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Captured bomber and Swat GOC link India to terrorism in Pak

Proof of RAW involvement in terror acts given to India.

ISLAMABAD, July 21: Pakistan has handed over to India comprehensive evidence of Indian involvement in a number of terrorist acts on its soil.

According to sources, a dossier containing proofs of India’s involvement in subversive activities in Pakistan was handed over by Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani to his Indian counterpart Dr Manmohan Singh during their recent meeting at Sharm el-Sheikh in Egypt.

Pakistan has also shared these evidences with the United States and Afghanistan, specifically asking the latter to prevent the use of its soil for disruptive activities against it.

Although the information given to India is being kept highly secret, broad outlines of the dossier available with Dawn reveal details of Indian contacts with those involved in attacks on the Sri Lankan cricket team and the Manawan police station.

Operatives of RAW who remained in touch with the perpetrators of the attacks have been identified and proofs of their interaction have been attached.

Besides, description of Indian arms and explosives used in the attack on the Sri Lankan team has been made part of the dossier.

Names and particulars of the perpetrators, who illegally entered Pakistan from India and joined their accomplices who had reached Lahore from Waziristan, have been mentioned.

Furthermore, the evidence of Indian link lists the safe houses being run by RAW in Afghanistan, where terrorists are trained and launched for missions in Pakistan.

The dossier also broadly covers the Indian connection in terror financing in Pakistan.

A substantial part of the shared material deals with the Balochistan insurgency and Indian linkages with the insurgents, particularly Bramdagh Bugti, Burhan and Sher Khan.

Pictures of their meetings with Indian operatives are part of the evidence, which also describes Bugti’s visit to India and the meetings he had with Indian secret service personnel.

It makes mention of the India-funded Kandahar training camp, where Baloch insurgents, particularly those from Bugti clan, were being trained and provided arms and ammunition for sabotage activities in Balochistan.

The sources claim that Dr Singh agreed to ‘look into Pakistani claims’ and to take ‘corrective action’ if proven. He is said to have assured Mr Gilani that India is against interference in other countries and Pakistan’s stability was important for them.

A joint communiqué, released after the Gilani-Singh meeting in Sharm el-Sheikh, reflected information-sharing because it included reference to Balochistan and the information available to Pakistan; reiteration of Indian commitment to a stable and democratic Pakistan; and an agreement on sharing real time credible and actionable information on any future terrorist threats.

Mr Gilani’s close aides confirmed that in his meeting with Mr Singh he took up the issue of India’s involvement in the attack on the Sri Lankan team and other subversive acts.

Foreign Office spokesman Abdul Basit said: ‘Yes, these issues were discussed.’

DAWN.COM | Pakistan | Proof of RAW involvement in terror acts given to India
Hi Mian

I am looking for a neutral report so that these Indian would not say that it is our media.

Another point is why is our Goverment not providing this proof to US and taking it to UN as the Indian did ?

Good work Mian

Why is the confession of the captured suicide bomber not enough?

The so called suicide bomber of a yours speak a language that i don't understand. But that's not the point, if what he is speaks is true and you have credible proof - why not raise the point with GoI and make the proof public at government to government level!!! Clearly Pakistan has not done so yet and this hesitance by GoP raises many eyebrows and lays hollow your claims about the credibility of the proof at your disposal.

And the first post makes it clear that the accusations are not those of the blog, but that of GOC Swat Gen. Ghani. Now if you are arguing that the blog concocted the comments attributed to Gen. Ghani, that is a different issue.

Pakistani officials have been known to make tall claims of Indian involvement, just to backtrack the next day. A few days after the Sri Lankan cricket team was attacked in Lahore the chief of police of Punjab some guy named Pervez Rathode made claims in full media glair of having irrefutable proof of Indian involvement in the attack only to be contradicted the next day by the Minister of the Interior Rehman Malik that it was not so.

Let me also remind you that the Chief of Naval Staff of the PN Admiral Bashir claiming in full media glare that it was not possible for the Mumbai attackers to have taken the sea route (he went to the extent of contradicting the GoP which by then had already accepted the fact that sea route was taken by the Mumbai attackers), only to give a clarification the next day that he had not meant what he had said and that he was in dark about the actual series of events as the GoP had not shared the information with him.

I can quote many more instances like that. It is clearly evident that the majority of Pakistani officials (both politicians and bureaucrats) suffer from this foot in the mouth syndrome. They make a statement one day to retract it the next day, so my friend that statement by Gen. Ghani cannot be taken at its face value. It can be only taken seriously once the GoP has raised the issue officially with India and not by some officers Alice in Wonderland stories reproduced by an author named Banny the Bunny in a blog!!!
Hi Mian

I am looking for a neutral report so that these Indian would not say that it is our media.

Another point is why is our Goverment not providing this proof to US and taking it to UN as the Indian did ?

Good work Mian

I am sorry but if media of any organization had pictures or such proof other than provided by the information ministry of pakistan then i would have had provided it. "Neutral" media is usually biased. The foreign office have agreed that such issues were discussed.

Indian involvement in the attack only to be contradicted the next day by the Minister of the Interior Rehman Malik that it was not so.

