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Can Muslims be Secular Liberal?


May 21, 2021
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Words like secular, liberal, mullah, fundamentalist are casually thrown around as insults in our society. You could be labelled a 'secular liberal' by someone who doesn't agree with your opinion on a certain religious matter even if you happen to pray 5 times a day
If one posses a functioning brain
They know the answer to this question but brain is a prerequisite

Please continue and expand, i have low IQ.
Words like secular, liberal, mullah, fundamentalist are casually thrown around as insults in our society. You could be labelled a 'secular liberal' by someone who doesn't agree with your opinion on a certain religious matter even if you happen to pray 5 times a day
I agree with, but anything endorsed that is in direct contradiction with Islam, that's where the person has stepped over the threshold of the deen. Atleast this is what the Scholars say and i mean all!
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No Suck-ular way!

Nope. Period. Muslims can only be Islamic. Nothing else.

Not secular.
Not Extremist.
Not terrorist.
Not Liberal.
Not gay.
Not lesbian.
Not Communist.
Not rapist.
Not murderer.
Not pedophile.
Not Marxist.

Only Islamic.
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So if some "scholar" molests one of his students, does he become a liberal?
Yes. Pedophilia is liberalism.

Pedophile rings are enormous and pervasive among the world's elites -- Sott.net
Aaron Kesel
We Are Change
Thu, 07 Jul 2016 00:00 UTC
Pedophilia rings

For years it's been rumored that the globalist elite are involved in some pretty strange practices, from mock sacrificing a baby at Bohemian Grove to the testimony that a child was actually murdered in a Bohemian Grove ritual. The testimony and evidence in this article prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that the allegations of Bohemian Grove are just the tip of the iceberg.

Bohemian Grove

Paul Bonacci once told investigators Gary Caradori, Ted L. Gunderson, and ex-Senator and attorney John Decamp that he was forced to murder a boy at the creepy California resort Bohemian Grove.

Here's is Bonacci's testimony on Child Murder at Bohemian Grove:

The former Los Angeles FBI Director Ted L. Gunderson expanded that accusation with the famous Macdonald Douglas Case. Helena Stoeckley testified in the case to all that goes on behind closed doors — including satanic robes, blood sacrifices, and more. The MacDonald Douglas Case documented evidence of an elite cult that included military, police, and justice system officials smuggling drugs and performing occult rituals. Stoeckley testified that Dr. MacDonald fought this gang and tried to stop the smuggling — and was subsequently framed for the murder of his wife and two daughters (5 years old and 2 years old). MacDonald was tried at a military tribunal and convicted. Helena Stoeckley testified that the murders were part of her initiation into The Process Church of The Final Judgment.

In another case called "The Finders," Director Gunderson claimed CIA connected "elite" were kidnapping and drugging kids in an operation called Operation Brownstone.

Gunderson resume
Pattern of Abuse Around the World

Another witness in Australia, Fiona Barnett, matches the claims made by Stoeckley and Bonacci, alleging she was part of a VIP pedophile ring. Barnett described the debauchery that goes on, and said this — "He cut off the head, hung it in my face and made me partake in cannibalism."

Another case Director Gunderson was investigating was the "McMartin Pre-School", where investigators dug up the school and found tunnels and skeletons. Incredibly, a similar case emerged recently in Ireland where a septic tank at a Catholic orphanage was found full of piles and piles of bodies. The causes of death included tuberculosis, undernourishment, pneumonia, neglect and abuse.

The Catholics' explanation for those 800 dead babies found in a septic tank? "There's a lot of speculation as to what went on in the home following these recent revelations," Monsignor Sean Green, spokesperson for the Irish branch of the Catholic Church's "Scandal Containment Unit," explained.

The Truth Starts to Leak

Recently, a rock star seemingly confirmed the age-old secret suspicion of the rich and powerful elite's involvement in sacrifice rituals sometimes involving children — that purport to date back to ancient Sumerian times.

Ralph Rieckermann, the former bassist for the Scorpions, admitted he has been to an elite snuff "fetish" party in Germany, where wealthy guests would attend and pay $100,000 to watch or participate in murder — and other horrific activities he wouldn't even repeat. What was more sickening than live murder — child rape?

What Rieckermann saw was the "Magick" spilling of the blood of the innocent — and the pure chemical of adrenaline found only in the human body. Absolute insanity.

