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Can Israel beat China to the moon as the thrird country to soft land ?


May 31, 2012
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China is about to launch Chang'e 3 probe next year to the moon with a rover landing. Israel as part of the Google Lunar X Prize competition is also going to send a probe to land on the moon next year. The article state that its going to be december of this year but it has been postponed at least till next year because of funding issue's. China is going to launch in the second half of next year no date is set yet for the Israeli launch.

Israel, The Third Nation on the Moon?

If all goes according to plan, by December 2012 a team of three young Israeli scientists will have landed a tiny spacecraft on the moon, explored the lunar surface, and transmitted live video back to earth, thereby scooping up a $20 million prize (the Google Lunar X Prize), revolutionizing space exploration, and making the Jewish State the third nation (after the U.S. and Russia) to land a probe on the moon. And they’re doing it in their spare time.

The three engineers – Yariv Bash (electronics and computers), Kfir Damari (communication systems), and Yonatan Winetraub (satellite systems) all have high-level day jobs in the Israeli science and technology world, and also both teach and study. They all had heard of the Google Lunar X Prize independently, before being introduced by mutual friends who, as Yonatan puts it “thought we were all crazy enough to do it, so we should meet each other.”

By the end of November 2010 they had sketched together a novel plan to win the prize and submitted it to organizers. Only on December 21 (10 days before the December 31 deadline) did they set about raising the $50,000 entry fee. “Like good Israelis we left it to the last minute,” Yonatan laughs.

Since then they’ve recruited around 50 volunteers from across the Israeli science and technology community and have gained support from academic institutions, including the prestigious Weizmann Institute of Science (founded in 1933 by Chaim Weizmann, himself a successful chemist who went on to become Israel’s first president). They’re operating as a non-profit (“we’re looking for stakeholders,” says Project Coordinator Ronna Rubinstein), and any winnings will be invested in promoting science among Israeli youth.

The X Prize’s organizers say their competition is intended to attract “mavericks” who “take new approaches and think creatively about difficult problems, resulting in truly innovative breakthroughs.” They see the moon as a largely untapped resource, and believe that “inexpensive, regular access to the Moon is a critical stepping stone for further exploration.”

Maverick and creative thinkers the Israeli trio appear to be: According to the X Prize organizers, the 29 competing teams will spend between $15 million and $100 million on the project, with the earliest launch not scheduled until 2013. The Israelis aim to spend less than that (around $10 million) and to launch before 2013.

“One of reasons that we’re able to do this,” Kfir (who started programming aged six and wrote his first computer virus aged 11) explains, “is because of our different perspective. Most space missions aim to last many years and so have to be built in a certain way. Ours doesn’t have to last as long. This saves cost.”

Another way the team intends to keep costs down involves utilizing existing technology that just hasn’t previously been linked up for this purpose, rather than spending a new fortune. Naturally the team isn’t releasing specific details of the technology they’re using, but they’re confident that they’ve got what they need.

And once they’re on the moon? “The actual robot will be something the size of a coca-cola bottle,” says Yonatan. “Think about it – a cell phone has most of the capabilities necessary for communication and imaging, and to that we need to add a hopper” to move around the moon. “Simple” really. And the impact of this? “Once we do this it will break the glass ceiling,” Yonatan adds, “and show that space exploration doesn’t have to be expensive.”

As to why they got involved? “Three reasons,” say Yonatan, “Creating national pride, really putting Israel on the map as a start-up nation by doing something only the superpowers have done, and reigniting Israeli interest in science.” And it’s the third – rejuvenating interest among Israeli youth in science – that’s closest to these young scientists’ hearts.

In the 1960s and 1970s, they say, many young Israelis pursued careers in science, in part inspired by the American space program. Today that isn’t the case, and the number of high school seniors majoring in science is constantly declining. “We want to show that science isn’t just about sitting in a lab all day,” says Kfir.

In 1919 French hotelier Raymond Orteig offered $25,000 for the first non-stop flight between New York City and Paris. Eight years later Charles Lindbergh, considered an underdog, won the prize by making the crossing in his “Spirit of St. Louis.” That not only changed the way people saw flying, but how they saw the world.

The X Prize was inspired by the Orteig Prize, and if the “Spirit of Israel” is successful they can certainly count on changing how young Israelis see science and how others see Israel. They may also change how we all see the universe.

