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Can't talk with those who glorify killers: Sushma's strong attack on Pak


Nov 11, 2009
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September 29, 2018 20:45 IST
'Pakistan's commitment to terrorism as an instrument of official policy has not abated one bit. Neither has its belief in hypocrisy.' 'What is heartening is that the world is no longer ready to believe Islamabad.'

Calling out Pakistan's ‘lie’ that India is sabotaging the dialogue process, External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj on Saturday asked world leaders how can talks can be pursued in the midst of ‘terrorist bloodshed’ with a nation that ‘glorifies killers’.

In a hard-hitting retort to Pakistan, Swaraj said India has made many efforts to have talks with Islamabad and the only reason they have stopped is because of Pakistan's behaviour.

"We are accused of sabotaging the process of talks. This is a complete lie. We believe that talks are the only rational means to resolve the most complex of disputes. Talks with Pakistan have begun many times. If they stopped, it was only because of Pakistan's behaviour," she said in her address to the General Debate of the 73rd session of the UN General Assembly in New York.

India accepted the proposal but, within hours of its acceptance, news came that terrorists had killed three Indian jawans, she said.

"Does this indicate a desire for dialogue," Swaraj asked.

She informed the General Assembly that various governments in India over the years have tried the peace option.

Prime Minister Modi, by inviting the Heads of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation nations to his swearing in ceremony, had begun his attempt for dialogue on his very first day in office.

Swaraj said she too had in December 2016, personally gone to Islamabad and offered a comprehensive bilateral dialogue.

"But soon after, Pakistan-sponsored terrorists attacked our air force base in Pathankot on January 2. Please explain to me how we could pursue talks in the midst of terrorist bloodshed," she asked.

Swaraj also slammed Pakistan for time and again accusing India of human rights violations, saying ‘who can be a greater transgressor of human rights than a terrorist?’

"Those who take innocent human lives in pursuit of war by other means are defenders of inhuman behavior, not of human rights. Pakistan glorifies killers; it refuses to see the blood of innocents," she said.

In another strong retort, Swaraj said it has become something of a habit with Pakistan to ‘throw the dust of deceit and deception against India in order to provide some thin cover for its own guilt’.

She recalled that the United Nations had seen Pakistan's use of deceit and deception last year when its representative, using her right to reply, displayed some photographs as ‘proof’ of ‘human rights violations’ by India.

In a major goof-up and embarrassment for Pakistan on the global stage, the photographs turned out to be from another country, the minister noted.

"Similar false accusations have become a part of its standard rhetoric," Swaraj said.

Swaraj described terrorism as an ‘existential threat’ to humanity.

Even as the perpetrators of the 9/11 terror attacks in New York met their fate, Swaraj said the mastermind of the 2008 Mumbai terror attack Hafiz Saeed still roams the streets of Pakistan with impunity.

"Pakistan's commitment to terrorism as an instrument of official policy has not abated one bit. Neither has its belief in hypocrisy," Swaraj said.

"The biggest challenge of our era comes from the existential threats of climate change and terrorism. We imagined that the arrival of the 21st Century would bring with it an age of common good, defined by cooperation in the quest for peace and prosperity.

“But here in New York, the horrific tragedy of 9/11, and in Mumbai the catastrophe of 26/11 became the nightmares that shattered our dreams," Swaraj said.

She said the demon of terrorism now stalks the world, at a faster pace somewhere, a slower pace elsewhere, but life-threatening everywhere.

"In our case, terrorism is bred not in some faraway land, but across our border to the west. Our neighbour's expertise is not restricted to spawning grounds for terrorism; it is also an expert in trying to mask malevolence with verbal duplicity," Swaraj said.

The Indian leader told the world leaders at the General Assembly that the most startling evidence of Pakistan's duplicity was the fact that Osama Bin Laden, the architect and ideologue of 9/11 terror attack was given safe haven in the country.

Even after the world's most wanted terrorist was killed by American special forces, ‘Pakistan continued to behave as if nothing had happened’, she said.

"America had declared Osama bin Laden it's most dangerous enemy, and launched an exhaustive, worldwide search to bring him to justice. What America perhaps could not comprehend was that Osama would get sanctuary in a country that claimed to be America's friend and ally: Pakistan," she said.

Eventually, America's intelligence services discovered the truth of this hypocrisy, and its special forces delivered justice.

"What is heartening is that the world is no longer ready to believe Islamabad," she said, citing that Financial Action Task Force (FATF) has put Pakistan on notice over terror funding.

She said that India had proposed a draft document in 1996 on the Comprehensive Convention on International Terrorism (CCIT) at the UN but even till today, that draft has remained a draft, because UN member states cannot agree on a common language.

