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Canada will recognize Juan Guaido as Venezuela’s president, follows move by U.S. to do the same

Yes, we need to form a consensus on how to deal with these issues. I am glad Iran is taking the lead in Latin America, and the rest of the Muslims should back up Iran here.

For example, Pakistan, the sole nuclear Muslim nation and its most powerful military and air force, has been living like an ostrich with its head in the sand for far too long.

You want to pick Venezuela over wishes of other South American states like Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, Peru, Chile and Paraguay. you will learn a lesson not to poke your noses where it does not belong
You people are always looking for ways to blame others for your own backwards culture.

Here are but a small number of a plethora of evidence which proved how america actively meddled the internal affairs of other countries to force a regime change.

Egypt 1952: Project FF (the "FF" standing for "Fat Fucker") was a CIA program initially designed to modernize the Kingdom of Egypt under Farouk l, pulling Egypt into the anti-soviet camp. However, the unwillingness of the king to comply led Kermit Roosevelt Jr. to support efforts to replace the regime entirely. Upon hearing rumors of discontent within the Egyptian military, Roosevelt met with the leaders of the nationalist, anti-communist, Free Officers Movement , most notably future Egyptian president Gamal Abdel Nasser, and informed them of American support for their imminent coup d'état. On July 23, 1952, the Free Officers Movement toppled the monarcchy and established the Republic of Egypt.

Holland, Matthew F. (1996). America and Egypt: From Roosevelt to Eisenhower. Praeger. pp. 26–29

Iran 1953: US carried out a regime change in Iran, with the overthrow of Prime Minister Mohammad Mosaddegh in favour of strengthening the monarchical rule of Mohammad Reza Pahlavi on 19 August 1953. Under the code name "TPAJAX Project". This clandestine american operation was supported by the british under codename "Operation Boot." This was the first United States covert action to overthrow a foreign government during peacetime.


Guatemala 1954: In a CIA operation code named Operation PBSUCCESS, the U.S. government executed a coup that was successful in overthrowing the democratically-elected government of President Jacobo Árbenz and installed Carlos Castillo Armas, the first of a line of brutal right-wing dictators, in its place. The perceived success of the operation made it a model for future CIA operations because the CIA lied to the president of the United States when briefing him regarding the number of casualties.


Cuba 1961: A failed military invasion of Cuba undertaken by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) - sponsored paramilitary group Brigade 2506, on 17 April 1961.


Indonesia 1965 - Mass slaughter by US backed Indonesian government of Communist sympathizers. The most widely published estimates were that 500,000 to more than one million people were killed, with some more recent estimates going as high as two to three million. The existence of extensive contacts between anti-communist army officers and the US military establishment – training of over 1,200 officers, "including senior military figures", and providing weapons and economic assistance. CIA denied active involvement in the killings. Declassified US documents in 2017 revealed that the US government had detailed knowledge of the mass killings from the beginning, and was supportive of the actions of the Indonesian Army.


Argentina 1974-1983: Military Junta in Argentina undertook Operation Condor which saw the disappearance and massacre of 30000 Argentinians. With the help of Washington, the junta was aided with $50 million in military aid.


Now that everyone has read them, including yourself. May I suggest that you really go and educate yourself on historical facts and stop running your mouth about how "we" third world countries are always blabbering about conspiracy theories. The evident reality is america, britain and france have actively and clandestinely meddled in the domestic affairs of countries to force regime change and/or wars, with the resultant loss of life in the millions, due to DIRECT american interference and/invasions.
It doesn’t matter. China and Russia will eat the Americans wherever they step foot. 18 years in Afghanistan and now probably 18 in Venezuela. The CIA/Pentagon hasn’t learnt yet from the Syria humiliation. They will learn. Mark my words.
Here are but a small number of a plethora of evidence which proved how america actively meddled the internal affairs of other countries to force a regime change.

Egypt 1952: Project FF (the "FF" standing for "Fat Fucker") was a CIA program initially designed to modernize the Kingdom of Egypt under Farouk l, pulling Egypt into the anti-soviet camp. However, the unwillingness of the king to comply led Kermit Roosevelt Jr. to support efforts to replace the regime entirely. Upon hearing rumors of discontent within the Egyptian military, Roosevelt met with the leaders of the nationalist, anti-communist, Free Officers Movement , most notably future Egyptian president Gamal Abdel Nasser, and informed them of American support for their imminent coup d'état. On July 23, 1952, the Free Officers Movement toppled the monarcchy and established the Republic of Egypt.

