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Canada broke another record by welcoming 341,000 immigrants in 2019

Now you are just acting like a typical stubborn posters, who even doesnt acknowledge the given FACT's, however, it doesnt change the brutal reality about the job market and struggle of immigrants in Canada - nothing left to prove here at all.

The only one acting arrogant here is you. I acknowledged the one mistake I made, while you still think opinions are the same thing as facts.

You comments about the doctor's are totally laughable and tells how novice you are in this domain. Majority of foreign doctors are in taxi and other similar businesses for a reason. Your option wouldn't change this fact, but again, continue to be adamant.

I made one tiny inconsequential mistake, which I acknowledged, while your entire reasoning is flawed.

Where did you get "majority" from? You have no evidence of that.

Go and educate yourself first about "social welfare assistance" program of Canada and then come back for a valid debate, because there is no substance in your argument after my last post. Also, educate yourself on how much parents get for each kid, because again and again your comments are revealing that you know zilch about this matter and its related frauds and scams. You are just clutching the straws, carry on.

I know about Canada's various social welfare programs, again I ask you, which specific programs are these immigrants defrauding? Why are you so afraid to mention these programs?

The way you talk, you seem to think there is only one or maybe two programs, when there are a myriad of support programs.

The fact you keep avoiding my question proves you have no idea what you're talking about.

You mentioned CCB, but it's basically nothing...


"Starting in July 2016, the new Canada Child Benefit will provide a maximum annual benefit of $6,400 per child under the age of six, and $5,400 per child aged 6 through 17."

That amounts to a few hundred dollars a month, per child. That's absolutely nothing, when accounting for the cost of raising a child in Canada, from food, clothing, RESP, to (if the child is still a baby), diapers, milk formula, etc.

And as for the polls, who cares about your opinion? You opinion doesnt change what majority of Canadian's want.

I don't care what a majority of Canadians want, all I care about are facts. This isn't a debate about whether Canadians think immigration is good or not.

I am not shoving my opinion of anybody's throat. This is a public forum, where we come to raise our voice. I expressed my opinion based on things around me, based on personal experience and facts. If you dont like and dont want to admit about the issues of Canada then why bother quoting me back? Just ignore me and move on, whats the big deal?

I didnt say you were shoving your opinion down people's throats, or that you don't have a right to post here.

You're posting misleading information, and presenting your opinions as if they're indisputable facts. Like you said, this is a public forum, you have a right to post so long as you follow the rules, but you seem to be forgetting that I have a right to call you out on your bs.

It annoys me that I made one small inconsequential mistake, that really doesn't change anything in the long run, and you just ran with it.

You know what it is? Jericho did your homework for you, and you just used his homework against me, even though he didnt really prove my over all point wrong either.

All YOU did was present a few worthless opinion polls.
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I wouldn't shy to apologize. This was not my intention at all.

lol very canadian of you.

And you are right in a certain way; jobs are there but highly educated folks are not getting jobs in their sectors due to multiple reasons; not having "canadian experience", lacking proper license requirements, preference of canadian educated over international.

These are statistics from canadian government website.

"42% of recent immigrants in Canada with a bachelor’s degree were working in jobs that required a high school education at most."

Now 42 percent is a huge sum of people who are highly educated and couldn't find job in their respective fields because of various reasons and consequently working in other sectors which require non-skilled workers.

reference: https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/11f0019m/11f0019m2019022-eng.htm
lol very canadian of you.

And you are right in a certain way; jobs are there but highly educated folks are not getting jobs in their sectors due to multiple reasons; not having "canadian experience", lacking proper license requirements, preference of canadian educated over international.

These are statistics from canadian government website.

"42% of recent immigrants in Canada with a bachelor’s degree were working in jobs that required a high school education at most."

Now 42 percent is a huge sum of people who are highly educated and couldn't find job in their respective fields because of various reasons and consequently working in other sectors which require non-skilled workers.

reference: https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/11f0019m/11f0019m2019022-eng.htm
The figures seem to be similar to native born, and the figures don't really break down field by field.

So, unless I'm reading the figures wrong, it seems a majority are actually employed in their respective field, but a huge chunk are not, due to various reasons.

Not that I'm disputing it, the figures are probably accurate.
The figures seem to be similar to native born, and the figures don't really break down field by field.

So, unless I'm reading the figures wrong, it seems a majority are actually employed in their respective field, but a huge chunk are not, due to various reasons.

Not that I'm disputing it, the figures are probably accurate.

No it's not similar to native born; these are the figures from same study. Data is from three different agencies. Also have a look at occupation mismatch; compared to their academic background.

First column is for native born, second for recent immigrants and third for established immigrants.

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The only one acting arrogant here is you. I acknowledged the one mistake I made, while you still think opinions are the same thing as facts.

If I were arrogant then I would never apologize based on your claim - which I never found to be true, but still offered unconditional apology.

I made one tiny inconsequential mistake, which I acknowledged, while your entire reasoning is flawed.
If my reasoning was flawed, than many wouldnt have agreed with me (checkout how many have agreed/clicked my post).

