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Cambodia pays its China dues


Nov 4, 2011
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Cambodia pays its China dues

by Milton Osborne - July.17 2012 1:51

The fact that Prime Minister Hun Sen led the Cambodian participants in the ASEAN Ministerial Meeting held in Phnom Penh last week in resisting the release of a post-meeting communiqué dealing with tensions in the South China Sea, and the fact that no agreed position was achieved, should scarcely be a surprise.

For at least a decade now, Hun Sen has routinely referred to China as Cambodia's most trusted friend. China is by far Cambodia's most important aid donor, and the Cambodian Government did everything it could to keep the South China Sea off the agenda of the ASEAN Summit held in April of this year.

So Cambodia paid its dues, or, in the words of a diplomat quoted in a New York Times report, 'China bought the chair, simple as that.'

Despite the sharp reaction of the Philippines, with Indonesia taking a more measured approach, commentaries that stress the extent to which Cambodia's behaviour at this meeting might undermine ASEAN unity will surely have to be judged in the longer term. After all, it is worth noting that there is already an underlying lack of unity among those members of ASEAN which have conflicting claims in the South China Sea.

In any event, it is interesting to see that the Bangkok Post has been ready to carry an editorial suggesting that keeping the South China Sea off the agenda was probably the right thing to do since it would not be desirable for ASEAN to take a position in a dispute that now has clear major power overtones involving both China and the US. To the extent the editorial represents Thai official thinking, it of course reflects the fact that Thailand is not involved in any of the South China Sea's claims and counter claims, making it easy to adopt a detached position.
I see plenty of negative news about China and I do know such issues exist for sure in China.

@Beijingwalker sorry to ask you this.... But are u on a mission or something?.... When i open World Affair it looks like 'china's affairs' Forum.... You been posting too much about your Lovely China.... I dont know is it because you love your country or earn over time.... Sorry again but i never saw any negative news about china by chinese.... That raises doubts in my mind. There are many negative news of china that i read everyday in other website.... But here its all rosy. Wonder why. i think you are spoiling 'world affairs'.... Mind u its World affairs and not China affairs. I hope webmaster will open a Thread 'China affairs' specialy for Beijingwalker so he could post day and night and earn as much as he can in times of economy slowdown.... Its realy annoying watching chinese chest thumping every each minute.... It just spoiling world affair forum. Sorry again for telling the truth but i wish webmaster soon opens a china affair forum.... Am sure many users will be greatful for it.
He's very likely a 50 center, his posts are willingly inflammatory and hardline nationalist to the extent that he pretty much 'sees' the rest of Asia's rightful place as subordinate to China.

It is kind to consider him a 50 center, otherwise he is a warhawk who is unknowingly helping China along a path of destruction rather than another guy earning his bread in an unconventional (and many would say unethical) fashion.
how big is your basement and how much of pucket money your mom gives you every month?
Saigon was once a part of Cambodia but it was stolen from them by the dirty Viets. Now with China's help they will take it back. Cambodia and Laos must be armed with J-10, MBT3000 and DF-16 MRBM to teach Viets a painful lesson.
Saigon was once a part of Cambodia but it was stolen from them by the dirty Viets. Now with China's help they will take it back. Cambodia and Laos must be armed with J-10, MBT3000 and DF-16 MRBM to teach Viets a painful lesson.

Never knew it belonged to the Cambodians.
Ho Chi Minh City - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Viet members here probably don't even think they robbed it from Cambodia judging from their history skills.
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