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Can Japan show the West how to live peacefully with Islam?

You're of Palestinian descent, I get it.

Is that supposed to be an insult? What does my nationality have anything to do with this? There are many flaws in your 'logic', that's because it's not logic. But, a radical ideology of yours.

I understand as well that you're a teenager, so I also sympathize with your emotional response.

Sorry, but I'm an adult. That's so adorable that you would frame my response as emotional. Not going to work, bud.

What I don't understand is how your conflict has anything to do with this topic.

The Israeli conflict against the Palestinians is just one of many relevant components of the discussion you introduced. I'm trying to have a better understanding of where you come from.

You have not yet explicitly stated what it is that I've said which has caused you to lose control.

So you're a cop out like always. You are implying many things in this thread. So I was curious if it was genuine and asked you a few relevant questions which would put you to the test.

If you don't answer them, then you have something to hide.

For those who don't know what that is yet, wink wink. Ha Ha Ha.
I am saying mass immigration brought down the other countries, not specifically Muslim immigration (e.g. the tsunami of illegal immigrants into the US). Japan has no experience with mass immigration, so it's absurd to conclude that it can present a model for how to live peacefully with any alien culture, let alone "how to live peacefully with Islam."
What poster, and what did that poster ask me? What is it that you think I've ignored?

I can understand the caution there that Japan doesn't have a huge flow of immigration. However, you should also remember that Japanese people are extremely nice, respectful and polite. When you are that welcoming, you can handle anything. Plus Japan historically has been able to run on top due to their openness. So I don't see a problem with it. Outside of the little nationalistic politics, they don't have the white supremacists there like we did in the US for decades. So Japan will adjust to immigration rather quickly.

Now second topic......you don't think Muslim citizens live peacefully in the US or in UK with their fellow countrymen? I'd like some evidence.
Please remember to keep 911 out of it as I am looking for facts based on US population. Also, do know that I've been through 911 and was there with eyes wide open. So unless you were there, your pain can NEVER come close to how much pain I felt and suffered and saw all the drama myself being right there.......and the people who did that...... weren't Muslim families or citizens of the United States. Those were terrorists who came in to fulfill a mission. If you think you should hold a population of over 10 million hostage for acts committed by 17 terrorists.....I question your logic and sanity. With that logic, half the Ireland should be prosecuted for what the IRA did for years in the UK and elsewhere.
Is that supposed to be an insult? What does my nationality have anything to do with this? There are many flaws in your 'logic', that's because it's not logic. But, a radical ideology of yours.

Sorry, but I'm an adult. That's so adorable that you would frame my response as emotional. Not going to work, bud.

The Israeli conflict against the Palestinians is just one of many relevant components of the discussion you introduced. I'm trying to have a better understanding of where you come from.

So you're a cop out like always. You are implying many things in this thread. So I was curious if it was genuine and asked you a few relevant questions which would put you to the test.

If you don't answer them, then you have something to hide.

For those who don't know what that is yet, wink wink. Ha Ha Ha.

You can't even bring yourself to detail what it is that you think I've implied. There's nothing to respond to.

I can understand the caution there that Japan doesn't have a huge flow of immigration. However, you should also remember that Japanese people are extremely nice, respectful and polite. When you are that welcoming, you can handle anything. Plus Japan historically has been able to run on top due to their openness. So I don't see a problem with it. Outside of the little nationalistic politics, they don't have the white supremacists there like we did in the US for decades. So Japan will adjust to immigration rather quickly.

Now second topic......you don't think Muslim citizens live peacefully in the US or in UK with their fellow countrymen? I'd like some evidence.
Please remember to keep 911 out of it as I am looking for facts based on US population. Also, do know that I've been through 911 and was there with eyes wide open. So unless you were there, your pain can NEVER come close to how much pain I felt and suffered and saw all the drama myself being right there.......and the people who did that...... weren't Muslim families or citizens of the United States. Those were terrorists who came in to fulfill a mission. If you think you should hold a population of over 10 million hostage for acts committed by 17 terrorists.....I question your logic and sanity. With that logic, half the Ireland should be prosecuted for what the IRA did for years in the UK and elsewhere.

