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Canada arrests suspected Pakistani war criminal


Mar 13, 2011
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Montreal: Canada said it had arrested a suspected Pakistani war criminal, the second such arrest made since the government listed 30 foreigners actively sought on Canadian soil.

Arshad Muhammad, 42, was arrested thanks to public tips, Public Safety Minister Vic Toews said in a statement yesterday.

The Toronto Sun said that Muhammad, who also goes by Certosa Aranci, was arrested after he was recognised in a store in Mississauga, just west of Toronto.

On Friday, authorities said they had arrested former Honduran soldier Cristobal Gonzalez-Ramirez, who had served in a special army unit in Honduras where he allegedly committed war crimes as a soldier.

Ottawa indicated that Muhammad was also "suspected of complicity in a war crime or a crime against humanity," without providing further details.

"The help that Canadians are providing to Canada Border Services is proving to be beyond what we had expected," said Toews. "Those who have been involved in war crimes or crimes against humanity will find no haven on our shores; they will be located, and they will face the consequences."

Muhammad's arrest came after the government published a list of 30 men accused of crimes against humanity this week - including their photos and birth dates - suspected of hiding on Canadian soil.

Canada adopted a federal law of universal jurisdiction in 2000 for crimes against humanity. Under the law, a Rwandan was sent to prison for life in 2009 for participating in the 1994 genocide there.

Canada arrests suspected Pakistani war criminal

OTTAWA — A second fugitive wanted for deportation from Canada for suspected involvement in war crimes abroad has been arrested thanks to tips from the public, federal officials announced Saturday.

Arshad Muhammad, a Pakistani national, was arrested by police in Mississauga, Ont., and is now in the custody of Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) officials, according to information announced in Montreal by Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism Jason Kenney, and his office.

This follows the arrest of Honduran Cristobal Gonzalez-Ramirez, 44, in Alberta Friday.

Both men had been identified on a list of 30 men Canadian authorities said were failed refugee claimants suspected of international rights violations.

Kenney and Vic Toews, the minister of public safety, publicized the list Thursday asking the public to help find those individuals. This ended a decades-old practice of the government refusing to disclose the names of suspected war criminals thought to reside in Canada.

Profiles of the 30 fugitives were posted Thursday on the Canada Border Services Agency’s website: http: //www.cbsa-asfc.gc.ca/ wc-cg/menu-eng.html

“The help that Canadians are providing to Canada Border Services is proving to be beyond what we had expected,” Toews said Saturday in a statement. “Those who have been involved in war crimes or crimes against humanity will find no haven on our shores; they will be located, and they will face the consequences.”

The public was warned not to try to apprehend any individuals on the list.

Civil rights groups had denounced the publication of the names, calling the announcement misleading and potentially dangerous.

Canadian Council for Refugees executive director Janet Dench told Postmedia News Friday that many of these fugitives may have been involved with groups that committed war crimes or human rights violations, but only in very juniors roles, such as drivers or messengers.

"The government has been linking immigrants to fraud and abuse and crime," Dench said.

"We’re concerned that is going to feed into public xenophobia."

With files from Jeff Davis, Postmedia News

Police arrest second war-crimes suspect
Most probably as a mercenary he did some thing wrong-
Don't get assumed he is not only Pakistans. Canada police asked public for tips, they have more than 100 suspected lists unsolved...Came down to 30 most criminals suspected, they came from international countries including Sri Lanka, Afghanistan, India sikhs, etc

A suspected war criminal, one of 30 named by border security officials last week, has been arrested in Mississauga.

Pakistan native Arshad Muhammad was arrested Friday by Peel police and turned over to immigration authorities soon after. Muhammad is the second of the 30 to be apprehended. Cristobal Gonzalez-Ramirez, a 44-year-old Honduran, was arrested Friday in Alberta. He was allegedly a member of a special army unit in Honduras.

The arrests were made one day after Ottawa launched a website listing the alleged war criminals.

Immigration Minister Jason Kenney said Muhammad, 42, was linked to an Islamist organization in Pakistan that was involved in terrorist attacks. He was last known to be living in Montreal and used aliases including Certosa Aranci and Muhammad Arshad.

Luc Labelle, a spokesperson with the Canada Border Services Agency, said in an email that Muhammad will have a detention review before the Immigration and Refugee Board.

Tips from the public led to the arrest, according to a statement from Public Safety Canada issued Saturday.

“The help that Canadians are providing to Canada Border Services is proving to be beyond what we had expected,” said Vic Toews, Canada’s minister of public safety, in the statement.

The CBSA’s website lists Muhammad as being wanted on “an active Canada-wide warrant for removal because [he is] inadmissible to Canada. It has been determined that [he] violated human or international rights under the Crimes Against Humanity and War Crimes Act or under international law.”

Kenney said tips were coming in on other cases as well.

Good we got criminal terrorists. :tup:

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