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Canada will recognize Juan Guaido as Venezuela’s president, follows move by U.S. to do the same

average American student debt being $100k
Its more like $37K

a middle class economy near extinction
Again false.
Median income actually hit all-time high in 2017.

have over 1000 military installations around the world
Yet Again False. Its more like 600.

Well that just about proves that your America is on th brink of self-destruction, your people are realizing that their governments have been traitor its people, that America is the same as the British were for over 300 years
With so many falsehoods above, I don't know how you arrive at this conclusion.

Imperialistic, Hegemonic, Colonialists and NOT part of humanity. In other words, America, you should learn to mind your own effing business, keep your military on your own effing soil and step down a few pegs before humanity writes you off like it has done for thousands of years with Babylonians, Romans, British, Portugese and so on.
You do realise that you know these names because all of these 'empires' were as you say Imperialistic, Hegemonic, Colonialists. There were way too many more 'empires' and 'civilizations' which vanished and can only be found on margins of history books or don't even have a trace of them left anywhere. You don't know who they were or their name even. Why?

Canada is such a loser. I hate it when Trudeau attempts being Trump.
If Canada is such a loser then how about changing your location to winner Saudi Arabia? Or better yet Pakistan?
One of the reasons why the Zionist States of America is going after Venezuela, is because Maduro government is actually considering permitting the Russian Federation to establish military bases on its territory. The problems which face Venezuela and Maduro's government are due America running it's old "regime change" operation there. Putting road blocks on trade, employing clandestine economic means to reduce Venezuela's ability to function normally as a country. Such methods have always been Zionist-America's M.O when dealing with Latin America and the rest of the world. American senators visiting Ukraine to encourage Nazi Facit groups to overthrow democratically elected government. This what they did in Guatemala, in Panama, Chile, Argentina, Columbia and etc. That is the true face of what America really is, it manufactures lies, assaults other countries with sanctions, invasions, bombings, terrorists, it actively funds and supports extremists, fascists to bring down governments. America isn't the world's police, nor the world's dictator power. This is not a country that any country of the world should trust, have any good relations with and really keep a significant distance with.

I agree with your view but what good will a russian base be if the populace wants Maduro out? I agree a small minority still want him.

One thing though...Maduro is the only thing stopping the US from raping Venezuelan wealth
LOL China and Russia have already condemned Western meddling in Venezuela in the most strongest manner.

Grab your popcorn folks. The West is yet again ganging up against a legitimate democratically elected leader. The West is once again trying to install a poodle. It doesn’t look good for the West because when China and Russia are on the same page it means hell for the enemies.


Venezuela crisis: Maduro given ultimatum by European leaders

Spain, Germany, France and the UK have warned Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro that he must call elections within eight days - or they will officially recognise the opposition.

Mr Maduro is under pressure after his rival Juan Guaidó declared himself "acting president" on Wednesday.

Several countries, including the US, already back Mr Guaidó as president.

Venezuela later rejected the ultimatum at a UN meeting, where divisions between world powers were laid bare.

Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza told members of the UN Security Council in New York that Mr Maduro's presidency was legitimate, and the country would not be pressured into calling elections.

"Nobody is going to give us deadlines or tell us if there are elections or not," he said.

President Maduro was sworn in for a second term earlier this month, in an election marred by an opposition boycott and allegations of vote-rigging, leading to large anti-Maduro protests.

He accuses Mr Guaidó, the head of the National Assembly, of mounting a coup.

On Saturday, Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez wrote on Twitter: "Spain has a responsibility to Latin America... we do not seek to change or remove governments, we want democracy and free elections in Venezuela."

France and Germany also issued similar statements, in what looked like a co-ordinated demand that elections be held in Venezuela.

UK Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt said the election in Venezuela had been "deeply flawed", repeating his view that Mr Maduro was "not the legitimate leader".

Russia, a UN Security Council member, has said foreign support for Mr Guaidó violates international law and is a "direct path to bloodshed". China, Mexico and Turkey have also publicly backed Mr Maduro.

What happened at the UN?
Discussions at the UN on Saturday were tense as nations clashed on how to resolve the crisis in Venezuela.

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo accused Russia and China of "propping up a failed regime" and said it was time to "support the Venezuelan people immediately".

"No more delays, no more games. Either you stand with the forces of freedom, or you're in league with Maduro and his mayhem," he said.

But Russia's UN ambassador, Vassily Nebenzia, accused Washington of plotting a coup against Mr Maduro.

He said the council was not established to "support regime change" and called for further dialogue to "find a way forward".

