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Canada recognizes Sikh right to propagate Khalistan peacefully


Jan 28, 2012
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Canada again recognize Sikhs’ right to propagate the idea of Khalistan peacefully

Chandigarh, Punjab/India (January 12, 2013): As per recent media reports visiting Canadian Minister Jason Kenney told reporters in Chandigarh that Sikhs in Canada raising their voice peacefully for separate Sikh state named “Khalisthan” out of India, will not be asked to leave Canada.

Jason Kenney, Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism (Canada)
Canada’s Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism Minister Jason Kenney is visiting Chandigarh and he said this while addressing press conference in Chandigarh.

“Members of Sikh community could raise their voice peacefully while living in Canada as there is nothing wrong in it since they are doing within the law frame”, Kenney reportedly said.

“The Canadian government would not review their immigration status or disturb their residency status since they are not disturbing the law and order,” he added.

As per a news report published by “Indian Express” (IE): “He, however, said that if anybody was found involved in any act of terrorism or raising funds for terrorist activities then the government would definitely take action against them followed by their deportation”.

It is notable that Indian investigative and intelligence agencies as well as the Indian government has been raising “concerns” over the rise of political awareness among Sikhs in Europe, Canada and United States. India terms such awareness as “rise in Sikh extremism” in European and Western countries.

Indian media and Government representatives/officials had created the havoc of rise of “Sikh extremists” in Canada when Canadian prime minister Stephen Harper was visiting Indian few months back. But PM Harper had recognized the right of Canadian Sikhs to raise their political concern or propagate the idea of separate Sikh state often named as “Khalistan” peacefully.

Canada again recognize Sikhs’ right to propagate the idea of Khalistan peacefully*|*Sikh Siyasat News (in English)
LOL when these guys even allow calls for secession of their own country, bet they will allow that for some country 10,000 miles away in Asia.

No big thing.
India also recognises people's right to request secession peacefully I believe.
We don't claim to be champions of democracy like india... even then Pakistani citizens are more free than any democracy in the world. We don't have any weird laws that take away citizens freedom.

Same goes to you ..
That is how democracy works. Peacefully asking for secession should be allowed in a democracy - whether it is internal secession or external secession. It keeps reminding the government and its other citizens that there are citizens in the country who are dissatisfied with the state and the nation and it is the responsibility of the state to assuage their fears - once again through peaceful means.

Denying people the right to peacefully ask for anything - forces them to take up arms and use more extremist measures. We would not have the Kashmir problem or if we did - it would be much less violent if our leaders grasped this concept of democracy.
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