Indeed. I was thinking along the same lines.
Education would be a much better long term investment. I don't believe in coercion because in the long run it is a failure. The average person should be educated on the various options available to him/her and the different outcomes and their repercussions. What they choose to do after that is on them but generally speaking most people will go with the more beneficial and less costly option.
Now, regarding eugenics, particularly on a much greater scale, we already see it happening but only in the reverse.
Often times, and I'm sure I'm not the only one who's heard this from a "liberal", they say that the earth has enough resources to "feed the entire world population 40 times over" (something along those lines, that's just my paraphrasing).
Sure, maybe that's true, but the question they don't consider, or perhaps they choose to ignore, is that who will tap these untapped resources?
An oil well sitting on its own deep within the Earth is of no use. It has to be extracted, refined and then made into various products that are in demand to have any true value.
Africa is a great example in this case: a resource rich continent. They have oil, diamonds, large quantities of various precious metals, swathes of some of the most fertile lands in the world, some of the world's major rivers, an entire region basking in the sun (Sahara desert) etc... so much potential.
But yet they are the poorest continent and the most backwards (for a lack of a better word) in terms of living conditions, development, value of human life, etc...
Why? Because the sub-saharan Africans do not possess the IQ to develope and utilize their natural resources. Instead you have foreign powers who came and developed Africa and utilized it's resources.
Some of the most developed parts of Africa were as a result of European colonization (South Africa and Ivory Coast come to mind. Whereas former Rhodesia is now a crumbling nation called Zimbabwe after the Whites were kicked out).
European colonization resulted in a massive population boom within the African population due to the introduction of European medicine and technology. But today, post colonialism Africa's population has grown far beyond the African people's own capacity to feed themselves and thus you have large famines across Africa. These famines and lack of opportunities then cause millions of young African men to pour over into Europe where the White population is dying out due to their unwillingness to fight for their own existence because doing so would be "racist" and "Fascist".
Africa's population is projected to be 4 billion by the year 2100.
@Psychic @The Sandman @Azadkashmir