"On the one hand, we want to fight terrorism; on the other, we cannot define it.

"This is why terrorists with a price on their head are celebrated, financed and armed as liberation heroes by a country that remains a member of the United Nations," Swaraj said

She was referring to Mumbai terror attack mastermind Hafiz Saeed on whom the US has put a USD 10 million bounty for information leading to his arrest and conviction.

Despite the bounty and UN sanctions against him, Saeed moves around with impunity in Pakistan, addresses rallies and takes part in the 2018 general elections, she said.

Swaraj further pointed out that in the absence of an international law on counter-terrorism, ‘cruelty and barbarism are advertised as heroism’.

"The country prints postage stamps glorifying terrorists. If we do not act now, we will have to deal with conflagration later," Swaraj said, referring to Pakistan releasing a series of 'commemorative' postal stamps glorifying Hizbul Mujahideen terrorist Burhan Wani as a ‘freedom fighter’.

Wani was gunned down in an encounter with Indian security forces in July 2016.

Swaraj made a strong appeal to the 193-member UN body that it come to an agreement soon on the CCIT as one of the necessary measures in a long running war.


Strong Speech!
...Pakistan ex diplomat to US Javed Ashraf Kazi has written an article about it in DAWN few days ago...

Armed struggle and resistance against illegal military occupation and repression are not terror.

INDIA cancelled talks with Pakistan blaming it for ‘acts of terror’, along with a vicious attack on the newly elected prime minister. Pakistanis and Indians back their own versions regarding an alleged atrocity. Tragically, the truth is rendered irrelevant. The prime minister, however, must ensure he gets to know the unvarnished truth. Otherwise, like his predecessors, he will be systematically blindsided.

Pakistan wants dialogue. India says Pakistan must first stop ‘cross-border terrorism’. Why did Modi first respond positively to the prime minister’s proposal and then change his mind? Does he believe Imran Khan okayed an atrocity? Or that he is irrelevant?

Does India regard the Kashmiri freedom struggle as terror? There is a legal and a political reality. The UN has acknowledged the Kashmiri right of self-determination in 1948-49. In 1974, it reaffirmed “the duty of States not to use armed force to deprive peoples of their right to self-determination”.

In 1982, the UN “reaffirmed the legitimacy of the struggle of peoples for independence, territorial integrity, national unity and liberation from colonial or foreign domination and foreign occupation by all available means, including armed struggle”.

The UN has rejected India’s claim that Jammu and Kashmir is part of the Indian Union. It remains disputed territory. The right of self-determination of the Kashmiri people has been forcibly denied by the Indian military occupation of Jammu and Kashmir.

India blames Pakistan for not fulfilling conditions for the plebiscite. Even if this were so, it could not derogate from the rights of the people of Jammu and Kashmir. The fact that UN resolutions on Kashmir were adopted under Chapter 6 in no way reduces the obligation of member states and of parties to the dispute to respect and implement them. Nor does the Shimla Agreement affect Kashmiri rights.


Politically, however, India refuses to accept any of the above. Moreover, other than expressing concern over the human rights situation in India-held Kashmir (IHK), the international community is not prepared to press India on the subject of a Kashmir settlement. This, despite the dispute having triggered three wars between India and Pakistan which are today adjacent nuclear weapons countries.

This, and so much elsewhere, may underline the irresponsibility of the international community. It certainly highlights the structural ineffectiveness of the UN whose primary purpose is to preserve the peace and address situations that have led to war and threaten far more devastating conflicts.

Nevertheless, acts of terrorism including torture and mutilation are unlawful and unacceptable under any circumstances, including in the context of legitimate freedom struggles. The rights of innocent civilians are inviolable. The terror of one party can never justify that of others, including victims. However, armed struggle and resistance against illegal military occupation and repression is not terror.

Despite all of the above, political realities cannot be wished away. Only UNSC resolutions under Chapter 7 are enforceable. It is inconceivable that the UNSC will ever pass a Chapter 7 resolution on Jammu and Kashmir against the wishes of India. None of Pakistan’s friends would support such a development.

At best major powers will continue to encourage and try to persuade India to engage with Pakistan on all outstanding issues, including Jammu and Kashmir. India may agree to what passes for dialogue. It has done so in the past.

After several barren rounds on core issues it breaks down over one or more incidents. Tensions rise. Conflicts happen. Hawks thrive. Peaceniks cower. Cynics laugh “all is for the best in the best of all possible worlds!”