China's representative to the UN, Ma Zhaoxu, said that while his country was committed to the "purposes and principles" of the council, the situation in Venezuela "does not constitute a threat to national security" and China "does not interfere in other countries' internal affairs".

Crunch moment for Venezuela
Analysis by James Robbins, BBC diplomatic correspondent

So, it's the US versus Russia again at the UN - this time over Venezuela. The old Cold War adversaries are sparring once more. New subject. Predictable game. It's more or less "my enemy's enemy must be my friend".

Washington says Venezuela represents a threat to peace and security in the region. Moscow says it is Washington which represents the threat, risking a descent into uncontrolled violence.

For all the war of words at the UN, this does look increasingly like a crunch moment for Venezuela and its profoundly polarised society.

Why is Maduro being challenged?

He was re-elected to a second term last year - but the elections were controversial, with many opposition candidates barred from running or jailed.

The National Assembly argues that the presidential position is actually vacant because the election was unfair - and that under the constitution this means that Mr Guaidó, as head of the National Assembly, should take over as acting president instead.

Tens of thousands have held protests over Venezuela's economic crisis - including an annual inflation rate that the opposition says reached 1,300,000% last year.

Mr Maduro has so far retained the support of the country's military, but Mr Guaidó has asked them to "put themselves on the side of the Venezuelan people" and back him instead.


This Guaidó looks like a Venezuelan version of Nawaz Sharif. Ready to sell his organs to the highest bidder.

Time to unite and fvck up CIA/Pentagon sponsored regime change. These bastards are a threat to the universe.
Who said we want a bunch of people coming here? There are already too many and they are worthless leeches. Islam is a poorly written book 10% the size of the bible and admittedly the account of only one man. I have seen what civilizations it creates and am not interested. You just said that we are crying about china and then say right after we won't learn from it, then you deserve them. Stop letting islamic militants use your territory and we will stop droning it

The day you realize (judging by the level of your intellect, probably never will) that it is your governments, the intelligence agencies (CIA/MI6/Mossad) along with saudi/qatari/kuwaiti/emirati zionist-west protectorates that proliferate terrorism around the world.

A Bulgarian Journalist traced weapons supply route all the way from Azerbaijan, to Bulgaria, to israel and then Egypt and to Turkey and then Syria. American weapons supplied to US intelligence agencies' their black market arms dealers. Using Azerbaijan's government aircraft, under the guise of diplomatic immunity to run weapons supply undetected, arming terrorists Hayat Tahrir Al-Sham, Jabhat Al-Nusra, Ahrar Al-Sham, ISIS, Turkish Islamic Group and so on.

Go educate yourself what's reality and stop living in Disneyland.

If Canada is such a loser then how about changing your location to winner Saudi Arabia? Or better yet Pakistan?

My location? What do you mean? I live in Pakistan, my home country, where I was born.

I agree with your view but what good will a russian base be if the populace wants Maduro out? I agree a small minority still want him.

One thing though...Maduro is the only thing stopping the US from raping Venezuelan wealth

Forging diplomatic relations is one thing, establishing lasting economic ties is another. Presence of a military base is important, but NOT a condition for economic ties. Venezuela shares similar principles as other states, and that is opposing american-british hegemony.
Who said we want a bunch of people coming here? There are already too many and they are worthless leeches. Islam is a poorly written book 10% the size of the bible and admittedly the account of only one man. I have seen what civilizations it creates and am not interested. You just said that we are crying about china and then say right after we won't learn from it, then you deserve them. Stop letting islamic militants use your territory and we will stop droning it.

Safe space alert. Hurt fee fees confirmed.

Calm down you American fool and get off the high horse. You just got raped in Afghanistan and Syria. You are literally begging for peace with the Taliban LOL It is funny you wanna gang up against Venezuela now. You should already know the outcome. After ravaging and pillaging Iraq the world has had enough of your lies and deceit. You are nothing, but a greedy bully.

Don’t bring Islam into this pig. You are at odds with half the planet. You wanna build walls, separate children from their parents, accuse others of hacking your elections, cannot run a government and even fight with your European allies LOL All you got is problems. Just have a good look in the mirror.

You are a joke and now you wanna pick another fight in your neighborhood. Just bring it on fool. This is a changed world and you are going to be put in your rightful place. China and Russia turned up at the right time. Just always remember Syria before trying anything foolish. Like I said, from now on China and Russia will be following you like a shadow. There is no escape nor any respite for you.
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Calm down you American fool and get off the high horse. You just got raped in Afghanistan and Syria. You are literally begging for peace with the Taliban LOL It is funny you wanna gang up against Venezuela now. You should already know the outcome. After ravaging and pillaging Iraq the world has had enough of your lies and deceit. You are nothing, but a greedy bully.