Israel, The Third Nation on the Moon? - Forbes
Opposite of controlled and artificially created crash landing which China had already done . It requires hell lot of control to land the vehicle to touch down softly.
Correct! Soft landing is a much more advanced technology. In fact there are many many cases of crash and intent-crash landings way before the bragging indian above


lol..that probe was meant to be crash landed.thats why the name of that probe was MOON IMPACT PROBE.and it was done in a control manner so that it would eject underground soil that could be analysed for the presence of lunar water ice.and this MIP first discovered water on moon,not NASA payload Moon Mineralogy Mapper.Moon Mineralogy Mapper just confirmed the existence of water in Moon..little bit of knowledge doesn't hurt much..though,trolls don't care about knowledge.. :lol:

Chandrayaan-1 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Chandrayaan first discovered water on moon, but… - Sci/Tech - DNA
Correct! Soft landing is a much more advanced technology. In fact there are many many cases of crash and intent-crash landings way before the bragging indian above

If you guys remember the concept of the a woman who gave the crazy idea of landing Curiosity on Mars. I mean, it was considered Madness but it certainly worked. Sky crane they called it.

Mars Rover Landing: Risky Sky Crane Actually 'Least Crazy' Way | Space.com

It should be considered by China and Israel may get the tech from US.
Google is like Israels anyway its like Solomon here, he puts American flag but no need straight put Israel flag because don't trick people.
good going: crash landing is landing??? Fun to learn interest indians' mindset.

actually the race is for 4rth. ur probe may find indian flag over there.
India probe crash-lands successfully on moon - CNN
Indian Probe Finds Water on the Moon - YouTube

Why the world does not recognize india as the 3rd country landing on the moon then?

lol..that probe was meant to be crash landed.thats why the name of that probe was MOON IMPACT PROBE.and it was done in a control manner so that it would eject underground soil that could be analysed for the presence of lunar water ice.and this MIP first discovered water on moon,not NASA payload Moon Mineralogy Mapper.Moon Mineralogy Mapper just confirmed the existence of water in Moon..little bit of knowledge doesn't hurt much..though,trolls don't care about knowledge.. :lol:

Chandrayaan-1 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Chandrayaan first discovered water on moon, but… - Sci/Tech - DNA
Why the world does not recognize india as the 3rd country landing on the moon then?

does the world mean "brainwashed CCP hardliner"???because everybody else recognize India as 4th country landing on the moon.

India's national space agency, Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), launched Chandrayaan-1, an unmanned lunar orbiter, on October 22, 2008.[21] The lunar probe was originally intended to orbit the Moon for two years, with scientific objectives to prepare a three-dimensional atlas of the near and far side of the Moon and to conduct a chemical and mineralogical mapping of the lunar surface.[22][23] The unmanned Moon Impact Probe landed on the Moon at 15:04 GMT on November 14, 2008 [24] making India the fourth country to touch down on the lunar surface. Among its many achievements was the discovery of the widespread presence of water molecules in lunar soil.[25]

other three is USA,Russia and Japan..

Exploration of the Moon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

who ever is first dont forget to have tea from our tea shop
actually the race is for 4rth. ur probe may find indian flag over there.
India probe crash-lands successfully on moon - CNN
Indian Probe Finds Water on the Moon - YouTube

lol..that probe was meant to be crash landed.thats why the name of that probe was MOON IMPACT PROBE.and it was done in a control manner so that it would eject underground soil that could be analysed for the presence of lunar water ice.and this MIP first discovered water on moon,not NASA payload Moon Mineralogy Mapper.Moon Mineralogy Mapper just confirmed the existence of water in Moon..little bit of knowledge doesn't hurt much..though,trolls don't care about knowledge.. :lol:

Chandrayaan-1 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Chandrayaan first discovered water on moon, but… - Sci/Tech - DNA

can you cheerleading troll comprehend what that guy dzgame said.
because everybody else recognize India as 4th country landing on the moon.

If you actually paid attention and 'READ' properly, you would not have come back with an argument about India being "FOURTH" . The title clearly says: "THIRD"country to soft land on the moon". Ephone also commented about the world not recognizing India as the "THIRD". No one is talking about India or cared about it being the "FORTH" here.

So who is the "THIRD" country to "SOFT LAND" on the moon?
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