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Can Japan show the West how to live peacefully with Islam?

Thank you. :) So what would Mazzoleni mean? ^^

If we were to write Mazzoleni in Romanji, it would be: マッツォレーニ [prounounced as : Matsu Oreni]

As there is no 'L' in Japanese script. We have to change L to an R.
If we were to write Mazzoleni in Romanji, it would be: マッツォレーニ [prounounced as : Matsu Oreni]

As there is no 'L' in Japanese script. We have to change L to an R.

Thank you very much for this lesson. I appreciate to learn something new. All i know about Japan is through some video games like Okami.

What i find interesting is that some story we have in Italy that dates back in earliest roman times has a very similar one in Japan.

It is about Orpheus who climbs down into the world of teh Death to save his loved Eurydike. He finds her and want bring her back. But she already ate from the food there and must stay...Then he sees her face and its all rotten. He is scared and runs away and she follows him to keep him down there. But he escapes...

You may see the similarities to one of your peoples stories and this is amazing.
Dude, you're a bit defensive. We're not saying our immigration system is equal or on pars with the United States, but our selective criteria is present. We are just recently beginning to accept more immigration. In fact, Abe wants to implement a immigration quota of 200,000 immigrants per year.


Just setting the record straight. The author of the article is dangerously naive, and I hope Japan on the whole is not similarly naive. So far, it has not been. One of the strengths of Japanese society is its social harmony, derived from a largely homogeneous population with shared values. Undermining that because of labor concerns, as Germany, France, and the UK did in the 1960s and 1970s (and the US as well, but with a Central- and South-American focus instead of a Muslim-world focus), would be short-sighted and destructive. I love Japan, and would hate to see it brought down by the same factors that have brought down others.
Thank you very much for this lesson. I appreciate to learn something new. All i know about Japan is through some video games like Okami.

What i find interesting is that some story we have in Italy that dates back in earliest roman times has a very similar one in Japan.

It is about Orpheus who climbs down into the world of teh Death to save his loved Eurydike. He finds her and want bring her back. But she already ate from the food there and must stay...Then he sees her face and its all rotten. He is scared and runs away and she follows him to keep him down there. But he escapes...

You may see the similarities to one of your peoples stories and this is amazing.

You're welcome buddy. There's a lot of interesting / amazing history and innovation from Italy and its predecessor, the Roman Empire , too ! ;)

See you around the forum.
You're welcome buddy. There's a lot of interesting / amazing history and innovation from Italy and its predecessor, the Roman Empire , too ! ;)

See you around the forum.

Japan v Columbia on now (World Cup)

Go Japan!
Muslims, Jews and Christians have coexisted in peace for centuries. If the west changes its interventionist foreign policy towards the Muslim world, there would be no problem.

To be honest despite being neighbours, societies were not entirely in harmony, usually, Muslims were living in Muslim neighbourhoods/villages/towns, Christians , Jews and sometimes even seperate ethnicities were living in different neighbourhoods/villages/towns.

The thing that was keeping the balance was having some borders between them, they were not in love for each other in past as well, as long, they were just not much involving in each other's affairs/interactions(of course that doesn't means there was no interaction)


What would my name sound like ? My name is Hakan(first a is little long, like Haakan) :)
No offence to anyone. You should wait until Muslim population increases before making these claims.
Japan has a very aging population. A large portion of their population is above the age of retirement. An increase in muslim population might just result in a large portion of the working force in Japan being muslim.
OP you may accidentally be propagating the false generalization that your average Islamic person = Wahhabi fundamentalist, or one of the many groups that have hijacked Islam's name.

I live in an area with about 4x the national average of Muslim residents, and it is one of the safest areas of the country.

Some of the general Islamic world has reasons to not be in love with America's foreign policy regarding Israel and Iran, but that does not mean they do not or could not co-exist with everyone else here.
Japan has a very aging population. A large portion of their population is above the age of retirement. An increase in muslim population might just result in a large portion of the working force in Japan being muslim.

Yup, that is one of the major demographic issues pressing Japan now. And I believe increasing immigration quota (whilst not reducing the selectivity requirements) , adopting more measures to encourage birthing of Japanese couples can help solve our population issue. By doing this, we can ensure that Japan's population does not go beneath 100 million.
@Nihonjin1051 I truly admire the Japanese people for their innovations and Nationalism. The struggle of the Japanese people for the cause of their nation in the face of countless calamities in the recent past as well as the last few centuries leaves one only admiring them for their determination. The concept of self sacrifice for the greater good of their Nation, an ideal which the Japanese of the past strictly adhered too, and which, i'm certain the current generation of Japanese have inherited, is one among many ideals within Japanese culture which has won the respect of friend and foe alike. Japanese culture is a manifestation of these ideals.

However, i have noticed that you are open to immigration into Japan and you don't oppose Japanese mixing with non-Japanese, a process which i believe poses a threat to Japanese culture and identity. I would like to point out to you, that Japan has thus far been able to maintain its social order and distinct cultural/racial identity only because of the homogeneity of its population. For as long as the Japanese man is still alive and retains his distinct racial and cultural identity, there will be a Japan, the land of the Japanese, the ONLY home of the native Japanese population.

Now, coming to the topic, Japan, unlike the West, has not and does not interfere in the matters of the Muslim world, nor does Japan provide massive financial and military aid to the alien entity known as israel. As long as Japan continues to maintain this neutral policy towards the Islamic world it will continue to enjoy this peaceful coexistence with the Muslims.

Likewise, if the West today were to stop interfering in the Islamic world and cut its unconditional military and financial support for the illegal entity known as israel, 99.9% of it's issues with the Muslim world will be solved.
@Nihonjin1051 I truly admire the Japanese people for their innovations and Nationalism. The struggle of the Japanese people for the cause of their nation in the face of countless calamities in the recent past as well as the last few centuries leaves one only admiring them for their determination. The concept of self sacrifice for the greater good of their Nation, an ideal which the Japanese of the past strictly adhered too, and which, i'm certain the current generation of Japanese have inherited, is one among many ideals within Japanese culture which has won the respect of friend and foe alike. Japanese culture is a manifestation of these ideals.

However, i have noticed that you are open to immigration into Japan and you don't oppose Japanese mixing with non-Japanese, a process which i believe poses a threat to Japanese culture and identity. I would like to point out to you, that Japan has thus far been able to maintain its social order and distinct cultural/racial identity only because of the homogeneity of its population. For as long as the Japanese man is still alive and retains his distinct racial and cultural identity, there will be a Japan, the land of the Japanese, the ONLY home of the native Japanese population.

Now, coming to the topic, Japan, unlike the West, has not and does not interfere in the matters of the Muslim world, nor does Japan provide massive financial and military aid to the alien entity known as israel. As long as Japan continues to maintain this neutral policy towards the Islamic world it will continue to enjoy this peaceful coexistence with the Muslims.

Likewise, if the West today were to stop interfering in the Islamic world and cut its unconditional military and financial support for the illegal entity known as israel, 99.9% of it's issues with the Muslim world will be solved.

Oh is that so? I dont think so. Why should we stop interfering in things that are in our interest? And why should we stop support for israel? You make the wrong assumption that your interests are also our intersts.

What would my name sound like ? My name is Hakan(first a is little long, like Haakan) :)

That is a very unique name ! I had to write it in Hiragana , and it comes out to be : Hyakano (pronounced as Hya Ka No).

It would be written in Hiragana as: ひゃかの
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