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Can We Trust China's Claims That It's Winning the War on Coronavirus?


Jan 17, 2009
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Can We Trust China's Claims That It's Winning the War on Coronavirus?
When the state controls the media and foreign reporters are banned, outsiders should be wary of information they’re getting from inside China.

JONATHAN KAIMAN | 3.23.2020 2:05 PM


Imagine that you live in China, and that the only news you get comes from state-controlled media. In early December 2019, you begin to see stories about a mysterious new virus, not unlike pneumonia, affecting patients at hospitals in Wuhan, a central city of 11 million people. Day by day through January, the number of reported cases multiplies, and in February, local officials order you to stay at home. It's inconvenient, but authorities seem to have the situation under control. "Despite coronavirus outbreak, China will continue to advance," the state newswire Xinhua reports on February 7.

Now imagine you're active on Chinese social media. In mid-January, doctors in Wuhan start sounding the alarm—the virus is overwhelming hospitals, and the authorities seem ill-prepared to contain it. Government censors, citing a concern over the spread of "rumors," shift into high gear. Unnerving posts pop up and then quickly vanish. One Wuhan doctor, Li Wenliang, issues a dire warning, and the government detains him for rumormongering. He falls ill with the virus and dies on February 7, just as state media is trumpeting the country's effective response. Li's last words are: "a healthy society shouldn't have only one voice." Social media explodes with a degree of outrage that even China's censors struggle to contain.

The Chinese government is widely seen as having finally gotten the crisis under control. Last week, Beijing reported that the number of new confirmed cases of COVID-19 had dropped to zero. (On Sunday, Beijing reported 46 new cases, 45 of them reportedly imported from overseas.) Quarantine measures are easing, even in Wuhan. Beijing is leading an international fight to contain and treat the illness, donating medical supplies and diagnostic tests to countries around the world. At home, it is implementing sweeping policies to aid economic recovery. And the authorities have formally exonerated Dr. Li.

Yet Beijing's well-documented record of coverups, censorship, and intimidation of critics should give us pause about accepting its narrative. It's now well-established that Chinese authorities covered up the spread of the disease in its early stages. Beijing initially refused to allow U.S. disease experts to visit Wuhan. As the virus gathered pace, it censored even tangential discussion of the crisis online. It detained hundreds of citizens, including medical workers, for "spreading rumors" or criticizing the government's response.

So are Beijing's current data accurate? Has China really stemmed the tide? "It would be really hard to speculate on this question because nobody really has any evidence whether the Chinese government is being honest or not," says Minxin Pei, a China specialist at Claremont McKenna College.

One complicating factor is the pandemic's sheer unpredictability. New information emerges on a daily basis from scores of countries, and conflicting data abound. We remain unclear about the virus' virulence, its degree of contagion, and its incubation period, which could range from less than two weeks to 24 days. Estimates of its mortality rate range from less than 1 percent to nearly 6 percent."The data collected so far on how many people are infected and how the epidemic is evolving are utterly unreliable," writes the Stanford disease prevention expert John P.A. Ioannidis.

China, as the source of the outbreak, clearly possesses troves of potentially useful information. In assessing the reliability of that information, it is important to distinguish Beijing's incentives to be transparent about its current circumstances from its incentives to be transparent about its decisions when the outbreak began.

Beijing has ample reason to be honest about its current data. The Chinese government is obsessive about its global image, and if attempts at a current coverup are revealed—especially amid their humanitarian aid campaigns abroad—their growing clout would quickly evaporate. Beijing knows the risks of a well-timed leak. (Despite its draconian information controls, it cannot control everything, as Dr. Li's protest aptly demonstrated.) We also know that China is adept at disaster control. Its authoritarian governance structure allows it to mobilize resources quickly, and to control communities with astonishing precision. When Beijing says its citizens are under strict quarantine, we have every reason to believe it.

Yet those incentives could abruptly change. Despite state media's united front of reassuring headlines, the country's situation remains volatile. Beijing's count of "confirmed cases" excludes asymptomatic carriers, according to a COVID-19 "prevention and containment plan" published by China's National Health Commission. The Chinese magazine Caixin reported provincial data on March 1 that suggested as many as one in six carriers could be asymptomatic, and their risk of spreading the virus remains unclear. Schools in Beijing are still closed, and many of the city's residents require special authorization to leave their residential complexes. Wuhan is still under near-complete lockdown. Local and regional officials are under immense pressure to report low numbers of new infections. The country risks being overwhelmed by a second wave of cases, upsetting the government's narrative and incentivizing officials toward dishonesty.