Holland, Matthew F. (1996). America and Egypt: From Roosevelt to Eisenhower. Praeger. pp. 26–29

Iran 1953: US carried out a regime change in Iran, with the overthrow of Prime Minister Mohammad Mosaddegh in favour of strengthening the monarchical rule of Mohammad Reza Pahlavi on 19 August 1953. Under the code name "TPAJAX Project". This clandestine american operation was supported by the british under codename "Operation Boot." This was the first United States covert action to overthrow a foreign government during peacetime.


Guatemala 1954: In a CIA operation code named Operation PBSUCCESS, the U.S. government executed a coup that was successful in overthrowing the democratically-elected government of President Jacobo Árbenz and installed Carlos Castillo Armas, the first of a line of brutal right-wing dictators, in its place. The perceived success of the operation made it a model for future CIA operations because the CIA lied to the president of the United States when briefing him regarding the number of casualties.


Cuba 1961: A failed military invasion of Cuba undertaken by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) - sponsored paramilitary group Brigade 2506, on 17 April 1961.


Indonesia 1965 - Mass slaughter by US backed Indonesian government of Communist sympathizers. The most widely published estimates were that 500,000 to more than one million people were killed, with some more recent estimates going as high as two to three million. The existence of extensive contacts between anti-communist army officers and the US military establishment – training of over 1,200 officers, "including senior military figures", and providing weapons and economic assistance. CIA denied active involvement in the killings. Declassified US documents in 2017 revealed that the US government had detailed knowledge of the mass killings from the beginning, and was supportive of the actions of the Indonesian Army.


Argentina 1974-1983: Military Junta in Argentina undertook Operation Condor which saw the disappearance and massacre of 30000 Argentinians. With the help of Washington, the junta was aided with $50 million in military aid.


Now that everyone has read them, including yourself. May I suggest that you really go and educate yourself on historical facts and stop running your mouth about how "we" third world countries are always blabbering about conspiracy theories. The evident reality is america, britain and france have actively and clandestinely meddled in the domestic affairs of countries to force regime change and/or wars, with the resultant loss of life in the millions, due to DIRECT american interference and/invasions.

You seem to believe millions would not have died if the US had not been involved. In these areas in the world conflict is normal and if the US had never laid eye on it millions would have died anyway. The question is what US policies DIRECTLY led to the deaths. Controlling an outcome is not easy and you can't fully control all parties involved. You think if Russia or China had been in control there would have been less casualties? They don't even have to pretend to be humanitarians how much worse would it have been? Also they do not have a free bleeding heart media and could and would exert that much more pressure to get what they want. I don't think you are understand the options. You will be trading at best one monster for a much worse one.

It doesn’t matter. China and Russia will eat the Americans wherever they step foot. 18 years in Afghanistan and now probably 18 in Venezuela. The CIA/Pentagon hasn’t learnt yet from the Syria humiliation. They will learn. Mark my words.

You mean how we humiliated syria by sending a small amount of troops, taking out most of isis territory then
leaving? Now they can finish cleaning up their mess.
You seem to believe millions would not have died if the US had not been involved. In these areas in the world conflict is normal and if the US had never laid eye on it millions would have died anyway. The question is what US policies DIRECTLY led to the deaths. Controlling an outcome is not easy and you can't fully control all parties involved. You think if Russia or China had been in control there would have been less casualties? They don't even have to pretend to be humanitarians how much worse would it have been? Also they do not have a free bleeding heart media and could and would exert that much more pressure to get what they want. I don't think you are understand the options. You will be trading at best one monster for a much worse one.

Ah and there it is, that exceptionalist mentality which infects your kind. Only problem with that is your kind is not the exception to nature. No one made you the authority to rule the world, and like all empires, america's hubris consumes it from within. The lie your kind has told the world is that the Western way is the only way. Anything that opposes Western way, is evil. Everything is about control to you and your kind. Own and control everything, technology, land, resources and narrative. Doesn't matter if people die because of it, doesn't matter if nations are impoverished due to it and it certainly doesn't matter if you've got to lie outta your *** to fool the world.