Don’t bring Islam into this pig. You are at odds with half the planet. You wanna build walls, separate children from their parents, accuse others of hacking your elections, cannot run a government and even fight with your European allies LOL All you got is problems. Just have a good look in the mirror.

You are joke and now you wanna pick another fight in your neighborhood. Just bring it on fool. This is a changed world and you are going to be put in your rightful place. China and Russia turned up at the right time. Just always remember Syria before trying anything foolish. Like I said, from now on China and Russia will be following you like a shadow. There is no escape nor any respite for you.

What did we pillage from Iraq? Seems china got a lot of oil and weapons sales from there. When you break the law you can't bring your kids with you and use them as a shield. Any sane country doens't want random people coming uninvited and draining the social welfare system. What should I remember about syria? How we came in, threw our weight around and left as we pleased? What terrible thing are you whining about? Your local leaders probably convinced you that the US was the problem so you don't question them.
What did we pillage from Iraq? Seems china got a lot of oil and weapons sales from there. When you break the law you can't bring your kids with you and use them as a shield. Any sane country doens't want random people coming uninvited and draining the social welfare system. What should I remember about syria? How we came in, threw our weight around and left as we pleased? What terrible thing are you whining about? Your local leaders probably convinced you that the US was the problem so you don't question them.

LOL what did we pillage from Iraq he asks... Are you that dumb or are you playing dumb?

You are full of sh!t. Every word that leaves your mouth is an embarrassment.

You Americans have no answers. You are always pointing fingers. Accusing others is a national sport of the USA. You eat junk food and you talk crap. Now get back to chanting USA LOL
If Canada is such a loser then how about changing your location to winner Saudi Arabia? Or better yet Pakistan?

Dont make stupid comments.

How will hegemonic foreign policy decision make me relocate? This constant interference in foreign country affairs is neither welcome nor should be encouraged.
LOL what did we pillage from Iraq he asks... Are you that dumb or are you playing dumb?

You are full of sh!t. Every word that leaves your mouth is an embarrassment.

You Americans have no answers. You are always pointing fingers. Accusing others is a national sport of the USA. You eat junk food and you talk crap. Now get back to chanting USA LOL
That doesn't answer the question, you accused us of stealing a bunch of shit. I want to know what shit we stole?
The day you realize (judging by the level of your intellect, probably never will) that it is your governments, the intelligence agencies (CIA/MI6/Mossad) along with saudi/qatari/kuwaiti/emirati zionist-west protectorates that proliferate terrorism around the world.

A Bulgarian Journalist traced weapons supply route all the way from Azerbaijan, to Bulgaria, to israel and then Egypt and to Turkey and then Syria. American weapons supplied to US intelligence agencies' their black market arms dealers. Using Azerbaijan's government aircraft, under the guise of diplomatic immunity to run weapons supply undetected, arming terrorists Hayat Tahrir Al-Sham, Jabhat Al-Nusra, Ahrar Al-Sham, ISIS, Turkish Islamic Group and so on.

Go educate yourself what's reality and stop living in Disneyland.

My location? What do you mean? I live in Pakistan, my home country, where I was born.

Forging diplomatic relations is one thing, establishing lasting economic ties is another. Presence of a military base is important, but NOT a condition for economic ties. Venezuela shares similar principles as other states, and that is opposing american-british hegemony.


Do you have the link for the article? Sounds like a good read
Bro, Do you have the link for the article? Sounds like a good read

Of course, here you go.

Gives those of us, who view the so-called "Muslim Brother Countries," with piercing skepticism. As such I do NOT view Saudi led Middle Eastern ruling class, or the Turkish corporate elite (who have deep rooted connections with its military and that of israeli clandestine assets and their military), and the Egyptian controlling groups within the military and government. These are powerful groups that have more power or share power with the respective countries' governments. And that is why it is important for Pakistan to not be suckered into this whole "Muslim Brother Countries" trick.


Azerbaijan Forces Bulgaria to Fire Reporter Who Exposed Arms Shipments to Terrorists
Last month, I wrote about Bulgarian journalist Dilyana Gaytandzhieva’s revelations that Azerbaijan’s state-run Silk Way Airlines had shipped 350 planeloads of heavy weapons and ammunitionto terrorist groups in Syria and many other countries in the last three years, under diplomatic cover.