That brings us to the past. Any true accounting of this pandemic, and of humanity's efforts to contain it, will require close scrutiny of what transpired in Wuhan from December 2019 through February 2020. Yet Beijing is desperate to avoid being seen as the incubator of a global pandemic, and its accounting of that period is complicated by rampant censorship, intimidation, and deflection, leaving little room for trust.

Chinese authorities have exerted strict control over the internet since the network first entered the country in 1994. But under President Xi Jinping, who rose to power in 2012, angering authorities on the web often carries severe, real-world consequences, including police visits, extended interrogations, forced confessions, and lengthy stints in jail.

As of March 12, at least 452 internet users in China have been "punished" for "spreading rumors" related to the coronavirus, according to the nonprofit group Chinese Human Rights Defenders. People have reportedly been arrested over even benign or equivocal statements that are now impossible to corroborate, including accounts of suspected cases at small city hospitals. At least three citizen journalists have gone missing since the outbreak began; they had traveled to Wuhan, where they reported that local authorities were underestimating and downplaying the crisis. Some officials weren't implementing disinfectant measures, they reported; in some areas, food supplies were running low.

On March 15, 69 year-old Chinese tycoon Ren Zhiqiang—a longstanding critic of the Communist Party—went missing after he posted an article denouncing the government's response to the outbreak. "Without a media representing the interests of the people by publishing the actual facts, the people's lives are being ravaged by both the virus and the major illness of the system," he wrote. On March 17, Beijing expelled all China-based reporters from The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, and The Washington Post. This was at least ostensibly a retaliation against the Trump administration's restrictions on U.S.-based Chinese reporters, but the move sends a clear message that independent reporting within China's borders can carry steep costs.

This has provided fertile ground for conspiracy theories, many of them spread by Chinese officials—and many of them, especially in recent weeks, suggesting that the pandemic did not originate in China. In mid-March, Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Zhao Lijian claimed that COVID-19 is an American disease spread by the U.S. Army during an autumn visit to Wuhan for the 2019 Military World Games. A Sunday editorial in the state-run Global Times implored scientists to "figure out where the virus started."

The Chinese government's role in the pandemic—both in containing it and in allowing it to spread—will be debated for years. But in a time of so many unknowns, one thing is abundantly clear: Any information coming from China should be treated with caution. The authorities there have not earned anyone's trust.
Another self denial post for China hater to feel better. You think WHO are dumb organization who can be easily duped?


China shows coronavirus CAN be beaten claims global health chief
THE CHINESE epicentre of Covid-19 has reported no new cases, giving hope to the rest of the world combating the pandemic, claimed a World Health Organisation (WHO) leader.
PUBLISHED: 01:44, Sat, Mar 21, 2020 | UPDATED: 02:14, Sat, Mar 21, 2020

Speaking at a virtual news conference in Geneva on Friday WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said: “Yesterday, Wuhan reported no new cases for the first time since the outbreak started. “Wuhan provides hope for the rest of the world that even the most severe situation can be turned around.
Another self denial post for China hater to feel better. You think WHO are dumb organization who can be easily duped?


Yes why not.
Last month you guys did this ( why do that if u had nothing to hide ? )

China expels foreign journalists as coronavirus deaths climb
Critics call expulsion of Wall Street Journal reporters counterproductive as country grapples with a deadly outbreak.

Yes why not.
Last month you guys did this ( why do that if u had nothing to hide ? )

China expels foreign journalists as coronavirus deaths climb
Critics call expulsion of Wall Street Journal reporters counterproductive as country grapples with a deadly outbreak.

Wall Street journal do not work for WHO. WHO has their own stuff in China to monitor things, do u even know the reason for wall Street journalist to be kick out.

Don't make a fool of yourself with this posting.
Wall Street journal do not work for WHO. WHO has their own stuff in China to monitor things, do u even know the reason for wall Street journalist to be kick out.

Don't make a fool of yourself with this posting.

I think you though the entire wold is behind Great Firewall. Sorry mate :


let me show you the Corona like case in 2008.


