vaccines real world records in affected primarily developing countries where vaccination and quarantines where slow and less well regulated due to infrastructural circumstances, opposed to ideal and handpicked lab tests and controlled and perfectly isolated areas in developed countries that dont rely on Chinas vaccine exports because they are hording their vaccinces for themself.

Suddenly its all about preventing death and hospitalization again like Sinovac did in once collapsing declared Chile where deaths have been steadily dropping for a month and infections tanking hard with inocculation rates nearing 100% and the situation normalizing so far they even lifted some quarantines, as opposed to the UK where deaths are accelerating upwards again along with infections bouncing up, no matter how much paid American shills lie into your face and try to assert the opposite, brazenly dressing up their lies with fancy datasheets clearly pointing into another direction if you actually read them.
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Those who has contacts in Singapore will observed a massive surge in conspiracy theory, facebook and "Telegram" chat room, alleging mRNA vaccine of dangerous.

Death are reported 72 hours after mRNA.

For all these cases, doctors in Singapore are incredibly syncrhonized in telling the patients this has nothing to do with mRNA.

Meanwhile Singapore Wumao is now in hopeless vandalizing attempts in all these chatroom, often label the pliants as crackpot.

Lots of my Singaporean friends write in their facebook they got fever or other pains after mRNA.

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By now it will be stupid to believe in SIngapore government Covid numbers. They are completely lies. The only way to convince otherwise is when I see these papers got accepted by NATURE, SCIENCE or LANCET magazine.

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