Should Pakistan abandon dialogue with India? The prime minister rightly rejects such advice. Nor is it necessary for Pakistan to solicit dialogue if India is unwilling. Over time, however, Pakistan must strengthen its credibility. If that happens, India will, sooner or later, have to accept the reality that it can neither permanently crush the Kashmir liberation struggle nor successfully blame Pakistan for its inability to do so.

Meanwhile, Pakistan needs to improve and intensify its Kashmir advocacy and diplomacy. The prime minister’s offer to engage India in a dialogue process to resolve all issues between the two countries is also, sooner or later, likely to be taken up. The challenges of the 21st century, which threaten to further exacerbate Indo-Pakistan tensions, will leave either country no choice.

However, Modi for the moment has chosen to accuse Imran Khan of being the ‘true face’ of an ‘evil agenda’. He hopes to exploit Pakistan’s isolation in the international community progressively brought about by the consistently incompetent decision-making of the establishment.

It is not clear if Modi’s ‘U-turn’ was influenced by a reported atrocity, the approach of the 2019 national elections, a major corruption scandal hanging over him, the usual persuasion of influential anti-Pakistan lobbies or personal spite. Whatever it was, it has discouraged sensible realists and encouraged right-wing ideologues in both countries.

Pakistan’s formal position on Kashmir does not need to change at all. But its strategy does need to be revisited to ensure its own policies do not inadvertently harm Kashmiris by allowing India to distract international attention away from its repression. Pakistan should honestly inform its people there is no alternative to a negotiated and principled compromise settlement with India that is verifiably acceptable to Kashmiri opinion.

Once India cannot credibly accuse Pakistan of aiding ‘terrorism’ in IHK it will not be able to portray its repression as ‘counterterrorism’. Nor will it be able to sustain its obduracy on Kashmir forever. Pakistan will require imaginative and skilled diplomacy and leadership of a high order. It will also need to make clear ‘red lines’ that cannot be crossed and ‘vital interests’ that cannot be compromised.

The 21st century has one message for nuclear-armed India and Pakistan: cooperate or perish. The seas are rising. Land, water and jobs will disappear. Populations cannot cope. Stresses of every kind are increasing. Reason and moderation are giving way to atavistic passions, insane hatred and self-destructive machismo. Cooperating to reverse this fatal trend will provide a context for a Kashmir settlement.

The writer is a former ambassador to the US, India and China and head of UN missions in Iraq and Sudan.

so cute hhahahahaa choty se log :rofl:
"The country prints postage stamps glorifying terrorists. If we do not act now, we will have to deal with conflagration later," Swaraj said, referring to Pakistan releasing a series of 'commemorative' postal stamps glorifying Hizbul Mujahideen terrorist Burhan Wani as a ‘freedom fighter’.

Wani was gunned down in an encounter with Indian security forces in July 2016.

Burhan Wani was a poster boy, a social media icon for the Kashmiri Youth who held him in high esteem...mostly active on FB and social media, and not a hardcore militant or even a freedom fighter.

...and the support he had was visible in his funeral.

Last edited:
September 29, 2018 20:45 IST
'Pakistan's commitment to terrorism as an instrument of official policy has not abated one bit. Neither has its belief in hypocrisy.' 'What is heartening is that the world is no longer ready to believe Islamabad.'

Calling out Pakistan's ‘lie’ that India is sabotaging the dialogue process, External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj on Saturday asked world leaders how can talks can be pursued in the midst of ‘terrorist bloodshed’ with a nation that ‘glorifies killers’.

In a hard-hitting retort to Pakistan, Swaraj said India has made many efforts to have talks with Islamabad and the only reason they have stopped is because of Pakistan's behaviour.

"We are accused of sabotaging the process of talks. This is a complete lie. We believe that talks are the only rational means to resolve the most complex of disputes. Talks with Pakistan have begun many times. If they stopped, it was only because of Pakistan's behaviour," she said in her address to the General Debate of the 73rd session of the UN General Assembly in New York.

India accepted the proposal but, within hours of its acceptance, news came that terrorists had killed three Indian jawans, she said.

"Does this indicate a desire for dialogue," Swaraj asked.

She informed the General Assembly that various governments in India over the years have tried the peace option.

Prime Minister Modi, by inviting the Heads of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation nations to his swearing in ceremony, had begun his attempt for dialogue on his very first day in office.

Swaraj said she too had in December 2016, personally gone to Islamabad and offered a comprehensive bilateral dialogue.

"But soon after, Pakistan-sponsored terrorists attacked our air force base in Pathankot on January 2. Please explain to me how we could pursue talks in the midst of terrorist bloodshed," she asked.

Swaraj also slammed Pakistan for time and again accusing India of human rights violations, saying ‘who can be a greater transgressor of human rights than a terrorist?’