I am not interested in one-upping you on 9/11, so I will put that aside. How about Major Nidal Hasan? As far as the UK, how about the July 7, 2005 bombing?

Where did I suggest interning the Muslim population of the US?
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You can't even bring yourself to detail what it is that you think I've implied. There's nothing to respond to.

Let people see it for themselves, since you aren't explicitly implying it. Your intentions aren't a secret to anyone. I asked the same two questions numerous times.

I just want a response from you. You have nothing to hide after all. Since you aren't Muslim, that must mean you're decent and honest, right?
That is impressive and quite interesting from Muslim's perspective. Japan is land of technology where my soon-to-be-career in IT related. I would really want to live there and settle there.

Plus Japanese women are cute. :)

@Nihonjin1051 You are well informed about the world events. I can understand the frustration coming from the West and Europe regarding the assimilation of Islamic cultures can be too much for them to take, not to mention the on-going terrorism motivated in political purposes featuring them as villains; however, the involvement of West in the Middle East only made it worse which strained the relationship with Muslim in West and Europe World.

The solution is there. Take army back as soon as possible even though the damage is done. Better to end this before prolonging this war on terror that can take heavy toll on the economy as well.

At the end, the frustration will be there as long as terrorism continues to live on. Speaking as a Muslim, the terrorism has become huge plague for Muslim world, and they are suffering the most. Suffice to say, media has its role to educate the world differentiating terrorism from Islam and Muslim community as terrorism has no resemblance with both of them; yet somewhat politically motivated using the common factor.
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Let people see it for themselves, since you aren't explicitly implying it. Your intentions aren't a secret to anyone. I asked the same two questions numerous times.

I just want a response from you. You have nothing to hide after all. Since you aren't Muslim, that must mean you're decent and honest, right?

I can't help you if you want me to respond to something that you imagined. I cannot read your mind.
I can't help you if you want me to respond to something that you imagined. I cannot read your mind.

Okay, one thing that stood out was you directly stated that culture and ideology heavily contributes to 'terrorism'. I first want you to define 'terrorism'. Then I want you to support your claim with examples of your definition of 'terrorism'.

Separately, I also have a request for you. Since you appear to be an expert on 'terrorism', please educate me about this culture and ideology:

'The Qibya massacre, also known as the Qibya incident, was a reprisal operation that occurred in October 1953 when Israeli troops under Ariel Sharon attacked the village of Qibya in the West Bank. At least sixty-nine Palestinian Arab villagers,[1] two-thirds of them women and children,[2] were killed. Forty-five houses, a school, and a mosque were destroyed.'


Can I be any more clear?
Okay, one thing that stood out was you directly stated that culture and ideology heavily contributes to 'terrorism'. I first want you to define 'terrorism'. Then I want you to support your claim with examples of your definition of 'terrorism'.

Separately, I also have a request for you. Since you appear to be an expert on 'terrorism', please educate me about this culture and ideology:

'The Qibya massacre, also known as the Qibya incident, was a reprisal operation that occurred in October 1953 when Israeli troops under Ariel Sharon attacked the village of Qibya in the West Bank. At least sixty-nine Palestinian Arab villagers,[1] two-thirds of them women and children,[2] were killed. Forty-five houses, a school, and a mosque were destroyed.'


Can I be any more clear?

