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Captured suspected Indian Sikh Taliban Interview with a Pakistani Journalist


May 3, 2009
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How many of these are around ???
if this report is authentic why Pakistan is not taking that issue to international forums, at least let international journalists like from BBC etc to interview him and let the world and the idiots Talibans to know the REALITY!

I am surprised if this report is true; it is a trump card and we are not using it!
If it is true than it is a real shame that our govt is still not exposing such proofs in front of the whole world. No wonder why we deserve to be in such condition.:angry:
A Sikh Talib? Interesting. Can anybody translate the news report, please?
I didn't read the article entirly but I heard something like this from a primary source... that the guys we're fighting aka Taliban are mostly non-Muslim.
About a year ago, we had this interview with one of the anti-Mehsud militant commander of Sotuh Waziristan, Turkistan Bhittani. He claimed there were several sikhs operating with Mehsud and that he was being funded by some indian personnel through Afghanistan. But the problem with this guy is his credibility.

Such claims aren't independently confirmed by journalists in the area. Might be difficult because they can mingle easily as a local.

But what is proven is that the sikhs have been persecuted by the Taliban in Orakzai and other areas, and i guess we should avoid heeding to such reports unless a sound proof is given or brought to light.
I didn't read the article entirly but I heard something like this from a primary source... that the guys we're fighting aka Taliban are mostly non-Muslim.

its like closeing ur eyes. World of Islam has problems and we cannot close our eyes. Non Muslims like this sikh are only .1-.5 % of Taliban.

Lots of countries have intrests in the region and they are useing their proxies for their benifits but again majority of taliban are muslims
I have always wondered from where the so-called Taliban fighting Pak Army get their weapons, arms and resources. Don't think they take those made in Bara.
Well, he wasn't here to fight, he was here to kidnap for ransom and damaging our relations with a few friendly countries. Read again and if you can't, I'll repeat it for you, this sikh didn't come to fight, he came to kidnap either a diplomat or some other high official belonging to a friendly country.
yes guyz u got that right ....Mangal Bagh in Barra Khyber Agency is one of them too..who runs the Lashkar-Islam terrorist group....fighting against Pak Army:agree::coffee:

Any proof ?
Mangal Bagh is not fighting against the Army.
BB this article is very old.Almost +- 6 months.
Solution to this problem
Ban all Indian sikhs from entering to Pak.Don't lift the ban until and unless they agree that
1)they don't take part in any activity against Pakistan
2) support khalistan movement

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