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Canada criminalizes criticism of Israel: Analyst

Hasbara Buster

Aug 17, 2010
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Canada criminalizes criticism of Israel: Analyst


Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper (R) and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

The pro-Israel Canadian government is modifying the country’s criminal code to ban any criticism of the Zionist regime for atrocities against Palestinians, an analyst says.

In a column for Press TV website, Brandon Martinez has analyzed the proposed cyber-bullying law (Bill C-13) by the administration of Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper.

“The Zionist ruling clique of Canada, through their front-man Stephen Harper, is seeking to beef up the already-existing Orwellian ‘hate propaganda’ law, which has been primarily used to curtail criticism of Zionists and Israel,” wrote Martinez.

He said Canada’s criminal code is to ban criticism or promotion of “hatred” against people distinguished by “national origin.”

“This means, say, if you condemn Israelis for their inhumane treatment of Palestinians, you could find yourself in court facing down the self-appointed thought police and commissars of political correctness,” wrote Martinez.

He singled out the case of German-Canadian publisher, Ernst Zundel, who has been facing court and jail due to his criticism of Zionists who are “the self-appointed architects of public discourse, the self-declared arbiters of truth and morality.”

The analyst said the Canadian police have refused to provide any protection to Zundel, whose Toronto home has been “torched by Zionist terrorists.”

“Zundel’s story is a testament to the power and control of Jewish extremists in Canada,” wrote Martinez.

Harper is under criticism for its violations of the rights of indigenous peoples in Canada.

Many native Canadians remain among the poorest members of the Canadian society, with most of them suffering poor educational, economic and social conditions.

PressTV - Canada criminalizes criticism of Israel: Analyst
Canada criminalizes criticism of Israel: Analyst


Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper (R) and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

The pro-Israel Canadian government is modifying the country’s criminal code to ban any criticism of the Zionist regime for atrocities against Palestinians, an analyst says.

In a column for Press TV website, Brandon Martinez has analyzed the proposed cyber-bullying law (Bill C-13) by the administration of Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper.

“The Zionist ruling clique of Canada, through their front-man Stephen Harper, is seeking to beef up the already-existing Orwellian ‘hate propaganda’ law, which has been primarily used to curtail criticism of Zionists and Israel,” wrote Martinez.

He said Canada’s criminal code is to ban criticism or promotion of “hatred” against people distinguished by “national origin.”

“This means, say, if you condemn Israelis for their inhumane treatment of Palestinians, you could find yourself in court facing down the self-appointed thought police and commissars of political correctness,” wrote Martinez.

He singled out the case of German-Canadian publisher, Ernst Zundel, who has been facing court and jail due to his criticism of Zionists who are “the self-appointed architects of public discourse, the self-declared arbiters of truth and morality.”

The analyst said the Canadian police have refused to provide any protection to Zundel, whose Toronto home has been “torched by Zionist terrorists.”

“Zundel’s story is a testament to the power and control of Jewish extremists in Canada,” wrote Martinez.

Harper is under criticism for its violations of the rights of indigenous peoples in Canada.

Many native Canadians remain among the poorest members of the Canadian society, with most of them suffering poor educational, economic and social conditions.

PressTV - Canada criminalizes criticism of Israel: Analyst

Canada can cooperate with Pakistan and other Muslim countries as in Pakistan we have many engineers and scientist willing to work outside the country. Canada should try to give M.S and especially 1100 Scholar Ships for Ph.D to Pakistanis.

He said Canada’s criminal code is to ban criticism or promotion of “hatred” against people distinguished by “national origin.”
According to them its a law to protect Israel.
@Hazzy997 What you have to say about this??

I'm not sure, measures like this just don't work anymore and only encourage more criticism of the government in Canada and Israeli policy in occupied territories. The guy himself is a self proclaimed Zionist although I don't believe it will remain like this after he's gone, you simply can't just alter criminal code like that. There is a sizable Arab population there as well which I expect to go to work and protest socially against such measures. It just goes to show how desperate the Israeli government is in looking all the way to Canada for political support. Canada was on of the few nations that vetoed Palestinian recognition at the UN. So this is only good news for pro justice people as it outlines the trouble the Israeli government is having trying to garnish support for its policies ahead of 2014 peace talks since they need nations to stand against upcoming major Palestinian UN moves.
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