How can such a guy speak truth when he is himself known to have links with anti state organizations( and i am not quoting ahmed qureshy and others)Its a miracle that he is not jailed for treason.
How can such a guy speak truth when he is himself known to have links with anti state organizations( and i am not quoting ahmed qureshy and others)Its a miracle that he is not jailed for treason.

Well if you yourself can't trust your own guys how do you expect us to believe them.
Maybe you should separate your own guys like the good and bad taliban so we know whom to listen to.
Well if you yourself can't trust your own guys how do you expect us to believe them.
Maybe you should separate your own guys like the good and bad taliban so we know whom to listen to.

Clearly just a few people do not make up all of our "own guys."
Hi K,

I have been looking for Indian involvement in Pak from last 2 days but unfortunately have not found anything.

This has lead me to think hard and i have reached to 2 suggestions
1) Indians are too good to cover up their act which i doubt . OR
2) There are elements in our country or outside our country who wants us not to have a good relationship with our Neighbours.
We really need to find some solid proof before we want the world to belive us.

We need to work our way out of this mess. It may be Indians Americans Soviets or any other country who may be creating this issues for us, but our focus should be to clean it up as soon as possible so we can go ahead on the road to SUCCESS.:pakistan:


your second point is true man, just wake up:enjoy::cheers:
Let me help you here...

Following is the text of the joint statement issued at the conclusion of meeting between Prime Minister Syed Yusuf Raza Gilani and Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh at Sharm-el-Sheikh on sidelines of 15th NAM summit.


The Prime Minister of India Dr. Manmohan Singh and the Prime Minister of Pakistan Syed Yusuf Raza Gilani met in Sharm El Sheikh on July 16, 2009.

The two Prime Ministers had a cordial and constructive meeting. They considered the entire gamut of bilateral relations with a view to charting the way forward in India - Pakistan relations.

Both leaders agreed that terrorism is the main threat to both countries. Both leaders affirmed their resolve to fight terrorism and to cooperate with each other to this end.

Prime Minister Singh reiterated the need to bring the perpetrators of Mumbai attacks to justice. Prime Minister Gilani assured that Pakistan will do everything in its power in this regard. He said that Pakistan has provided an updated status dossier on the investigations of the Mumbai attacks and had sought additional information/evidence. Prime Minister Singh said that the dossier is being reviewed.

Both leaders agreed that the two countries will share real time credible and actionable information on any future terrorist threats.

Prime Minister Gilani mentioned that Pakistan has some information on threats in Balochistan and other areas.

Both Prime Ministers recognized that dialogue is the only way forward. Action on terrorism should not be linked to the Composite Dialogue process and these should not be bracketed. Prime Minister Singh said that India was ready to discuss all issues with Pakistan, including all outstanding issues.

Prime Minister Singh reiterated India’s interest in a stable, democratic, Islamic Republic of Pakistan.

Both leaders agreed that the real challenge is development and the elimination of poverty. Both leaders are resolved to eliminate those factors which prevent our countries from realizing their full potential. Both agreed to work to create an atmosphere of mutual trust and confidence.

Both leaders reaffirmed their intention to promote regional cooperation.

Both Foreign Secretaries should meet as often as necessary and report to the two Foreign Ministers who will be meeting on the sidelines of the forthcoming UN General Assembly.

Sharm el Sheikh

Now tell me where does the statement say that Pakistan has provided proof of Indian RAWs involvement.....The only documents exchanged are linked to Mumbai Terrorist attack....

So if the so called Source is right then there is something wrong with Pakistani PM when he was signing the joint statement....

If there is a mention of Baluchistan....The submission of any proof regarding RAWs involvement could not be missed out....:undecided:.... Pakistan should have forced India to add this to the joint statement .....

And Now before you shout that this is article is an Indian propaganda....let me share the link with you.....

Associated Press Of Pakistan ( Pakistan's Premier NEWS Agency ) - Text of Pakistan-India Joint Statement
^^^^ Thedawn article states that the foreign office has also said that such topics were discussed.

Do you really think that the joint speech text issued will cover hours spent in the meeting room.A person can barely cover a 10 min meeting in one page document.

Well if you yourself can't trust your own guys how do you expect us to believe them.
Maybe you should separate your own guys like the good and bad taliban so we know whom to listen to.

The list of traitors is long i can hardly list even "10 %" of them.
Clearly just a few people do not make up all of our "own guys."

You didn't get the point....you coveniently disclaim any statements not suitable to your stand by labelling them as anti-state while trumpeting any suitable statement as the gospel truth.

By the ways can you give me a list of all ppl you wont deem worthy of believing...:undecided:

The list of traitors is long i can hardly list even "10 %" of them.

AFAIK they are elected people so not everyone in Pakistan thinks so...
AFAIK they are elected people so not everyone in Pakistan thinks so

Out of 80 or so million people who could vote 45 million people did not vote.These are the approval stats.

We all know how elections are conducted in south asia.
Out of 80 or so million people who could vote 45 million people did not vote.These are the approval stats.

We all know how elections are conducted in south asia.

It is their prerogative to vote and if they don't they don't have the right to complain...thats how democracy works...those who wanted to be heard came out and voted...those who didn't...well they have nobody to blame but themselves. So those representatives are the ones who have the right to speak on behalf of the state and whose words carry weight.

As for the elections in south asia, last time I noticed India too was there and elections were just fine here.

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