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Can China’s Army Really Reach Delhi in 2 Days? Nope, Say Experts

Chinese food is better outside China lol, Indian`````primitive, ignorant, inferior complexity and deluded``cant find any other group people that define those terms better than Indian.

We have a saying in Hindi/Urdu

"Bandar kya Jaane Adrak ka swaad"

Applies quite aptly to the Chinese and their local cuisine.
No more explaination needed.
How many days those experts suggest? 4 or 5 days?
How many days those experts suggest? 4 or 5 days?
I can understand the effect of training of CPC education. You can not think of anything else except slums. That is why you guys come out with great innovation of plastic rice and gutter oil etc.
because I have been to the slums too many times? have you ever been out of the miserable slum, I mean ever? gullible kid``:lol:

We have a saying in Hindi/Urdu

"Bandar kya Jaane Adrak ka swaad"

Applies quite aptly to the Chinese and their local cuisine.
No more explaination needed.
and in China we have similar lines for Indian too
Idk why we would ever want to go to Delhi during a war. That would be a war of occupation and thats simply not the goal of any armed conflict between India and China. The motive of the war would very likely be the same as 1962 where India over reaches vs China in territory or some other thing. The goal would be to cripple and embarrass India so they could not continue with whatever actions they were planning or enacting. Unfortunately this only lasts around 50 years as life expectation in India is so low that any veterans would die and the new generation would forget and simply change history to suit their own narrative aka the famous Chola War of wikipedia.

Another reason for war would be to open a new front vs India if there was full out war vs Pakistan. China in the past did not fully enter wars on Pakistans side vs India but the supply of weapons is certainly not to be ignored. These past wars were still during a time of Chinese weakness of economy and military. If another one breaks out China is far more powerful and capable of fully supporting Pakistan.
and in response they will wipe out every inch of India.

At-least feed your soldiers on the front lines before you compare yourself to the Chinese baniyas it's like comparing a dragon to a dragon's shit and even that's a generous comparison.

Most of the Indian members on PDF are still onto those "killer" weaponry fantasy. We have this,and we have that.
because I have been to the slums too many times? have you ever been out of the miserable slum, I mean ever? gullible kid``:lol:

You are carrying dirt and slum in your mind and it come sout every where so I doubt your saying that you were in slum so many times. ithink you have never came out of slum and see beautiful world.
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Useg glacier will kali laser natural desaster
You are carrying dirt and slum in your mind and it come sout every where so I doubt your saying that you were in slum so many times. ithink you have never came out of slum and see beautiful world.
beautiful world``yes, indeed have seen many. but Indian cities``?? nope```
beautiful world``yes, indeed have seen many. but Indian cities``?? nope```

Your beautiful world will be chinese city where people will be eating dogs and snakes. Our definition of beautiful is different.
Your beautiful world will be chinese city where people will be eating dogs and snakes. Our definition of beautiful is different.
kid, have you ever been out the slum, really, I am asking this? ``` poor miserable kid`:lol:
kid, have you ever been out the slum, really, I am asking this? ``` poor miserable kid`:lol:

It is slum once again. I rightly guess that slum is rooted in your mind very deeply. You will never be able to come out of slum.
It is slum once again. I rightly guess that slum is rooted in your mind very deeply. You will never be able to come out of slum.
it is Indian's inherited ability to glorify and justify their inability in dealing with reality.
in reality its:
but in their delusion its:
IT powerhouse

you proved me right. You can not come out of dity, slum and dishonesty.
you proved me right. You can not come out of dity, slum and dishonesty.
yeah, I have to admit its difficult to come out that dirty, slum and dishonest country, as we keep making cheap stuffs and dumping on that place and making some money back, who doesnt like money```

oh, btw, in speaking of money, make sure you have changed all your old notes to new ones, otherwise your $5-per-day 'middle class income' money will become toilet paper, and going to bed with empty belly `````seeing hungry Indian in India is sad, and even sadder to chat with an angry hungry one on Internet``:D
i dont think PlA wil like.to.visit DEHLI,cause the smog.there is.heavy.and PM2.5 often exceed 1000.
why visit delhi when they can better smog in beijing !!
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