My statement about ideology and culture comes from the research. From the conclusion of the first NBER paper I used:

"On the whole, we conclude that there is little reason to be optimistic that a reduction
in poverty or increase in educational attainment will lead to a meaningful reduction in the
amount of international terrorism, without other changes. Stern (2000) observes that
many madrasahs, or religious schools, in Pakistan are funded by wealthy industrialists,
and that these schools deliberately educate students to become foot soldiers and elite
operatives in various extremist movements around the world
. She further reports that,
“Most madrasahs offer only religious instruction, ignoring math, science, and other
secular subjects important for functioning in modern society.” These observations
suggest that, to use education as part of a strategy to reduce terrorism, the international
community should not limit itself to increasing years of schooling but should consider the
content of education

Here is another paper which details how the maturity of a country's institutions contribute to the development of terrorism:

Poverty, Political Freedom, and the Roots of Terrorism

I am not an expert on terrorism, I rely on the research. The research shows that low educational levels and poverty do not cause terrorism. That leaves all the other factors, including ideology, culture, and education. Have you read Samuel Huntington's The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of the World Order? Perhaps you would be more comfortable if I referred to civilizations instead of ideology and culture.

Since I am unfamiliar with the Qibya massacre, I cannot comment on it.
My statement about ideology and culture comes from the research. From the conclusion of the first NBER paper I used

Stop copy-pasting and back tracking. You first need to answer my question so we can proceed. Leave this for later

Since I am unfamiliar with the Qibya massacre, I cannot comment on it.

Qibya massacre

Is it more familiar to you now? I didn't ask if you were familiar with it or not. I requested of you to educate me on this culture and ideology as you have been doing regarding Islam and Muslims in this thread.
Stop copy-pasting and back tracking. You first need to answer my question so we can proceed. Leave this for later

Qibya massacre

Is it more familiar to you now? I didn't ask if you were familiar with it or not. I requested of you to educate me on this culture and ideology as you have been doing regarding Islam and Muslims in this thread.

I cannot educate you on Islam, as I am not a scholar of Islam. I have already said everything I concluded regarding whether "Japan can show the West how to live peacefully with Islam." You haven't countered anything I've said, so I think I'm done.
But of course, Muslim invasion of Europe, forced conversions/expulsions, colonialism, etc. from the 8th century onward is perfectly acceptable.

Forced Conversions / Expulsions: Reconquista of Spain and after math. Jews suffered along with Muslims. Ottoman empire mitigated the consequences by adjusting the refugees.

Colonialism entailed exploiting local resources and transfer of wealth overseas. Hard to say if that happened with Muslim rule in parts of Europe. The conquerors, like Normans in England, were part of the landscape and continued to be for hundreds of years.

Please find comparable examples from '8th century' onwards and share with me.
I cannot educate you on Islam, as I am not a scholar of Islam. I have already said everything I concluded regarding whether "Japan can show the West how to live peacefully with Islam." You haven't countered anything I've said, so I think I'm done.

We all know you're an intellectual and can easily tell that I requested of you to educate us on the ideology and culture behind this attack:

Qibya massacre

Yet, you intentionally misrepresented my request. Your true colors are showing.

As I've said, I'm asking you very straightforward questions. You've avoided answering them. You need to give me your definition of 'terrorism'. This is very important to understand where you're coming from.

So we can proceed with this discussion. Just to be clear with you, anywhere you bring this up in any other thread I will put forward the same questions. Your double standard is reeking.
the crusades were a necessary evil to push islam back where it came from. The crusades were a response against 200 years islamic agression against europe.

Making excuses for the unexcusable? When you defend crusade project then you are accepting everything that happened at the hands of crusaders as justifiable.

The only good that came out of crusades was a bit of civilization that made its way to Europe. Otherwise, long-term impact of crusades was negligible. Only thing accomplished was a lot of killing and high level mutual hatred. The fact that you chose to bring it up and that we are discussing it in 21st century says a lot.
We all know you're an intellectual and can easily tell that I requested of you to educate us on the ideology and culture behind this attack:

Qibya massacre

Yet, you intentionally misrepresented my request. Your true colors are showing.

As I've said, I'm asking you very straightforward questions. You've avoided answering them. You need to give me your definition of 'terrorism'. This is very important to understand where you're coming from.

So we can proceed with this discussion. Just to be clear with you, anywhere you bring this up in any other thread I will put forward the same questions. Your double standard is reeking.

Have fun with that.
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