Where did you get "majority" from? You have no evidence of that.

Revisit my post wherein I provided multiple references. This post of your shows that you havent gown thought those. And inline is another different source, illustrates how many PhDs, doctors and undergraduate university degrees or master's are driving taxi's - but your ego wouldnt let you admit it.


So for nth time, if everything is hunky dory than have these people gone mad and start driving cab? This is why I have been keep on saying that, for immigrant(s), doctors in this case, its not a cake walk to come with their families, study to get the license for an year or so and in the meantime support their family (mind you in many families its only the head of the family who earns) and meet both the ends (Not even a single time you have answered this question and keep on avoiding it, what do they do in the meantime to survive?). Only an impractical individual wouldn't understand it.

Here is another source echo what I have been saying since get go. Unemployment is up for most educated immigrants.


More the point, here is Govt of Canada acknowledging the fact that there is a serious issue, due to which, 850,000 Canadians — over 60 per cent of whom are immigrants — end up underemployed or unemployed. However, they are working on a plan, which is yet to be materialized.

That said, on one hand, I have my personal experiences, many reference which highlights bad employment situation and Govt itself admitting this fact, and on the other hand, who is keep on saying nah, everything is fine — who should I believe? Of course I will go with former, because your argument is utterly shallow.

I know about Canada's various social welfare programs, again I ask you, which specific programs are these immigrants defrauding? Why are you so afraid to mention these programs?

The way you talk, you seem to think there is only one or maybe two programs, when there are a myriad of support programs.

The fact you keep avoiding my question proves you have no idea what you're talking about.

You mentioned CCB, but it's basically nothing...


"Starting in July 2016, the new Canada Child Benefit will provide a maximum annual benefit of $6,400 per child under the age of six, and $5,400 per child aged 6 through 17."

That amounts to a few hundred dollars a month, per child. That's absolutely nothing, when accounting for the cost of raising a child in Canada, from food, clothing, RESP, to (if the child is still a baby), diapers, milk formula, etc.

Again, I have provided adequate details along with references. Since the beginning, I have been saying this, which I backed with the sources - here are those again.



And in response you start acting line a 10 years old and asking for "which specific program". Does any of these source point out at any specific program? These speak in general about welfare fraud's so do I, is it really difficult to comprehend? (Also, I clearly mentioned earlier that its not just immigrants, it also includes locals, but you are trying to twist it unnecessarily and accusing me for avoiding my question, I have addressed and answered in much more details than it needs to be).

And here is another source, which illustrates how wealthy foreigners are dodging the Canadian system and very easily claims for social welfare.


And what do you mean that "CBC" is nothing? They have reported "welfare fraud" but you conveniently swept it under the rug, bravo. Either heed, understand and respect the source or dont ask it in the first place.

Speaking of Child Benefit, usually immigrants have family of 5 to 6 (2 adults and 3 kid's at least). Which means they can get at least 844 (Basic needs, as per the following) + 815 (shelter allowance for family of 5, as per the following) = 1,659. Icing on the cake, they can get to live is any non-profit housing like peel.


1,659 is a substantial amount and this also allows them to work on cash, which many do.

If one needs to be at next level if he/she still cant see the issue.

I don't care what a majority of Canadians want, all I care about are facts. This isn't a debate about whether Canadians think immigration is good or not.

Nobody cares about your opinion, people have their own opinion, which has shown in the pools along with their concerns (which all are valid concerns)

I didnt say you were shoving your opinion down people's throats, or that you don't have a right to post here.

You're posting misleading information, and presenting your opinions as if they're indisputable facts. Like you said, this is a public forum, you have a right to post so long as you follow the rules, but you seem to be forgetting that I have a right to call you out on your bs.

Not even a single piece of info which I have posted can be label is "misleading". BS is what you have been constantly doing here and not acknowledging the fact about immigration issues, which even Govt admit's.

It annoys me that I made one small inconsequential mistake, that really doesn't change anything in the long run, and you just ran with it.

You know what it is? Jericho did your homework for you, and you just used his homework against me, even though he didnt really prove my over all point wrong either.

All YOU did was present a few worthless opinion polls.

Hogwash again, I provided references to back whatever I have been since past few days, however, your ego wouldn't let you admit it. Of course, it doesn't change the ground reality.

lol very canadian of you.

And you are right in a certain way; jobs are there but highly educated folks are not getting jobs in their sectors due to multiple reasons; not having "canadian experience", lacking proper license requirements, preference of canadian educated over international.

These are statistics from canadian government website.

"42% of recent immigrants in Canada with a bachelor’s degree were working in jobs that required a high school education at most."

Now 42 percent is a huge sum of people who are highly educated and couldn't find job in their respective fields because of various reasons and consequently working in other sectors which require non-skilled workers.

reference: https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/11f0019m/11f0019m2019022-eng.htm

Thank you for saying the obvious bro. However, you know what, I am certain @That Guy will also label your sane post as "misleading", right That_guy? @Ace of Spades is also spreading misleading info and paddling conspiracy theories.
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