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Can Delhi’s “lame-duck” backing for Hasina hold?


Dec 14, 2008
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Can Delhi’s “lame-duck” backing for Hasina hold?

Sadeq Khan

Ignoring violent protests throughout the country, over a score of deaths in the exercise of coercive power of the State, total boycott by the parliamentary Opposition, and express disapproval of international community who through a UN emissary conducted an unfinished mediation effort for a consensus on election-time government to ensure a commonly acceptable and participatory general elections, the ruling alliance refused to postpone (which it could do by dissolving the 9thparliament) the schedule of general election on January 5, and went ahead through the motions of such an election unilaterally, mostly distributing parliamentary seats amongst themselves in what was called by the opposition leaders a “selection rather than an election.”

Where contest was allowed, mainly on account of “rebellious candidates” of the ruling alliance, the voters demonstrated their “contempt” of the sham election exercise by not attending at all in a significant number of polling centres. Ballot papers were stamped in the “privacy” of polling booths by some “obedient” polling officers, and stuffed in ballot boxes in a select number of polling centres. The Opposition claimed that the voter turn-out was 3% to 5% generally in the 147 constituencies where polling took place, voters in the other 153 constituencies having been deprived of opportunity to vote at all as “selected” candidates were declared elected unopposed. The Election Commission claimed that over 40% votes were cast in the contested constituencies.

SH/Authoritarian obstinacy
In an on-line Statement dated January 8, entitled “Bangladesh: Authoritarian obstinacy wins, democracy loses” the Asian Human Rights Commission observed (abridged): The Bangladesh Government and Election Commission have jointly staged their tragicomic ‘general election’ on January 5, 2014. Amidst the opposition boycott, and numerous attacks on polling centres, support for the election amongst the general public was at a historic low. On the polling day at least 24 people were killed. Most of them were victim to the gunfire of law-enforcement agents. As expected, the incumbent regime deployed political cadres to rig votes. Polling staff, law-enforcement agents, and village defence party members directly facilitated the “festival of rigging”. Persons without voter identity cards were allowed to cast vote. In at least 9 constituencies, according to media reports, the EC declared the government’s preferred candidate as “winners” although they were found “defeated’ in the original results collected from the centres.

The international community is not fooled by the statistics engineered by the Election Commission, a pawn in the hands of the Sheikh Hasina government. The conversation between Sheikh Hasina and her Information Minister Hasanul Haque Inu prior to the Prime Minister’s Press Conference on January 6 that has been broadcasted live and is available online tells the truth about how fake this election was.

The overall reaction of the international community was reflected in an official statement of the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon saying: The Secretary General was saddened by the loss of life and incidents of violence that marred yesterday’s parliamentary elections in Bangladesh, which were characterized by polarization and low participation. Ban Ki-Moon regretted that the parties did not reach the kind of agreements which could have produced a peaceful, all-inclusive election outcome, calling on all sides to exercise restraint and ensure first and foremost a peaceful and conducive environment, where people can maintain their right to assembly and expression.

AL’s repressive actions
But the ruling alliance was disinclined to create any such conducive environment, and in fact has launched a new bout of repressive actions to terrorise and subdue the Opposition’s larger body of alliances carrying on a country-wise continuous “siege” and disruption of traffic on roads, riverways and railways. The country’s economy is on the brink, alarmingly at the micro-level and disturbingly at the macro level. The administration is at a standstill, and public safety is in a state of collapse. The Human Rights Watch of New York observed on January 8:

“Bangladesh authorities should immediately end arbitrary arrests of opposition party members and others. Arrests have continued even after the ruling Awami League party and its allies won the largely uncontested elections held on January 5, 2014.

“Dozens and perhaps hundreds of opposition leaders and members were taken into custody before the elections, which were boycotted by the main opposition alliance led by the Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP). BNP leader and two-time former Prime Minister Khaleda Zia was placed under de facto house arrest, with security forces surrounding her residence and blocking people from entering and leaving. Many opposition leaders and activists have gone into hiding.

“While in some cases the government has acted appropriately to stop violence by some opposition forces, this spate of arrests is part of a pattern of weakening critics, limiting dissent, and consolidating ruling party power. There is nothing democratic about this kind of widespread crackdown on critics.”

