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CCTV: Until to 2020 China Navy will have 6x 052C,8x 052D,6x 055 DDGs


Dec 23, 2012
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CCTV news reported, 6x 052C + 8x 052D + 6x 055 DDGs will serve in PLAN until to 2020.:-)

True ???
If true , that is very nice ... it will boost the capabilities of PLAAN ....

i really misses the deal of taking 2 Type 54a of 10 year lease from China :( i wish that happens
If true , that is very nice ... it will boost the capabilities of PLAAN ....

i really misses the deal of taking 2 Type 54a of 10 year lease from China :( i wish that happens

Why lease, buy at least 2 and lease 2 more.
Ah well then make them in pakistan under soft credit from China, it will help stimulate the economy, build your shipbuilding industry and you can pay in instalments.

i dont know what are plans of PN , but i do know that they know that our type 21 are getting older than Gandalf ... so before they are torn into pieces from rust , i believe we have to replace them ..
A little optimistic IMO.
2020 is only 5 years away and China is only in the initial stage of making the 055 destroyer.

I predict 6 052c, 12 052d and if lucky 1 055.
To safe guard SCS though, quantity > quality, so ships like 056 corvette and 054a frigates are more important.
I read that China was 60 056 and possibly 24 054a.
A little optimistic IMO.
2020 is only 5 years away and China is only in the initial stage of making the 055 destroyer.

I predict 6 052c, 12 052d and if lucky 1 055.
To safe guard SCS though, quantity > quality, so ships like 056 corvette and 054a frigates are more important.
I read that China was 60 056 and possibly 24 054a.
I'm not sure about the 6 055, but it's not impossible, we build them in 3s or 4s and we can do it if we want to, and it looks like we want to, the first 055 has already started, so the first one entering service sometime 2017 or at most 18 is pretty much set, so if we do 2 a year, which sounds right, that's 6 by 2020. Very hard to have just 1 in 2020, as we don't build just 1 of anything, not even carriers.

056 will reach a number of 50 by 2020, though more likely before, as we have around 20 now, and we induct ~8 every year. 054a is done, 054b will start and 20 by 2023 or 24 is the timeline.

So about 30 054 class and 50+ 056 or equivalent by 2020 is a pretty safe estimate.

Add the 18-20 DDGs, though maybe 4 more 052D? by then? That's more than enough to take on anyone in Asia, not including America, cause I don't think major powers will go at it, and there's good reason for that.
A little optimistic IMO.
2020 is only 5 years away and China is only in the initial stage of making the 055 destroyer.

I predict 6 052c, 12 052d and if lucky 1 055.
To safe guard SCS though, quantity > quality, so ships like 056 corvette and 054a frigates are more important.
I read that China was 60 056 and possibly 24 054a.
055 start construction this year already and it uses lots of mature subsystem including propulsion and weapons. So it will be fast. By 2020, at least 3 055.
055 start construction this year already and it uses lots of mature subsystem including propulsion and weapons. So it will be fast. By 2020, at least 3 055.

By the time of the PLAN's 70th anniversary in 2019, there will be one Type 055 being deployed, one in the sea trial, one in the fitting out, and one under the construction.
A little optimistic IMO.
2020 is only 5 years away and China is only in the initial stage of making the 055 destroyer.

I predict 6 052c, 12 052d and if lucky 1 055.
To safe guard SCS though, quantity > quality, so ships like 056 corvette and 054a frigates are more important.
I read that China was 60 056 and possibly 24 054a.

An initial order for 8 055s has been placed with 2 shipyards,so。。。。。。

Who knows。。。:D
A little optimistic IMO.
2020 is only 5 years away and China is only in the initial stage of making the 055 destroyer.

I predict 6 052c, 12 052d and if lucky 1 055.
To safe guard SCS though, quantity > quality, so ships like 056 corvette and 054a frigates are more important.
I read that China was 60 056 and possibly 24 054a.
If ShangHai JN and DaLian shipyards to build 055 together in next Five Years, maybe possible. Anyway 052D should more than 055 DDGs until to 2020.

056 and 054A FFG is much cheaper than AESA DDG, so near 90x has good economic efficiency to defense our interests in SCS.

Big & Little :-)

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If ShangHai JN and DaLian shipyards to build 055 together in next Five Years, maybe possible. Anyway 052D should more than 055 DDGs until to 2020.

056 and 054A FFG is much cheaper than AESA DDG, so near 90x has good economic efficiency to defense our interests in SCS.

Big & Little :-)
View attachment 185139
View attachment 185140
052D shall stop at 8. At least 12 055 must be build to supplement the fleet. 055 is the true warship for defending of CV. With hangar for 2 helo and at least 112 missiles. She is the true independent multi role warship for CV escort, high sorties of ASW monitoring, limited power projection against militants and area air defense.

She will be the first Chinese warship vessel to surpass USN AB in every area.
Yes, I saw the report on TV and was pretty excited as well, any news if more 903 or 071?

052D shall stop at 8. At least 12 055 must be build to supplement the fleet. 055 is the true warship for defending of CV. With hangar for 2 helo and at least 112 missiles. She is the true independent multi role warship for CV escort, high sorties of ASW monitoring, limited power projection against militants and area air defense.

She will be the first Chinese warship vessel to surpass USN AB in every area.

I think carrier strike group will finally get 052C and 054A for escorts, because as good as 052C it can only be used as fleet air defense,

the multi-role 052D and 055 maybe paired with 071 or 093 to form amphibious landing group or surface action groups
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