A lie, told even a million times over, shall always be a lie. And Truth will ALWAYS triumph over falsehood.

You mean how we humiliated syria by sending a small amount of troops, taking out most of isis territory then leaving? Now they can finish cleaning up their mess.

I mean how Wahhabi elite of Saudi, Qatari, Emirati, Kuwaiti and Bahraini ruling class poured money into a CIA/MI6 assembled terrorist groups that were allowed to run amok in a broken country, Iraq? And how your other ally, Turkey, funnelled more terrorists wishing to join that dog-shit Wahhabi ISIS, all so that satan's two horns (America & Britain) can destroy Syria, like had done Libya? You talk of democracy is a lie, because democracy that you bark about, is a lie itself. Your media bitches about "Russia Collusion" while you actively meddle in other countries' affairs to bring about regime change. And we all know why you media keeps barking about Russia. It's because they want to shift the attention away from the actual country that got Trump elected, the illegal, illegitimate and terrorist-fascist state of israel.

So spare me the dog bark, we have heard it all and seen it all when it comes to your parasitic cancerous zionist kind. Your kind's time will soon be up, and judgment will come. Like all empires, your's will also be ravaged and torn apart. It's only a matter of time ... and when it happens, the no one will control the narrative, except the TRUTH.
You mean how we humiliated syria by sending a small amount of troops, taking out most of isis territory then
leaving? Now they can finish cleaning up their mess.

You mean moved Daesh from Iraq to Syria and then to Afghanistan to fight Taliban. We all know whose agents Daesh are.

Wahhabi ISIS

They are not Wahabbi or Salafi, they are Khawarij and represent a completely different mindset.

Don't blame KSA, UAE, Bahrain for doing the wishes of their masters. The blame lies with US and Israel for creating Daesh.
Canada is such a loser. I hate it when Trudeau attempts being Trump.

Good thing though is that China and Russia are putting their weight. Its not a uni polar world. And America and its alliance of thugs are not having their way as they used to be.
You mean moved Daesh from Iraq to Syria and then to Afghanistan to fight Taliban. We all know whose agents Daesh are.

They are not Wahabbi or Salafi, they are Khawarij and represent a completely different mindset.

Don't blame KSA, UAE, Bahrain for doing the wishes of their masters. The blame lies with US and Israel for creating Daesh.

Screw the Gulf Arabs I wish every pain for those agents of destruction I cant wait when Indonesia,Turkey and Iran economically surpass them "oil lottery" and misusing "brothers" no more
Juan Guadio will be assassinated any day now.
so you are in martyr making business ?

If you want to have a sustainable economy, try to make reforms like China and Vietnam did. The Soviet-type economy system is no longer working. Even after the collapse of the Soviet Union, China and Vietnam managed to survive. These two countries managed to reform their own economies and switched to market-based mixed economy. If I were Hugo Chavez or Fidel Castro, I would do economic reforms like China or Vietnam did. Unfortunately it's too late for Venezuela.
well the only country who can say survived after the fall of USSR is Cuba.
china and Vietnam were not relying on USSR economy , it was not that important for them.

Your opinion on what does or doesn’t work isn’t relevant here. The real issue is that a foreign government declared someone else President, after the current President won the election. It totally undermines the Sovereignty Of Venezuela. No country has the authority to decide who becomes president of another country, yet along declare them to be President.
not the first time it happens , not the last time it'll be.
People try to come to my country a lot more than yours I would imagine, could it be because we do things better here?

The only reason why they come to your country is because they have no clue how bad things are actually getting in the US. They don't know that getting a job which would lift them from poverty isn't really something that can now materialize. Young americans with college degrees are stuck with mounting student debt. You're the one to get a reality check on things, they're not in your country to settle down anymore (with the exception of Latin America). The only reason why they're is because of the strong dollar they can send back home. The day US dollar loses its worth, it's goodbye america!

Islam is the common denominator in these areas and they weren't peaceful before either. If anything the islamic militants are used for proxy battles but the reason they exist and are easily manipulated is the ideology.