On the matter of democratic pretensions of the ruling alliance, the Commonwealth Secretary General in his official reaction to January 5 election exercise stated that it was “deeply troubling”, and reminded the Bangladesh Government: “In the Commonwealth Charter, it is a shared responsibility of governments, political parties and civil society to uphold and promote democratic culture, including the inalienable right of individuals to participate in free and fair elections. Therefore, it is critical that Bangladesh moves quickly to find a path forward through dialogue to a more inclusive and peaceful political process in which the will of the people can be fully expressed.”

Disappointed and concerned
Canada, a leading commonwealth nation and a development partner of Bangladesh, expressed concern over the ruination of the economy in the continuing conflicts in Bangladesh. Expressing sadness over the violence and controversy that marred the electoral period, Canada’s Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird said, “Canada welcomes the major parties’ willingness to consider holding a new national election and urges all parties to reach an agreement soon that would allow the next election to be truly participatory, with results that all Bangladeshis will see as credible. .... Political instability has bred economic instability, which has caused long-term damage to Bangladesh’s economy and may continue to do so.”

Several other Commonwealth countries and development partners, members of the European Community, members of Organisation of Islamic countries, Japan and China have expressed similar concerns over the controversial polls and continuing violence of political confrontation, calling for dialogue with the Opposition for fresh polls. Only the regional hegemon India, “swam against the tide” (The Telegraph, Calcutta) and recognised Sheikh Hasina’s “victory” in the January 5 general election. Syed Akbaruddin, the official spokesman of the Indian Ministry of External Affairs, told the press on January 6: “Elections in Bangladesh on 5thJanuary were a constitutional requirement. They are a part of the internal and constitutional process of Bangladesh. The democratic processes must be allowed to take their own course in Bangladesh.”

In sharp contrast was the official reaction of the superpower leading the globalisation process, the United States of America. The Deputy Spokesperson of the US Department of State, Marie Harf stated on the same day in Washington: “The United States is disappointed by the recent Parliamentary elections in Bangladesh. With more than half of the seats uncontested and most of the remainder offering only token opposition, the results of the just-concluded elections do not appear to credibly express the will of the Bangladeshi people. While it remains to be seen what form the new government will take, United States’ commitment to supporting the people of Bangladesh remains undiminished. To that end, we encourage the Government of Bangladesh and opposition parties to engage in immediate dialogue to find a way to hold as soon as possible elections that are free, fair, peaceful, and credible, reflecting the will of the Bangladeshi people.”

Indians question Delhi’s policy
But Sheikh Hasina is not to be held back by internal resistance or international censure, as long as she has Delhi and a servile civil administration to prop her up. She is going ahead in a hurry to swear in her new “selected” members of parliament, contravening, according to legal experts, constitutional provisions of her own making. But doubts are beginning to be expressed whether Delhi may continue to support her for long in this game. Already, questions are being raised by the Indian media and the Indian security experts about the wisdom of India’s present Bangladesh policy. As Manoj Joshi wrote in the Indian Today dated January 8:
“Jamaat activists set fire to Awami League office in Bangladesh on election day that was marred by violence. Things have been bad enough for India in Pakistan, Nepal and Sri Lanka, and we now face the prospect of our relations with Bangladesh going down the tube in the coming months. After having had a friendly government preside over a stable neighbour in the last five years, we are now confronted with the prospect of violence and anarchy in a country with which we share a 4000- km border.“In the wake of domestic protests and international condemnation, Sheikh Hasina has more or less conceded that she will have to undo the elections.

“A re-election, which will almost certainly see the victory of the BNP, is bad news for India. But New Delhi can only blame itself for its predicament.“The events in Bangladesh have also brought out an uncharacteristic rift between New Delhi and Washington DC. In the past year, the Americans have been warning against the holding of elections in a climate of violence, while India has made it clear that all its eggs are in Sheikh Hasina’s basket. “In 2013, we have had trouble- prone relations with Sri Lanka, Nepal and Maldives; and ties with our adversaries Pakistan and China remain unchanged.

“The Awami League’s control of the government provided New Delhi some comfort with regard to the advancing Chinese influence in the region, even though India was not able to reward her sufficiently. On the other hand, Khaleda Zia and her BNP are allied to the Jamaat which is virulently anti- Indian. Begum Khaleda’s own attitude towards India cannot but be deeply skewed by the perceived closeness between India and Sheikh Hasina. As far as India is concerned, the issue of Bangladesh cannot be handled by a lame- duck government in New Delhi.