Interestingly enough, Rieckermann then tried to retract what he said, saying it was misunderstood in a video he uploaded to YouTube. If true, why not sue TMZ for slander like everyone else? Also who jokes like that? He looked 100% serious.

Major Cracks in the Pedophile Ring

Former Pope Benedict's sudden resignation is speculated by many to have stemmed from rampant child abuse. These accusations are supported by a number of witnesses and a shocking story that got no air time in the mainstream media — that the former Pope Benedict's brother abused at least 231 children at a catholic boys choir.

In another major outing of the pedophile culture, Scotland Yard obtained video evidence of a UK Politician "Murdering a Child in a bizarre ritual." A Scotland Yard official said "these accusations are true" - and another 261 prominent people including politicians and TV stars are suspected of partaking in the horrific evil of child abuse/murder. Some have speculated the criminal ritual is used as a form of blackmail to compromise individuals - and that high level people are preventing prosecutions.

The U.K. probe known as Operation Midlands was shut down in March for "insignificant evidence" despite a quote from MP John Mann saying "that the victim total could be in the many tens of thousands." The probe had video evidence, and several victim's testimonies, including Alex Wheatle , Steven George , George Smith ,Darren , Thomas , Nick , and several additional witnesses. The claims are backed up by retired Scotland yard detectives . Yet the probe was shut down, and at least 114 documents just vanished.

One document that turned up after 30 years showed that the Thatcher government knew and was told about the Westminster officials' odd sexual behaviors. The CIA and KGB even knew about what was going on and hoped to blackmail the VIP pedophile ring in exchange for information.

Sixteen MP's were named in a 1984 dossier of VIP pedophile abusers documenting the influence that the the Pedophile Information Exchange lobby had on Westminster. A whistle-blower goes further to state that 20 powerful elitists abused children for decades, including a female MP. The ultimate goal of the pedophile lobby was to lower the age of consent and push the pedophilia agenda, which several people tried to do.

Even the High Court judge to the Queen, Lord Justice Fulford, tried to lower the age of consent to four. Absolutely sick and twisted — four years old.

Another official, Patricia Hewitt, former Labour cabinet minister, was caught trying to push the pedophile's agenda to make incest legal and lower the age of consent to the age of 10.

The Pedophile inquiries which include investigations into Kincora house , Elm Guest House , Dolphin Square , St. Helena and the Lambeth Town Hall basement were covered up and ignored to protect the establishment from embarrassment, just like other investigations. Investigators were told to back off investigating because a royal was suspected to be involved and several others even warned police, including MP John Mann . Buckingham Palace and Balmoral Castle have even come up in the current investigation as a witness has claimed he was sexually assaulted there at the age of 16.

Put simply this is utterly disgusting.. Children are being put below politics, because psychopaths are in control and believe that they are entitled to abuse people . It's even alleged that they used children's foster homes as a supply to fulfill their sick urge.

Actor and comedian Russell Brand did a very good expose on the UK Pedophilia scandal. So did Australia's 60 minutes and another Australian comedy show called "The Last Leg". Using comedy to shed light on a dark subject is an old practice made well known by comedian's like George Carlin.


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What do yawl think, please post for and against!


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Only if you reject the first 40 years of Islamic history as any sort of guidance or a point of reference. If you find any semblance of truth in Islam then you can't detach it's political and statecraft functions.
So if some "scholar" molests one of his students, does he become a liberal?
If it's consensual then he would be a secular hero...
If one posses a functioning brain
They know the answer to this question but brain is a prerequisite
You seem to be a sensible person on this forum. Can you tell me why some Muslims bring religion in every smallest matter, why can't people just use the God-given brain that they have been given? I mean, you don't need to go through your scriptures for every thing otherwise what's even the use of your brain? It almost feels like a rote learner who looks into the textbook for every thing and learns by heart but can't be innovative or think out of the box.
If it's consensual then he would be a secular hero...
The age of consent too varies from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. For underage persons to consent their age difference should not be greater than two. The underage persons can fool around and have babies as long as they don't get married
The age of consent too varies from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. For underage persons the consensual age should not be greater than two. The underage persons can fool around and have babies as long as they don't get married
Why have an arbitrary rule such as age of consent?
What do yawl think, please post for and against!


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U r asking that can something be cold and hot at a same time.

Muslim is not a cast but a belief system. Belief of total obedience of Allah. Whereas secular and liberal is opposite to that.

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