Who do you suppose is manipulating these lunatics? Who are zionist america's little lap dogs? The wahhabi fanatics of the Saudi, Qatari, Kuwaiti, Emirati & Bahraini elites. So don't mix up Islam with these idiots, you haven't the first clue on what Islam is.

I don't see any alternative to US leadership because the others are worse. I always try to find a way to balance limited government and maximum freedom with keeping authoritarians contained. It's not possible is seems.

You're kidding me, right? The power structure of america is owned and controlled by zionists. None of the wars fought by america in the last 73 years have been on american soil, for the defense of america. The health care system is designed for the elite, the economic system is for the criminals on Wall Street, the defense budget is not for american military, rather the military industrial complex. While americans are forced into jobs that exploit health care subjugating the citizens on lower incomes. The government spends $350 billion on bailout of Wall Street while taxing the american citizens more with ever decreasing jobs and lower wages. $733 billion defense budget to feed the rich contractors while veterans sleep on streets. Keep living in disneyland, bud!

You pakis will learn soon enough when your beloved China takes more control of you, you will miss the bad ole days and I won't miss the us dealing with a useless country like Pakistan.

Firstly, kindly refrain from using the term "****" as it is classified as racist. Secondly, for someone whose successive governments traded with China, and ended up exporting all jobs to China, running trade deficits that are in the hundreds of billions of dollars and are now crying like a little child about. You're the last one any Pakistani would ever take advice from.

Ironically you complain about us power but China has and its about to have much more power over you than the us ever did.

Unlike america, China doesn't sell military hardware that Pakistan has bought and paid for, and then impose sanctions on them. Unlike america, China doesn't send drones to conduct missile strikes on sovereign territory of Pakistan. Instead, it sells Pakistan UCAVs so that Pakistan can conduct missile strikes on terrorists. Unlike america, China doesn't meddle in a country's internal affairs by assassinating and/or bribing it's leaders. Rather it maintains its friendship with Pakistan, even when Pakistan is being ruled by american puppet governments.

Isis is the product of the book that illiterate pedo (peace be upon him) since you don't even know if allah saved him wrote around 600AD. The middle east loves conspiracy theories probably more than any other region in the world.

Osama Bin Laden was trained and directed by CIA, not Islam. Terrorists have infested the Middle East due to american protection of puppet states like saudis, qataris, egyptians, kuwaitis, emiratis and bahrainis. It is in these states, the Wahhabi-Salafi fanatics live and proliferate their extremist ideology across the world. ISIS is a product of that, with the help of american, british, french and israeli military support.

Juan Guadio is the legitimate interim president of Venezeula.

That is the position of the Canadian government which on Wednesday, confirmed to Global News it will recognize the country’s opposition leader as interim president. That move comes as the Trump administration ratcheted up pressure on Venezuela’s President Nicolas Maduro on Wednesday, also recognizing Guadio as the interim president and signalled potential new sanctions against its vital oil sector.

Mass street protests are underway against Maduro across Venezuela.

Speaking on background, a Canadian official told Global News Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland will address the move in a statement expected this afternoon and that the Lima Group will have a statement out imminently also recognizing Guaido as interim president.

The Lima Group is made up of 12 countries including Canada that seek an end to the political crisis in Venezuela.

It was established in 2017 to call for free and fair elections, the release of political prisoners and a return to democracy.

The Canadian official said the decision to recognize Guadio was made as a whole by the Lima Group and that members recognizing Guaido expect him to call an election within 30 days.

While the United States is not a member, Trump issued a statement threatening to use all available economic and political tools to restore democracy in the country and calling Maduro “illegitimate.”

“I will continue to use the full weight of United States economic and diplomatic power to press for the restoration of Venezuelan democracy,” Trump said in a statement, encouraging other governments in the Western Hemisphere to also recognize Guaido.

The administration had been waiting to issue its announcement after Guaido had been sworn in as the country’s temporary president on Wednesday, people familiar with the matter told Reuters.

Earlier this month, Canada and the Lima Group members condemned a a widely-derided election in May 2018 as lacking “legitimacy.”

In a Jan. 4, 2019, statement, Canada and the Lima Group warned they would not recognize the new presidential term of Maduro that had been set to begin on Jan. 10, 2019.

Maduro was sworn in anyway and calls began growing for Guadio to assume the presidency given the election was widely boycotted and was described by the U.S., Canada and others as fraudulent.

