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Canadian-born man could face deportation to parents' native India


Dec 1, 2008
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by Barry ORegan | August 15, 2010 at 07:03 am

Canadian-born Ottawa man could face deportation to parents' nativ

Deepan Budlakoti, months away from his 21st birthday may see this man celebrating his coming of age in India, a foreign country and culture he neither knows of, or speaks their language.

Deepan, born at the Grace Hospital in Ottawa, Ontario in October 1989 is the only child of former Indian embassy staffers, both who only received their Canadian citizenship after their son's birth are now faced with losing their child under a relatively unknown but enforceable law, most Canadians are unaware of.

Non Canadians working in the foreign service for their mother country, know that children born in Canada are not automatically given Canadian citizenship.

While it is certainly easier for Canadian born children of foreign service nationals to receive citizenship versus any landed immigrant, automatic Canadian citizenship may be given at the Queen's (governments) pleasure.

Some Canadian laws, in part of a throwback to English law as a part of the Commonwealth are a mixture of our own made in Canada laws and a few English laws. Canada, England and other countries have similar laws in place to protect their sovereignty.

The USA goes one step further in implementing the contraversial Anchor Baby Laws.

Deepan it seems had quite the troubled past, beginning at the tender age of 12 as a runaway, involved in petty crimes, evolving into more serious crimes in which he provided much overtime pay for local police agencies who found themselves investigating more than 300 non violent crimes committed by Deepan.

Though soon after Deepan mended his criminal ways, he left his petty criminal past, started a small construction company.

All seem to go well until his criminal past caught up with him, with one last foray into crime, Deepan sold sold some stolen weapons to an undercover police officer. This crime and the aggregate crimes of his past soon became clear to the government that his brief respite from crime was for naught and have taken steps to deport him to the place of his parents' birth.

Deepan's pleas of "It's not fair" seems to have fallen on deaf ears.

Many Canadians' have expressed our government mirror some European countries laws in which any person foreign born who becomes a citizen of that country, but commits a a serious crime be deported. This expression of interest in stripping those of Citizenship and deporting criminals came to a head with the Vincent Li case, in which the Chinese born Canadian made international headlines soon after gaining Canadian citizenship.

Vincent Li was charged and found guilty (August 10, 2008) of the brutal beheading and eating the skull (flesh) of 22 year old bus passenger Tim McLean in the presence of RCMP officers and horrified passengers on a Winnepeg bound bus.

Vince Li, found mentally deranged (because he refused to take his medication} by the courts was placed into a Canadian mental health facility and currently is allowed to go on supervised walks around the mental facilities grounds, with one day that he walk among us.

With this unsettling news of Vincent Li walking around, perhaps Deepan's pleas of not fair are true, after all his crimes, though numerous, were petty in nature, unlike ethnic foreign born gangs (many who do not have Canadian citizenship) in Metro Vancouver and other Canadian cities.

Media report countless stories of ethnic gangs that run amok in our cities committing random widespread murders.

Vietnamese criminals many who a scant year ago were in Vietnam, once arriving on Canadian soil as refugees begin conducting wide scale criminal enterprises in British Columbia, concentrating on such criminal enterprises such as methamphetamine production and marijuana grow ops.

Once caught and charged (sometimes multiple times) only seem to get a fine and are released back into the community once again to ply their illicit activities.

These landed (criminal) immigrants and ethnic gang members always seem to escape deportation for some unknown reason that escapes the Canadian governments' sense of justice and logic and raises the ire of Canadians.

Funny how Canadian law applies to some and not for others.

Deepan, now realizes that if you do not mind your "Ps and Qs" while in Canada one will suffer the wrath of the Queen's displeasure, who can rescind your citizenship.
Hmmm are we suppose to feel sorry for him?

Deepan it seems had quite the troubled past, beginning at the tender age of 12 as a runaway, involved in petty crimes, evolving into more serious crimes in which he provided much overtime pay for local police agencies who found themselves investigating more than 300 non violent crimes committed by Deepan.

Though soon after Deepan mended his criminal ways, he left his petty criminal past, started a small construction company.

All seem to go well until his criminal past caught up with him, with one last foray into crime, Deepan sold sold some stolen weapons to an undercover police officer. This crime and the aggregate crimes of his past soon became clear to the government that his brief respite from crime was for naught and have taken steps to deport him to the place of his parents' birth.

Since when did starting a construction company mean that you've mended your ways. And I don't really understand the comparison to Vietnamese criminals.
Vietnamese criminals many who a scant year ago were in Vietnam, once arriving on Canadian soil as refugees begin conducting wide scale criminal enterprises in British Columbia, concentrating on such criminal enterprises such as methamphetamine production and marijuana grow ops.

Who? What cases? How many? You can't just throw something like that out there without names and figures.
Hmmm are we suppose to feel sorry for him?

Since when did starting a construction company mean that you've mended your ways. And I don't really understand the comparison to Vietnamese criminals.

Who? What cases? How many? You can't just throw something like that out there without names and figures.

But clearly he learned his ways in Canada, not in India. It seems they are outsourcing their troubles to India.
he is not even remotely indian. what the point of deporting him?? Face saving exercise and stereotyping only. Most forigen children raised in canada are arrogant and aggressive. My own cousin in hauling his *** in jail. In saudi arabia, two arab canadians killed their classmate in school brawl. A Pak-Canadian was busted in my school for peddling weed an offense punishable by death in Saudi though they just deported him. Whats going on??
I've spent 20+ years in Canada and you know what I feel now, Canadian government is looking ways to replace indians, Pakistanis, Bangladeshis and Chinese with filipinos, Vietnamese and few more just because the above mentioned and becoming ware of "angasei" tactics to manipulate and in many ways..filipinos, vietnamese and some others are just robots and happy with saving just 100 dollars a month keeps them happy enough.

America saw its height of success and for the past 2 years or so graph went down where as Canada has yet to blast off and its already going down with such attitude.
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