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Case filed to 'stop anti-India voice'


Apr 8, 2007
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The defence of Jamaat leader Muhammad Kamaruzzaman yesterday told International Crimes Tribunal-2 that the Awami League-led government had filed the “false and fabricated” case against him after being “instructed and provoked by India to silence his anti-India voice”.

“After liberation, accused Kamaruzzaman began journalism and started writing against Indian aggression policy,” defence counsel Kafil Uddin Chowdhury told the tribunal yesterday during cross-examination of Hamidul Haque, the first prosecution witness in the war crimes case.

“That's why the ruling Awami League created the false and fabricated case against Kamaruzzaman after being instructed and provoked by the Indian government to silence his anti-Indian voice,” added Kafil Uddin

Hamidul Haque, a freedom fighter and former student leader, rejected the defence claims saying, “It is not true.”

For the fourth day, defence counsel Kafil Uddin cross-examined the prosecution witness, asking over 30 questions.

The three-member tribunal, led by Justice ATM Fazle Kabir and including Justice Obaidul Hassan and Judge Md Shahinur Islam, completed recording the cross-examination of Hamidul before adjourning the case proceedings until July 25. The second prosecution witness will record testimony on that date.

Kafil Uddin said, “What you have said against Kamaruzzaman [in your testimony] is false, fabricated and conspiratorial and you have given the testimony on getting favours from the government.”

Hamidul Haque replied, “It is not true.”

“You have given the testimony for political purposes,” said Kafil Uddin, which Hamidul denied.

“Do you know, where and when Kamaruzzaman formed Al-Badr Bahini [an auxiliary force of the Pakistan army during the 1971 Liberation War]?” Kafil Uddin said.

“I cannot mention the date but he [Kamaruzzaman] formed Al-Badr in Mymensingh town [during the Liberation War],” replied Hamidul.

During his testimony on July 15, Hamidul said Kamaruzzaman had tried to persuade him, while he was detained at an Al-Badr camp during the Liberation War, to join him and root out freedom fighters.

When yesterday's case proceedings began at 2:05pm, Justice ATM Fazle Kabir said, “We are sorry. We could not sit on time due to some technical problems.” He also asked the defence counsel to complete the cross-examination within half an hour.

But when Kafil Uddin sought more time at 3:00pm, Justice Obaidul Hassan said, “We have to take measures. We will set time [for cross-examination].”

Kafil Uddin had cross-examined the witness for seven and a quarter hours on July 15, 16 and 19.

During yesterday's cross-examination, the tribunal on several occasions asked the defence not to ask the witness irrelevant questions.

Kamaruzzaman, who was indicted on seven charges on June 4, for his alleged involvement in murder and torture of unarmed civilians during the Liberation War, was in the dock yesterday.


International Crimes Tribunal-1 yesterday granted war crimes suspect Jamaat-e-Islami leader Mir Kashem Ali division facilities in jail.

Considering his social status, the tribunal, led by Justice Md Nizamul Huq, accepted the appeal of the detained Jamaat leader and ordered the authority concerned to provide him with Division-1 in jail.

During a hearing on July 19, Mir Kashem's counsel Abdur Razzaq sought division for his client as the district magistrate had declined to give the prisoner under-trial division.

Tribunal-1 had set yesterday for delivering an order on the issue.

Meanwhile, Tribunal-1 deferred recording the testimony of the first prosecution witness against detained Jamaat-e-Islami ameer and war crimes accused Matiur Rahman Nizami to August 5.

Earlier, Nizami's lawyer submitted a list of 10,111 defence witnesses before the tribunal.

On May 28, the tribunal framed 16 charges against Nizami for his alleged involvement in murders and torture of unarmed people during the Liberation War in 1971.

The tribunal later continued with the defence cross-examination of the investigation officer, the last prosecution witness against war crimes accused Jamaat-e-Islami Nayeb-e-Ameer Delawar Hossain Sayedee.

Sayedee is facing 20 charges of crimes against humanity.