The 35-year-old Guaido has energized the opposition with a campaign to declare Maduro a usurper and has promised a transition to a new government in a nation suffering a hyperinflationary economic collapse.

Guaido, a newcomer on the national scene who was elected to head Congress on Jan. 5, had said earlier he was willing to replace Maduro if he had the support of the military, with the aim of then calling for free elections.

U.S. officials in recent days had stated openly that Maduro no longer had a legitimate claim on power.

The sources acknowledged that formal recognition of Guaido would be complicated by questions of how to deal with Venezuela’s U.S.-based diplomats and who would now control its bank accounts and other U.S. assets.

It was also unknown whether Guaido and the opposition-controlled Congress would now try to exert control over Citgo, the U.S. refining arm of Venezuela’s state-run oil company PDVSA.

uch a move could also backfire if Maduro used Guaido’s swearing-in and U.S. recognition of him as a pretext to take action such as detaining him.

Canada also plans to recognize Guaido, a Canadian government official said on Wednesday.


Adding to pressure on Maduro, multiple sources said the Trump administration could impose new U.S. sanctions on Venezuela’s vital oil sector as soon as this week if the political situation there deteriorates further.

U.S. officials are considering a range of potential measures, including restricting U.S. imports of Venezuelan oil or even a full ban, to punish Maduro’s government, but no final decisions have been made as Washington closely watches the street protests unfolding in the country, two people familiar with the matter told Reuters.

Two other sources briefed on the matter said the U.S. administration had privately informed U.S. energy companies of its deliberations.

The administration’s decision on whether to go ahead could depend on how harshly Maduro cracks down on protesters and how he responds to Guaido’s swearing-in, several of the sources said.

Since late last year, the White House has also been considering whether to put Venezuela’s on the U.S. list of state sponsors of terrorism, U.S. officials have said.

The White House has been growing frustrated with existing sanctions on Venezuela which have so far spared oil exports, feeling they have not had the desired effect.

Cutting off Venezuela’s exports would choke off revenue to the Western Hemisphere’s only OPEC member-nation.

The United States has held off on broad, oil-related measures for now, mindful of the potential not only for deepening the suffering of the Venezuelan people but also the risk of causing problems for U.S. companies and consumers.
And that's how these big countries destabilise third world countries.
Screw the Gulf Arabs I wish every pain for those agents of destruction I cant wait when Indonesia,Turkey and Iran economically surpass them "oil lottery" and misusing "brothers" no more

you understand pakistanis prop them up along with americans

Here are but a small number of a plethora of evidence which proved how america actively meddled the internal affairs of other countries to force a regime change.

Egypt 1952: Project FF (the "FF" standing for "Fat Fucker") was a CIA program initially designed to modernize the Kingdom of Egypt under Farouk l, pulling Egypt into the anti-soviet camp. However, the unwillingness of the king to comply led Kermit Roosevelt Jr. to support efforts to replace the regime entirely. Upon hearing rumors of discontent within the Egyptian military, Roosevelt met with the leaders of the nationalist, anti-communist, Free Officers Movement , most notably future Egyptian president Gamal Abdel Nasser, and informed them of American support for their imminent coup d'état. On July 23, 1952, the Free Officers Movement toppled the monarcchy and established the Republic of Egypt.

Holland, Matthew F. (1996). America and Egypt: From Roosevelt to Eisenhower. Praeger. pp. 26–29

Iran 1953: US carried out a regime change in Iran, with the overthrow of Prime Minister Mohammad Mosaddegh in favour of strengthening the monarchical rule of Mohammad Reza Pahlavi on 19 August 1953. Under the code name "TPAJAX Project". This clandestine american operation was supported by the british under codename "Operation Boot." This was the first United States covert action to overthrow a foreign government during peacetime.


Guatemala 1954: In a CIA operation code named Operation PBSUCCESS, the U.S. government executed a coup that was successful in overthrowing the democratically-elected government of President Jacobo Árbenz and installed Carlos Castillo Armas, the first of a line of brutal right-wing dictators, in its place. The perceived success of the operation made it a model for future CIA operations because the CIA lied to the president of the United States when briefing him regarding the number of casualties.