"Those who take innocent human lives in pursuit of war by other means are defenders of inhuman behavior, not of human rights. Pakistan glorifies killers; it refuses to see the blood of innocents," she said.

In another strong retort, Swaraj said it has become something of a habit with Pakistan to ‘throw the dust of deceit and deception against India in order to provide some thin cover for its own guilt’.

She recalled that the United Nations had seen Pakistan's use of deceit and deception last year when its representative, using her right to reply, displayed some photographs as ‘proof’ of ‘human rights violations’ by India.

In a major goof-up and embarrassment for Pakistan on the global stage, the photographs turned out to be from another country, the minister noted.

"Similar false accusations have become a part of its standard rhetoric," Swaraj said.

Swaraj described terrorism as an ‘existential threat’ to humanity.

Even as the perpetrators of the 9/11 terror attacks in New York met their fate, Swaraj said the mastermind of the 2008 Mumbai terror attack Hafiz Saeed still roams the streets of Pakistan with impunity.

"Pakistan's commitment to terrorism as an instrument of official policy has not abated one bit. Neither has its belief in hypocrisy," Swaraj said.

"The biggest challenge of our era comes from the existential threats of climate change and terrorism. We imagined that the arrival of the 21st Century would bring with it an age of common good, defined by cooperation in the quest for peace and prosperity.

“But here in New York, the horrific tragedy of 9/11, and in Mumbai the catastrophe of 26/11 became the nightmares that shattered our dreams," Swaraj said.

She said the demon of terrorism now stalks the world, at a faster pace somewhere, a slower pace elsewhere, but life-threatening everywhere.

"In our case, terrorism is bred not in some faraway land, but across our border to the west. Our neighbour's expertise is not restricted to spawning grounds for terrorism; it is also an expert in trying to mask malevolence with verbal duplicity," Swaraj said.

The Indian leader told the world leaders at the General Assembly that the most startling evidence of Pakistan's duplicity was the fact that Osama Bin Laden, the architect and ideologue of 9/11 terror attack was given safe haven in the country.

Even after the world's most wanted terrorist was killed by American special forces, ‘Pakistan continued to behave as if nothing had happened’, she said.

"America had declared Osama bin Laden it's most dangerous enemy, and launched an exhaustive, worldwide search to bring him to justice. What America perhaps could not comprehend was that Osama would get sanctuary in a country that claimed to be America's friend and ally: Pakistan," she said.

Eventually, America's intelligence services discovered the truth of this hypocrisy, and its special forces delivered justice.

"What is heartening is that the world is no longer ready to believe Islamabad," she said, citing that Financial Action Task Force (FATF) has put Pakistan on notice over terror funding.

She said that India had proposed a draft document in 1996 on the Comprehensive Convention on International Terrorism (CCIT) at the UN but even till today, that draft has remained a draft, because UN member states cannot agree on a common language.

"On the one hand, we want to fight terrorism; on the other, we cannot define it.

"This is why terrorists with a price on their head are celebrated, financed and armed as liberation heroes by a country that remains a member of the United Nations," Swaraj said

She was referring to Mumbai terror attack mastermind Hafiz Saeed on whom the US has put a USD 10 million bounty for information leading to his arrest and conviction.

Despite the bounty and UN sanctions against him, Saeed moves around with impunity in Pakistan, addresses rallies and takes part in the 2018 general elections, she said.

Swaraj further pointed out that in the absence of an international law on counter-terrorism, ‘cruelty and barbarism are advertised as heroism’.

"The country prints postage stamps glorifying terrorists. If we do not act now, we will have to deal with conflagration later," Swaraj said, referring to Pakistan releasing a series of 'commemorative' postal stamps glorifying Hizbul Mujahideen terrorist Burhan Wani as a ‘freedom fighter’.

Wani was gunned down in an encounter with Indian security forces in July 2016.

Swaraj made a strong appeal to the 193-member UN body that it come to an agreement soon on the CCIT as one of the necessary measures in a long running war.


Strong Speech!

she is right .

Funny coming from FM of a country who vote killers of own people to parliament :lol:

lol retard........:D:D:D

Wow the pathan towers the dothead.

brother pathans .
Burhan Wani was a poster boy, a social media icon for the Kashmiri Youth who held him in high esteem...mostly active on FB and social media, and not a hardcore militant or even a freedom fighter.

...and the support he had was visible in his funeral.


He was the icon for Kashmiris because he was good looking - chocolate-boy type. He had 3-4 girlfriends and one of the jealous one leaked his whereabouts to the forces. When he got trapped he was crying like a sissy girl. So much for Kashmiri struggle and resistance fighters. :lol::lol:
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