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can some one tell


Sep 4, 2009
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i want to know that pakistan have tecnalogy to produce missile and missile have some type of engine may be rocket my questaion is .
is that tecnolagy help to make fighter jet engine ?

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missile technology cannot be used in jet engines because missile use solid boosters which burn off all their fuel in just a few seconds, after which they just keep going with the momentum.
Also the liquid propellant are stored at almost -180C which is very very low temp to sustain. They can burn off pretty quick. A single rocket lasts for no more than 100-140 seconds, after which it reaches the orbit and doesn't need any more propulsion.
i want to know that pakistan have tecnalogy to produce missile and missile have some type of engine may be rocket my questaion is .
is that tecnolagy help to make fighter jet engine ?


Well , the engines in Rockets are different, most of the new missles used liquid fuel, also the mechanism is different for rockets , in rockets you are pushing force out of the rocket , which pushes the air, and the air pushes you froward. The rockets once launched they move with increasing speed (jets have variable rate slow/fast)
Rockets don't need oxygen that is why they can work even in outer space.

The normal jet engines, have rotating front portions which suck in air and then fuel and oxygen I believe goes thru combustion and your enhines produce the thrust , there are intakes to supply the engines with oxygen , both the propeller and jet engines work on concept of taking in air, which hels in burning the fuel that the engines are combusting inside, the hot stream coming out of the , engines then has to go thru cooling system ( in case of stealth planes)
The principles of cooling is similar to how cars cool down the engine with coolants. Engines need to be tested mostly on endurance, and performance , technically you can even take a car engine, and convert it into a flying machine if you are rotating propellers or helicopters, but the car engines lack performance , and they break down easily under too much stress ...so for engines , the engineers test the engines over and over again , untill they perfect the design and only after that they put it on a plane....

Why Pakistan Lacks in Engine:
Lack of Research and development, we don't invest in local companies to develop this field we normally have imported engines from Japan/China/Russia

Engines is one sector a nation must have 60-80% idependence, and specially for cars Pakistan should have local companies that also produce locally built engines... it saves alot of funds for nation

Pakistan need to setup a national compay that creates engines/jet engines
and military should also support it with contracts starting from basic cars/and light planes
He asked the question because he doesn't know, if you dont have the answer no need to be an ignorant moron

mind your tongue and moreover i was not talking to you. I just cracked a joke and there was no need to take it personally and specially when it wasn't directed to you. If he had felt offended I would have said sorry but it was just a joke.

Don't poke in bw and make yourself look stupid.
mind your tongue and moreover i was not talking to you. I just cracked a joke and there was no need to take it personally and specially when it wasn't directed to you. If he had felt offended I would have said sorry but it was just a joke.

Don't poke in bw and make yourself look stupid.

actully i want to know about tecnalogy but your answer hert me first but i ignor and tolrate because we all r like brothers respect to each other i respect you
if you dont respect me its up to you but i always respect every one here i join this forum to share and learn
thanks and i hope some thing positive from you for every one dont mind any thing if heart you by me sorry for any mistake if done by me
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