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Can we use American drones to target our enemies?


Jul 30, 2007
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United Arab Emirates
The drone attacks have been continuing from 2004 in Pakistan. However it is common knowledge that the drones target mainly groups that are attacking the US. These groups include but are not limited to the Nazir's (now Bahawal Khan), Hekmatyars, Haqqanis and Gul Bahadurs all of whom usually attack US forces in Afghanistan.

However on the other hand the real threat posed to Pakistan is from Hakimullah Mehsuds Tehreek e Taliban Pakistan. This same Taliban with its allies Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan and Lashkar E Jhangvi have killed more than 40,000 Pakistanis and their evil knows no bounds.

However there is the possibility that we may have to face these drones for a very long time-atleast until the situation in FATA improves.

The solution: What I was thinking about is that the United states will not accept ceasing drone attacks. What we can do is say fine, let the drone strikes continue but for every 1 drone strike against the Nazir's (now Bahawal Khan), Hekmatyars, Haqqanis and Gul Bahadurs there will be one drone strike on Hakimullah Mehsud.

If we make this demand and force the Americans to eliminate the terrorists targetting Pakistan the drones, though totally under US control can become a very useful weapon. Right now the drones are being used on only the aforementioned groups. However this could change if we ensure that for every single dronestrike on these groups there will be 1 drone strike on Hakimullah Mehsuds group too.

If we are assertive and demand this then the drones can become very useful weapons, in the hands of the US, indeed, but still can be used to eliminate Pakistan's enemies.

I want to see what everyone thinks about this:
@muse, @F.O.X, @Zarvan, @Redbull, @Hyperion, @Armstrong, @Oscar, @ghilzai
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If we make this demand and force the Americans to eliminate the terrorists targetting Pakistan the drones, though totally under US control can become a very useful weapon. Right now the drones are being used on only the aforementioned groups. However this could change if we ensure that for every single dronestrike on these groups there will be 1 drone strike on Hakimullah Mehsuds group too.
This if is actually IF. As long as we have compromised commanders and leaders, we cannot eyeball US. As long as we are under the debt of IMF, it will not happen. As long as our politicians look at US to grab power, it will not happen. As long as looted money of Pakistan is sitting in western banks, this will not happen. As long as our future military commanders are sent to US for training and staff courses, it will not happen.

Very unfortunate, that we are surrounded by selfish and non-nationalistic politicians, bureaucrats and leaders.
Any such arrangement would be suicidal for us because whatever amount of plausible deniability that we have would go out the window & the TTP Narrative would be strengthened manifold - Pakistan Army is a Mercenary Army killing her own people for American Dollars...so kill them & if civilians die in the process then thats too bad but its collateral damage !

The Drone Strike must end ! However we must also recognize that for many in the TTP this has gone well beyond the 'Drone Strike Issue' & even stopping them now wouldn't have the desired effect ! Therefore we have no choice but to take them on ! And yet if the Drone Strikes were to stop....they'd loose some or much of their desired Narrative, if 'we' are smart enough to cash on that....which means with most of their ideological basis gone...most of their foot soldiers & sympathizers may not be half as amenable as they were before ! Even the People of the Tribal Areas would be able to handle them much better after that.

But we still have to fight them...there is no way around that !
The drone attacks have been continuing from 2004 in Pakistan. However it is common knowledge that the drones target mainly groups that are attacking the US. These groups include but are not limited to the Nazir's (now Bahawal Khan), Hekmatyars, Haqqanis and Gul Bahadurs all of whom usually attack US forces in Afghanistan.

However on the other hand the real threat posed to Pakistan is from Hakimullah Mehsuds Tehreek e Taliban Pakistan. This same Taliban with its allies Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan and Lashkar E Jhangvi have killed more than 40,000 Pakistanis and their evil knows no bounds.

However there is the possibility that we may have to face these drones for a very long time-atleast until the situation in FATA improves.

The solution: What I was thinking about is that the United states will not accept ceasing drone attacks. What we can do is say fine, let the drone strikes continue but for every 1 drone strike against the Nazir's (now Bahawal Khan), Hekmatyars, Haqqanis and Gul Bahadurs there will be one drone strike on Hakimullah Mehsud.

If we make this demand and force the Americans to eliminate the terrorists targetting Pakistan the drones, though totally under US control can become a very useful weapon. Right now the drones are being used on only the aforementioned groups. However this could change if we ensure that for every single dronestrike on these groups there will be 1 drone strike on Hakimullah Mehsuds group too.

If we are assertive and demand this then the drones can become very useful weapons, in the hands of the US, indeed, but still can be used to eliminate Pakistan's enemies.

I want to see what everyone thinks about this:
@muse, @F.O.X, @Zarvan, @Redbull, @Hyperion, @Armstrong, @Oscar, @ghilzai
What we need to do is stop following USA orders stop attacking our own people talk to our own people accept those demands which are according to Shariah settle tribals back and still those who don't listen than Ask tribals to take them out and they would do it faster than you think other wise this war will continue with no end
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