On 17 September 2008, Health Minister Chen Zhu stated tainted milk formula had "sickened more than 6,200 children, and that more than 1,300 others, mostly newborns, remain hospitalized with 158 suffering from acute kidney failure".[22] By 23 September, about 54,000 children were reported to be sick and four had died.[23] An additional 10,000 cases were reported from the provinces by 27 September. A World Health Organization official said 82% of the children made ill were 2 years of age or below.[24] The Hong Kong Centre for Food Safety said that 99 percent of the victims were aged under 3 years.[25] Ten Hong Kong children were diagnosed with kidney problems,[26] at least four cases were detected in Macau,[27] and six in Taiwan.[28] Non-human casualties included a lion cub and two baby orangutans which had been fed Sanlu infant formula at Hangzhou Zoo.[29]

The government said on 8 October it would no longer issue updated figures "because it is not an infectious disease, so it's not absolutely necessary for us to announce it to the public".[30] Reuters compiled figures reported by local media across the country, and said the toll stood at nearly 94,000 at the end of September, excluding municipalities. Notably, 13,459 children had been affected in Gansu, Reuters quoted Xinhua saying Henan had reported over 30,000 cases, and Hebei also had nearly 16,000 cases.[31]

In late October, the government announced health officials had surveyed 300,000 Beijing families with children less than 3 years old. It disclosed approximately 74,000 families had a child who had been fed melamine-tainted milk, but did not reveal how many of those children had fallen ill as a result.[32]

And it happend because :

Fonterra notified the New Zealand government on 5 September and three days later, the Prime Minister Helen Clark had Beijing officials alerted directly.[39][45] News reports began circulating in China on 9 September,[46] the news broke internationally a day later by Reuters.[47] The state-controlled media report did not initially identify the company involved, postings on Tianya.cn, a Chinese social portal, named Sanlu as the culprit.[48] Sanlu initially denied the allegations.[citation needed]

A State Council investigation revealed Sanlu began receiving complaints about sick infants as far back as December 2007, but did no tests until June 2008. It said leading government officials in Shijiazhuang city had failed to report the contamination to provincial and state authorities (until 9 September) in violation of rules on reporting major incidents involving food safety.[49] According to the People's Daily, Sanlu wrote a letter to Shijiazhuang city government on 2 August 2008, asking for help to "increase control and coordination of the media, to create a good environment for the recall of the company's problem products ... to avoid whipping up the issue and creating a negative influence in society".[50]

According to accounts confirmed by media reports and health officials, the company tried to buy off critics and cover up the contamination. In a memo dated 11 August, Beijing-based public relations agency Teller International advised Sanlu to seek cooperation with major search engines to censor negative information. The agency reportedly had repeatedly contacted key account staff at Baidu and proposed a ¥3 million (US$440,000) budget to screen all negative news.[51][52] After the memo began circulating on the internet, Baidu denounced, in a communiqué on 13 September 2008, the approaches by said agency on several occasions, saying the proposal was firmly rejected, as it violated their corporate principles of unbiased and transparent reporting.[52]

Helen Clark said of the local government: "I think the first inclination was to try and put a towel over it and deal with it without an official recall."[53] Western media speculated China's desire for a perfect summer Olympics contributed to the delayed recall of the baby milk, citing a guideline allegedly issued to Chinese media that reporting food safety issues, such as cancer-causing mineral water, was "off-limits"[53][54][55] although the Central government denied issuing this guidance.[39] Hebei provincial vice-governor said his administration was only notified by Shijiazhuang on 8 September.[56] However, a journalist at Southern Weekend wrote an investigative report in late July for publication about infants who had fallen ill after consuming baby formula from Sanlu. Six weeks later, senior editor Fu Jianfeng revealed on his personal blog that this report had been suppressed by authorities, because of the imminent Beijing Olympics.[57] While this was happening, Sanlu was honoured in a national award campaign called "30 Years: Brands that Have Changed the Lives of Chinese". The press release on the award, written by a senior public relations manager at Sanlu, passed as news content on People's Daily and in other media.[57]

Can We Trust China's Claims That It's Winning the War on Coronavirus?
When the state controls the media and foreign reporters are banned, outsiders should be wary of information they’re getting from inside China.

JONATHAN KAIMAN | 3.23.2020 2:05 PM
Don't Trust so Don't buy or use face mask and ventilators from China.

EASY CHOICE for you.

This threat is so hilarious.

For the question in the title...

I think it's not yet.

It's like winning a single big battle in WW2, but the whole war is not yet over.

This threat is so hilarious.

For the question in the title...

I think it's not yet.

It's like winning a single big battle in WW2, but the whole war is not yet over.
Hence the word used is "WINNING", an on going process.
After the war against COVID-19 it will be WON or LOST.

Hope all of us will WIN this battle.
Best Wishes to Indonesians in your battle, Indians and the whole world as well.

CHEERS to our victory for all soon, some with a little help from China.
Dude, we'd better praying that China has defeated the viruses.
Because if such an extreme lock down which lasted almost 2 months can't defeat the viruses, then rest of the world can just save the effort by adopting herd immunity solution instead.
Which at least can avoid economic loss.
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