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“Castrate them!” “Burn them!”: FB Jews reacct to photo of Palestian kids

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Jun 1, 2012
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“Castrate them!” “Burn them!” “Bullet in the head!”: Facebook Israelis react to photo of Palestinian kids


An image of three Palestinian boys sparked an outpouring of violent and sadistic fantasies after it was reposted to an Israeli Facebook page (Original source and screenshot of context). (Shadi Hatem)

Having regularly documented the horrifying racism and violent fantasies frequently expressed by Israelis on Facebook or Instagram, I thought I had seen everything.

But this may be the worst yet. On Wednesday, the picture above of three Palestinian boys in a tent was posted on a popular Facebook page titled in Hebrew “We are all in favor of death to terrorists.” Under the picture is the following caption:

This is an apparent reference to the peaceful “Bab al-Shams” encampment established by Palestinians near Jerusalem to protest Israel’s plans to seize more land for settlements. The protest was timed to coincide with the visit of US President Barack Obama.

“Run the tent over with a truck/Merkava tank/a bus/ whatever it takes to crush and kill these childrensuggested Facebook user Lidor Swisa.


As of Friday there were almost 200 comments under the post offering suggestions of what the Israeli army should do – the vast majority fantasizing extreme sadistic violence and murder.

What makes this even more than usually disturbing is many of the Israeli commentators appear to be high school students themselves – perhaps only a year or two from mandatory army service when they will be empowered to carry out their fantasies.

Soldiers and adults join in the virtual pogrom

But others, such as Shlomo Levi are clearly already army-age adults. His suggestion?

“I’d have thrown nerve gas into the tent and closed it and made them breath it until the end”


Shlomo Levi thinks Palestinian children should be gassed to death

David Kozolovski wrote, “To all those comparing Jews to Nazis, Jews did not try to kill German civilians,” thereby justifying the orgy of violent fantasies against the children.

Kozolovski’s profile pictures on Facebook include images of him in his Israeli army uniform bearing the insignia of the Kfir Infantry Brigade.


Kfir Infantry Brigade member David Kozolovski justifies violence against Palestinian children

Again, I stress as in my previous posts, that this horrifying racism and sadism towards Arabs seems to be pervasive among Israelis who use social media and reflects the much broader phenomenon of escalating racism in Israel against Palestinians and Africans.

Haaretz noted, for instance, in a recent article that racist incitement by Israeli public figures doubled in 2012.

Nurit Peled-Elhanan has also documented in her recent book the pervasive anti-Arab racism and stereotypes that Israeli children are exposed to at school which may contribute to this horrifying phenomenon.

It is also notable that the “We are all in favor of death to terrorists” Facebook group has more than 41,000 “Likes” and images of Palestinians, Arabs and Israelis deemed traitorous “leftists” are frequently posted attracting similarly vile comments.

In his speech in Jerusalem this week, President Obama also observed that “Israelis are so active on social media that every day seemed to bring a different Facebook campaign about where I should give this speech.”

“May you die garbage Arabs, amen!”

This is only a small selection of the representative and typical comments posted under the picture of the three boys in the tent.

  • “Disgusting. Burn the tent” - Oriel Diller
  • “Eliminate” - Zevika Gvirz
  • Artillery training “mistake” - Igor Gonopolskiy [Wouldn't shock me if it was a real IDF tactic. -- RFS]
  • “Burn them” - Yaron Gringauz
  • “May you die garbage Arabs, amen!” - Shahar Dayan
  • “Run them over and shoot them. It’s not complicated!” - Elad Sender
  • “Take the tent with the people in it, put it on a trailer and dump them back where they came from” - Sharon Carmi
  • “A hand grenade inside the tent!” - Dvir Dagan
  • “Put a couple of bullets in their heads and we’re done” - Adi Maman
  • “Set them on fire” - Yosef Porotzky
  • “**** them” - Aria Yehudai

A minority of users objected to these pervasive comments. Lilach Lilush, said, “Excuse me … I disagree… what do you mean ‘eliminate?’ What are we, an arm of Hamas or Hizballah? We are more enlightened. [Ahem! -- RFS] We should just return them safely where they came from.”

But this was a very rare sentiment amid the frenzy of bloodlust that sees the three Palestinian boys in the picture as legitimate targets for extreme violence.
so are we discussing facebook comments now? You have to see what the rest of the world writes about muslims on youtube videos. not only muslims, just read how people like to abuse each other due to the anonymity that internet offers.
It's not all that surprising. BTW Facebook is something along the lines of what real Israelis think, and not some sugarcoated Politician's words.
These comments are indeed despicable. AND the fact that the poster is selectively using only a small fraction of those comments to vilify Israel in general.

Then again, Facebook and social media comments are an avenue to vent out your anger. I'm sure any topic about Israel in a Muslim FB page would have similar reactions from some commentators.
These comments are indeed despicable. AND the fact that the poster is selectively using only a small fraction of those comments to vilify Israel in general.

Then again, Facebook and social media comments are an avenue to vent out your anger. I'm sure any topic about Israel in a Muslim FB page would have similar reactions from some commentators.

fb pages are not immune to photoshop.....see my post (#4)....
so are we discussing facebook comments now? You have to see what the rest of the world writes about muslims on youtube videos. not only muslims, just read how people like to abuse each other due to the anonymity that internet offers.

anonymity of internet brings out the real person that is why ppl have been arrested in India, USA, Briton for FB comments.

stop licking..do it in pvt:omghaha:
thread based on facebook.........................

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