Cuba 1961: A failed military invasion of Cuba undertaken by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) - sponsored paramilitary group Brigade 2506, on 17 April 1961.


Indonesia 1965 - Mass slaughter by US backed Indonesian government of Communist sympathizers. The most widely published estimates were that 500,000 to more than one million people were killed, with some more recent estimates going as high as two to three million. The existence of extensive contacts between anti-communist army officers and the US military establishment – training of over 1,200 officers, "including senior military figures", and providing weapons and economic assistance. CIA denied active involvement in the killings. Declassified US documents in 2017 revealed that the US government had detailed knowledge of the mass killings from the beginning, and was supportive of the actions of the Indonesian Army.


Argentina 1974-1983: Military Junta in Argentina undertook Operation Condor which saw the disappearance and massacre of 30000 Argentinians. With the help of Washington, the junta was aided with $50 million in military aid.


Now that everyone has read them, including yourself. May I suggest that you really go and educate yourself on historical facts and stop running your mouth about how "we" third world countries are always blabbering about conspiracy theories. The evident reality is america, britain and france have actively and clandestinely meddled in the domestic affairs of countries to force regime change and/or wars, with the resultant loss of life in the millions, due to DIRECT american interference and/invasions.

note all these interventions were before 1975
note all these interventions were before 1975

Ah is that what it is?
Then note that straight after the fall of the stupidity which was the soviet union, america after Iraq, Libya, Syria, Yemen and now Venezuela.
The only reason why they come to your country is because they have no clue how bad things are actually getting in the US. They don't know that getting a job which would lift them from poverty isn't really something that can now materialize. Young americans with college degrees are stuck with mounting student debt. You're the one to get a reality check on things, they're not in your country to settle down anymore (with the exception of Latin America). The only reason why they're is because of the strong dollar they can send back home. The day US dollar loses its worth, it's goodbye america!

Who do you suppose is manipulating these lunatics? Who are zionist america's little lap dogs? The wahhabi fanatics of the Saudi, Qatari, Kuwaiti, Emirati & Bahraini elites. So don't mix up Islam with these idiots, you haven't the first clue on what Islam is.

You're kidding me, right? The power structure of america is owned and controlled by zionists. None of the wars fought by america in the last 73 years have been on american soil, for the defense of america. The health care system is designed for the elite, the economic system is for the criminals on Wall Street, the defense budget is not for american military, rather the military industrial complex. While americans are forced into jobs that exploit health care subjugating the citizens on lower incomes. The government spends $350 billion on bailout of Wall Street while taxing the american citizens more with ever decreasing jobs and lower wages. $733 billion defense budget to feed the rich contractors while veterans sleep on streets. Keep living in disneyland, bud!

Firstly, kindly refrain from using the term "****" as it is classified as racist. Secondly, for someone whose successive governments traded with China, and ended up exporting all jobs to China, running trade deficits that are in the hundreds of billions of dollars and are now crying like a little child about. You're the last one any Pakistani would ever take advice from.

Unlike america, China doesn't sell military hardware that Pakistan has bought and paid for, and then impose sanctions on them. Unlike america, China doesn't send drones to conduct missile strikes on sovereign territory of Pakistan. Instead, it sells Pakistan UCAVs so that Pakistan can conduct missile strikes on terrorists. Unlike america, China doesn't meddle in a country's internal affairs by assassinating and/or bribing it's leaders. Rather it maintains its friendship with Pakistan, even when Pakistan is being ruled by american puppet governments.

Osama Bin Laden was trained and directed by CIA, not Islam. Terrorists have infested the Middle East due to american protection of puppet states like saudis, qataris, egyptians, kuwaitis, emiratis and bahrainis. It is in these states, the Wahhabi-Salafi fanatics live and proliferate their extremist ideology across the world. ISIS is a product of that, with the help of american, british, french and israeli military support.

Who said we want a bunch of people coming here? There are already too many and they are worthless leeches. Islam is a poorly written book 10% the size of the bible and admittedly the account of only one man. I have seen what civilizations it creates and am not interested. You just said that we are crying about china and then say right after we won't learn from it, then you deserve them. Stop letting islamic militants use your territory and we will stop droning it.

@waz @Horus @Dubious @WebMaster

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