On Aug. 24, Dilyana tweeted: “I just got fired for telling the truth about weapons supplies for terrorists in Syria on diplomatic flights.”

Dilyana posted on her Facebook page that she was fired due to pressure on the government of Bulgaria by Azerbaijan, as she was about to leave for Syria to continue her investigation.

In an interview with Armenpress, Dilyana said that before her firing, she was called by the Bulgarian Special Security Agency and asked about her sources of information for her revelations. She replied that her source was the website of the Embassy of Azerbaijan, which was hacked, but would not provide any further details. Two hours later, she got a phone call from her newspaper, Trud Daily, telling her that she had been dismissed.

After she published her article, Dilyana revealed that the Azeri Embassy urged the Bulgarian government to investigate her; as a result, she was fired from her job.

The daring Bulgarian journalist, however, refuses to remain silent. She told Armenpress that no one can stop her from continuing her investigation: “They couldn’t stop me two months ago; they couldn’t stop me yesterday to speak out. I just posted on social media. They can’t force an independent journalist to keep silent. I’m not obliged to anybody. I’m obliged to tell the truth to the people, this is my job.”

Dilyana stressed that Bulgaria was well informed about these illegal weapons’ shipments, since she had all the documents proving that the Bulgarian government, several European countries, the United States, and many others had given their approval for this secret and illegal operation.

The Bulgarian journalist urged the United Nations to launch an investigation against Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, the United States, Saudi Arabia, and other countries. In addition, Dilyana appealed for support from independent journalists and the public at large. She emphasized: “I am not the first and last journalist to be fired for doing their job. I don’t have high expectations from the mainstream media, because they have their political agenda, their objectives, and their policy. What I expect is to be able to spread this information worldwide not by the mainstream media.”

Dilyana also revealed that Azerbaijan paid Bulgarian journalists to publish articles favorable to Baku. “I can give you a fact obtained from the leaked documents after the cyber-attack on the Azerbaijani Embassy. The Azerbaijani Embassy pays money to journalists for articles in favor of Azerbaijan or articles ordered to be published by Azerbaijan.”

Dilyana insisted that she is determined to continue her work: “I’m going to set up my own on-line media, because no one in Bulgaria will now agree to publish my investigations. I will not be offered a job in the Bulgarian media. So I think about establishing my own [media outlet]; this is the solution.”

Confirming Dilyana’s revelations is an article by Thierry Meyssan, in the sott.net website, reporting that Operation Sycamore involves at least 17 states and involves several tens of thousands of tons of weapons: “Over the last seven years, several billion dollars’ worth of armament has been illegally introduced into Syria…. Numerous documents attest to the fact that the traffic was organized by General David Petraeus, first of all in public, via the CIA, of which he was the director, then privately, via the financial company KKR with the aid of certain senior civil servants…. New elements now show the secret of Azerbaijan in the evolution of the war [in Syria]…. While Bulgaria was one of the main arms exporters to Syria, it received help from Azerbaijan.”

Meyssan, in his article, quotes Sibel Edmonds—an ex-FBI translator and founder of National Security Whistleblowers Coalition—revealing that “Azerbaijan, under President Heydar Aliyev, from 1997 to 2001, hosted in Baku the number 2 of Al-Qaida, Ayman al-Zawahiri. This was done at the request of the CIA. Although officially wanted by the FBI, the man who [was] then number 2 of the international jihadist network travelled regularly in NATO planes to Afghanistan, Albania, Egypt and Turkey. He also received frequent visits from Prince Bandar ben Sultan of Saudi Arabia.”

The Armenian-American community should invite the distinguished Bulgarian journalist Dilyana to the United States in order to publicize through lectures and press conferences her sensational revelations about Azerbaijan’s illegal weapons shipments to terrorists.
Maduro is not really helping his people actually support him. His economic management has been a disaster. Instead of inviting multinational companies into his company, diversify his oil assets and focus on developing a skill-based economy, Maduro continues to rattle a broken sabre, which is only pissing off Venezuelans who were until 40 years ago, slated to become a developed country.

The people need food, education, healthcare and affordable and peaceful lifestyle. Without that, they won't listen to any "ism".

As much as I dislike US interfering everywhere, they really won't have to put much effort in doing anything as people are up in arms against Maduro's inept socialist government.

Socialism without rational checks and balances is about as useless as excessive capitalism; both meet no reasonable targets and people are either as paranoid and insecure as US or as decrepit and poor as Venezuela.

Venezuela needs mass privatization and investments from overseas in non-oil sectors.

If Maduro doesn't allow this, he's going to be thrown off the hill. Period.

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