Case filed to 'stop anti-India voice'
For Bangladeshi members, please dont respond to these indians. Above post reported for MOD action.
What is "kamruzzaman"?

He is the leader of an extremist religious grouping in Bangladesh, which was prominent during the war of liberation due to its members roles in acting as irregular formations supporting Pakistani regular troops. It is considered by some quarters that they killed far more Bangladeshis than the PA did, and that many of the atrocities ascribed to Pakistani troops was their handiwork.
After the formation of Bangladesh, many of these elements were still present and were allowed to remain politically active. As a result, the history of post-independence Bangladesh is filled with conflict between those who supported the new nation, those who regretted the separation from Pakistan, and those who supported the new nation but not the party then in power, the Awami League.

Most so-called Bangladeshis in PDF belong to the second group.

You are advised to gauge the affiliations of people posting as this influences the content of their posts.
He is the leader of an extremist religious grouping in Bangladesh
Most so-called Bangladeshis in PDF belong to the second group.

It is indian tradition to label anyone "extremist" who speaks up indian interference and subversive activities. Now you need to prove your above claims.
It is indian tradition to label anyone "extremist" who speaks up indian interference and subversive activities. Now you need to prove your above claims.

I need to prove nothing. This is a public trial. Let the courts of law decide.

On the other hand, you might be hard-pressed to substantiate your own statement, other than by saying that you and a majority of Bangladeshis posting here believe so, hence it must be correct. This position is famous (or infamous) in history as the Matter of Faith argument: as so many illiterates believe that something nonsensical is true, it must be true.
I see Indians trying to define again and again what we Bangladeshi's should be like and any time it does not match their expectation, they go overdrive in denial mode and start crying Jamati, Razakar or worse (illegitimate rape child).

Most Bangladeshi courts now a days are politicized Kangaroo court, Munshi Bhai is a practicing Barrister (Attorney) afaik, may be he can elaborate more.
I need to prove nothing. This is a public trial. Let the courts of law decide.

On the other hand, you might be hard-pressed to substantiate your own statement, other than by saying that you and a majority of Bangladeshis posting here believe so, hence it must be correct. This position is famous (or infamous) in history as the Matter of Faith argument: as so many illiterates believe that something nonsensical is true, it must be true.

Man is a leader of a Bangladeshi political party but what evidence and right you and rest of indians have to call him "extermist" of a religious group?

First of all, he is leader of a political party not religios group that you so motivatedly claimed.

Second, you have no evidence that he is "extermist".

Third, just because people dont accept Awami and its indian influenced political agenda without any evidance and proof, does not mean they are "extremist". Rather, it is indian tradition to label someone "extremist" who does not accespt indian hemony, interference and atrocities.

We have seen that india put "extremist" label on independce seeking people in Kashmir, in indian NE and elsewhere. You make claim that someone is "extremist" just because he opposed indian activity, yet when challenged you backtack with bs. You are classic case of hindutva fanatics and professional indian troll.
I don't understand why some posts were deleted?

I just asked what a kamurazan is (as mentioned by another member), and I got two wildly different answers.
Aeronaut -the MOD, I have answered a question about who is Kamruzzan but you removed the post. Yet you kept the post that label someone "extermist" without any proof (post #5). Is it a mistake or you want to send message that indian version is absolute and indian right to label anyone "extremist" is supreme in this forum?
Aeronaut -the MOD, I have answered a question about who is Kamruzzan but you removed the post. Yet you kept the post that label someone "extermist" without any proof (post #5). Is it a mistake or you want to send message that indian version is absolute and indian right to label anyone "extremist" is supreme in this forum?

I think Aeronaut just deleted the entire conversation chain from Proud Indian onwards, including my reply to him and your reply to me.
I don't understand why some posts were deleted?

I just asked what a kamurazan is (as mentioned by another member), and I got two wildly different answers.

If you had read the very first line of the OP you would have gotten your answer but I know you skipped the article and read the comment of that false flagger and the very moment you read that word you started looking for the meaning that you wanted much of it but unfortunately it didn't worked for you this time :lol:
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