But beyond personalities and politics, there is one basic question we need to ask ourselves. Why even 66 years after independence, New Delhi’s influence in its region is shrinking instead of expanding?”

Election or coronation of the Prime Minister?

Abu Hena

It was the morning of 5th January when BBC’s Dhaka correspondent was reporting on the Bangladesh election scenario to the news room in London. “There is fog all around, so none has turned up to vote so far,” he said standing right inside an empty polling center. The news caster who was not impressed asked, “Is it an election or coronation of the prime minister?”

On January 6 afternoon the prime minister celebrated her ‘victory’ by hosting a tea party at the lawn of the Gonobhaban to entertain the print and electronic media and especially the representatives from election management bodies of the Indian state of Tripura and Bhutan. They came here to observe the election when the entire world including the UN, United States and the EU refused to send any observer. Even Russia did the same.
Tripura’s chief election officer Ashutosh Jindal told reporters that they visited six locations and 25 polling booths and saw “good turnouts at some places” but “not so good in some places.” Asked whether the election was fair and credible, he said, “That is not our mandate. We are here to observe the polling process of Bangladesh.” But India seemed to have the mandate to attest the electoral process and the pre- planned and skillfully orchestrated election with tailor-made outcome in advance.

Indian design
Following the design which many believe was crafted in India, the BNP-led 18 party opposition alliance had been forced out of the race through intricate machinations. It resulted in the election of 153 ruling party candidates unopposed long before the day of election. For the remaining 147 seats which were immaterial for the purpose of forming a government, prime minister Sheikh Hasina utilized her official network to coerce and cajole voters to turn up at the heavily guarded polling centers to give an impression to the outside world that the polls had significant popular support and that the opposition’s demand for non-partisan care taker government had no popular basis. But the vast majority of the voters totaling 50 million having been denied their fundamental right to vote, the remaining voters, much in consternation, chose to stay away from the polling. According to generous estimates and general public perception the voter turnout was in the range of 10 to 12 percent.
For obvious reasons Sheikh Hasina’s ‘coronation’ for the ‘third term’ is a shambles. She thought that she could do as she liked, and now she has quickly learnt that she has to do what the people desire and want her to do. First, she has realized with dismay that she could not keep her autocratic hold on the voters who are free citizens of a Republic. They decide how the government will be run and in what form they will elect their representatives. Chief Justice Sahabuddin Ahmed did not have to depend on the Constitution to become the country’s President and caretaker chief in 1990. It is the people who chose him to preside over the election and return to his post after he had performed the job. In 1996, election was held fully in accordance with the Constitution. But Sheikh Hasina refused to accept it and forced the government to accept the care taker system for the elections. In 2007, election was scheduled on 22 January and Sheikh Hasina’s party filed nomination papers with all intentions to participate in the election. Then all on a sudden she decided to withdraw from the race making way for the third force to step in. Sheikh Hasina welcomed the third force as a product of her Logi-Boytha movement which killed many and destroyed the country’s infrastructure.

Manoeuvring at great cost
Sheikh Hasina decided to hold the 5 January election which was boycotted by 28 out of 41 political parties including BNP which governed the country for 17 years. She challenged that she would hold a free, fair and inclusive election in spite of the opposition’s blockade and with the help of the law enforcement agencies she would present to the world a heavy turnout. The opposition accepted the challenge and urged the people to reject the one-party election which they did. At the end of the day the opposition has been successful and the government with all its repressive apparatus failed to draw the voters to the polling booth. According to FEMA’s report they visited a few polling stations in Gulshan, Banani and Mirpur between 8 am and 2 pm and estimated the voter turnout to be less than 10 percent. According to Dr. Kalimullah, spokesman for an election observation network, attendance in 75 constituencies was around 30 percent. The election which involved the Armed Forces in addition to the other law enforcement agencies created the general feeling that there was a drastic fall in the ruling coalition’s popularity which was a deciding factor in governance even 1930’s in Europe because even monarchs who lost popularity could lose their thrones as well .

