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Can India survive a 10-day war? Not likely, but it’s getting enough ammo now


Nov 1, 2010
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Can India survive a 10-day war? Not likely, but it’s getting enough ammo now


In May, 2015, a report by the Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) tabled in Parliament revealed a shocking truth—if India went to war, it would have run out of most of its ammunition in just 10 days.

The CAG report slammed the defence establishment for the dismal management of ammunition in the Army, expressing shock that there was total "disregard" of the policy to hold ammunition for 40 days of "intense" fighting. "In 50 per cent of the types of ammunition, the holding was critical or less than 10 days in March 2013," said CAG.

The Army faces severe shortage in ammunition, mainly for artillery guns, tanks, air defence and certain infantry weapons, which will make it very difficult to fight an intense short war.

But now the Army is ready to take this challenge head on. The Centre has given Army vice-chief Sarath Chand full financial powers to procure critical ammunition and spares to maintain an optimum level to fight a short intense war following "critical voids" in capabilities of the Army.

The major decision means procurement process of such ammunition and equipment that would take months would be completed much faster.

Today, a short war with Pakistan or China cannot be ruled out. Even if there is no possibility of a war, it is highly important for the defence forces to have minimum required reserves of ammunition.

The alarming CAG report had covered the status of ammunition reserves till March 2013. The NDA government had already started making for the shortfall.

The then defence minister, Manohar Parrikar, had highlighted several steps initiated by the government such as placing second Five Year Ammunition Roll on indent for the period 2014-19 on Ordnance Factory Board and approving a road map on ammunition which envisaged procurement ex-import and ex-trade to build up adequate targeted stocks in addition to training requirement.

By giving full financial powers to the Army vice-chief, the procurement can be done faster. According to a top defence ministry official, this is the revenue route for in-service equipment and there will be no need to head to the Defence Acquisition Council (headed by Defence Minister Arun Jaitley) or the Cabinet Committee on Security, for procuring such critical equipment.

The direct route will reduce the time taken in procuring equipment and ammunition considerably.
What about 1000 days?
there will be no 1000 days story for china as she will be nuked to death by that time ( the world will stand against you , including russia ). perhaps you are ignorant and believe on propaganda news and internet data too much , but reality is far away from what you perceive . so it is better you get busy in africa minting money being a rich bitch now with lot of resources to loot poor countries by throwing money on their politicians and leaders . dont try to be a superpower which you will never become . understand ?? bye for now
there will be no 1000 days story for china as she will be nuked to death by that time ( the world will stand against you , including russia ). perhaps you are ignorant and believe on propaganda news and internet data too much , but reality is far away from what you perceive . so it is better you get busy in africa minting money being a rich bitch now with lot of resources to loot poor countries by throwing money on their politicians and leaders . dont try to be a superpower which you will never become . understand ?? bye for now

bwahahahahahahahahahahaha BUT BUT if they use nukes on China what will they use to nuke Pakistan??
He already included Pakistan as one of China's provinces...so yeah Nukes will be used against China. (Hongkong included...We will spare Taiwan and Tibet..they are independent anyway)
We are the only power in this world that has H bomb in stock. Google it
So..whats your point..am I supposed to say.."My God you have H Bomb..OK we wont nuke now?...MAD is what will happen, so stay where you are, you are not dealing with a small country or weak country. Lern to behave and we will maybe let you prosper along with the rest of the world.
Lol Old report

OP forgot to readIn his desperation
The alarming CAG report had covered the status of ammunition reserves till March 2013. The NDA government had already started making for the shortfall.

which sites 20 days of intense war Not 10 days

Army ammo reserves may last just 20 days of intense fighting: CAG ...

5 years Old report

OFB already Increased production Within 2 years By 18 % in May 2015

During DM MP Tenure Itself Listen to what he said

The army needs to build up its war wastage reserves for 40 days of intense fighting.

"It is a 2013 report. After taking over, we put this on priority and did a follow-up. The Ordinance Factory Board has seen an increase in the level of production by 18 per cent. This has improved the criticality level," the defence minister said.


Other that All Private Firms are granted License for Ammo production in 2016 Itself
India Allows Private Sector to Manufacture Ammo - Defense News
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