In this situation even the minority vote on which the AL thinks it has a monopoly did not trust the party any more especially after the savage killing of Bishwajit in broad daylight by AL hoodlums. Even if the estimate shown by the EC is taken to be the measure the average percentage for 300 seats comes down to less than 20 percent. When compared to the 87 per cent votes cast in 2008 election there is 67 percent fall in voter participation In the polls this time. Even the random ballot stuffing by the AL activists failed to give it the minimum respectability. By all standards it appears to be a short lived pyrrhic victory. The Economist termed it as a victory of AL at the cost of Bangladesh. Others think that Sheikh Hasina manoeuvred the fictitious victory at too great a cost to have been worthwhile for herself as well as her party. All said and done the election proved to be a futile exercise, a funny business. If the EC declares AL and its alliance members as winners it shall violate articles 7, 11 and 65 of the Constitution. And any further intransigence on the part of the government to ignore the legitimacy issue will certainly meet with disastrous consequences for the country. There are indications that the country will be exposed to the displeasure of the international communities and aid agencies and even face sanctions.

‘Two wolves and a lamb’
It will be totally inappropriate to call this election ‘democratic or constitutional’. “Democracy,” in the words of Benjamin Franklin, “is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote”. His observation best explains the situation that prevails during this election. The kind of repression with which the democratic people of this Republic are threatened with resembles nothing that has preceded it. The old words ‘despotism’ and ‘tyranny ‘are not suitable any more. The despot in this country enjoys the cheap pleasures by duping the people. Her destiny is different from all others. The members of her family and the “favorites” form the whole human species for her. She dwells amongst her fellow citizens but does not see them. She touches them but does not feel them. She exists only in herself and for herself alone. She does not tyrannize like Caligula but reduces the nation to being nothing more than a herd of timid animals of which government is the shepherd.

Our Constitution has concentrated all powers and deposited them in the hands of an irresponsible person called the prime minister. Of all the different forms that democratic despotism could take this would surely be the worst. To overcome the situation simple ‘dialogue’ will not be enough. For that we have to follow AL Capone’s advice: “You can get much further with a kind word and a gun than you can with a kind word”. The 5th January is not an election. It’s a farce. People of this country are at war with a government which lacks legitimacy. The 9th and the 10th parliament resemble the Long Parliament and the Rump Parliament of 17th century England. Those parliaments could only be purged by Cromwell who gave England democracy. Shall we take a cue from that?
The writer was an MP from 1996 to 2006.

India congratulates Hasina.
Manmohan calls Hasina to congratulate her | Business Standard

Yes they would keep on baking Hasina since they know, they won't get such a free run in BD any other way. At the end of the day they want to see a ruined and cripled BD. Hasina in power will keep BD a pathetic Indian colony, destroying opposition and crushing majority BD aspirations. While in the process of ousting her from power (which will happen inshallah) BD will be crippled. Both ways India satisfies its chanakyan blood lust.
India congratulates Hasina.
Manmohan calls Hasina to congratulate her | Business Standard

Yes they would keep on baking Hasina since they know, they won't get such a free run in BD any other way. At the end of the day they want to see a ruined and cripled BD. Hasina in power will keep BD a pathetic Indian colony, destroying opposition and crushing majority BD aspirations. While in the process of ousting her from power (which will happen inshallah) BD will be crippled. Both ways India satisfies its chanakyan blood lust.

I have hope that with the help of China and friendly Muslim countries that BD will recover and be a stronger country on the long-run, after the complete and utter annihilation of the scum Awami League.
I have hope that with the help of China and friendly Muslim countries that BD will recover and be a stronger country on the long-run, after the complete and utter annihilation of the scum Awami League.

Amen to that.

The important thing is to spread the message to all Bangladeshi's so the overwhelming majority become determined to neutralize foreign agents from our midst, regardless of party affiliation. Of course Awami League is the central player, but there are others hiding in other parties as well as non party positions, doing their part.
Awami League has legal right to rule the country for next five years.
Awami League has legal right to rule the country for next five years.

Only according to your made in India law, which does not apply to Bangladesh, take her and make her a chief minister of West Bengal for all we care. She or her Awami League is not wanted in Bangladesh any more. It is time you take your loyal agents back and give them some productive job.
She will hold for atleast 5 more years, then we will replace her with a new dalal.
Only according to your made in India law, which does not apply to Bangladesh

Can you explain why? The provision of an election time caretaker government was legally removed. The elections were held legally. Just because they won unopposed doesn't make the elections illegal.
Only according to your made in India law, which does not apply to Bangladesh, take her and make her a chief minister of West Bengal for all we care. She or her Awami League is not wanted in Bangladesh any more. It is time you take your loyal agents back and give them some productive job.

Why would the election become illegal? It is not like she stopped BNP from participating the elections. It is BNPs loss that they could not face the elections.
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