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Calling All PDF Bangladesh Members - Mod Situation

As they should, I was not aware of this. It's quite disturbing.

why do you want to populate Bangladeshi prisons? they do experiments on humans over there
@Avicenna @UKBengali @Bilal9 are the holy trinity of Bengali members I look up to. I would be glad if any of them becomes mod. They’re active and engaging in conversation and do not derail the thread ever
Maybe you could volunteer? :D
why do you want to populate Bangladeshi prisons? they do experiments on humans over there
Maybe you could volunteer? :D

to be experimented upon in a Dhaka prison?
to be experimented upon in a Dhaka prison?
Let's say for the sake of argument , even if you will be a mod ( I am sure after this All Bangladeshi will just flee from this subsection , but that is different argument ) , then how come that you will be in the prison of Dhaka ? You are Pakistani so how Bangladesh govt can arrest you I have no idea . Can you make it clear ?8-)
Let's say for the sake of argument , even if you will be a mod ( I am sure after this All Bangladeshi will just flee from this subsection , but that is different argument ) , then how come that you will be in the prison of Dhaka ? You are Pakistani so how Bangladesh govt can arrest you I have no idea . Can you make it clear ?

The suffering for having to moderate a paranoia stricken community is a prison in itself.

fate and destiny are unpredictable things. who knows or who can say that i cannot wash ashore Chittagong on request of Rakhine government.
@Avicenna @UKBengali @Bilal9 are the holy trinity of Bengali members I look up to. I would be glad if any of them becomes mod. They’re active and engaging in conversation and do not derail the thread ever

Many Thanks for the kind words bhai. We all (including yourself) are capable person. You are being too humble.
Many Thanks for the kind words bhai. We all (including yourself) are capable person. You are being too humble.
Nah bro I will need free use of my potty mouth xD
@Avicenna @UKBengali @Bilal9 are the holy trinity of Bengali members I look up to. I would be glad if any of them becomes mod. They’re active and engaging in conversation and do not derail the thread ever

forget about it
i am the one telling you to forget about it.
Hmm strange I don’t remember who you’re. Forget what
For a member who is pro-Pakistani and still knowledgeable about BD affairs, I would suggest @Saiful Islam

However you could not go wrong with any BD member, as long as they respect the right of Pakistanis to disagree about Mujib and 1971.

Only @Avicenna is suitable for the position brother , my name is not even worth mentioning for two major reason . Firstly my English communicative skill is very poor and secondly I live in Bangladesh , and this forum is blocked in Bangladesh, so you know that any common people (who is living in Bangladesh ) who just participate here to kill their free time would not be interested ,even if forum host choose them

And also I don't think I am as cool headed person as you said bro . But thank you for your appreciation @bd_4_ever .

So finally brother @Avicenna will perform the best job IMHO . Because not only he is one of the coolest person here, but also he is basically American citizen with Bangladeshi origin , so he will perform the job best . So @Avicenna should be the automatic choice .

Exactly. So IMHO only @Avicenna can do this job perfectly , and he should consider it as almost all of us are proposing his name!

I agree completely .All of us know , if we need a Bangladeshi moderator , then we need it to moderating his(Nilgiri) vicious trolling . So if there is no troll like him , we even do not need a moderator ( neither Bangladeshi nor Pakistani) We had another troll who used turkey flag but actually people believe him as false flaggar (hikmet) , but he thankfully never returned in this section for trolling purpose after @waz requested him ( I assume that waz requested him personally as after the post of waz in another thread, hikmet never returned here to troll, if I can remember correctly ) .

So For Bangladeshi subsection currently Nilgiri is the major problem . He most of time behave as drug addict street mob ( mentally unstable person ) , And Pakistani trolls are actually kids compare to him , and even not any problem if they do not have the back up/provocation of Nilgiri.

Nilgiri is a champion player when the case is only to divide and rule . When an Indian show his hate to Bangladesh and use 1971 card effectively against both Bangladesh and Pakistan , then it is clear that he is a fish (or shark? )of deep blue water . So remove such pathological troll from this subsection once and for all ( who used to declare himself as pro Bangladeshi!!!) , this section's problem will be solved 75% automatically.

We already have some great Pakistani mods who are very friendly with Bangladesh . But if still it will be the only option , then yes I support your every word . Just want to add something and that is ,this mod should be able to counter Nilgiri effectively.

Brother @jaibi , I hope finally @Avicenna will be agree . Brother @Avicenna I think you should consider all of our appeal to accept the position if forum host decide to choose you . Because

Since you are actually American citizen , so I do not think any Bangladeshi organization will be able to create pressure on you . So you are the best choice IMHO , as you have Bangladeshi origin so closer to our heart . So I do not know what is the supposed regional conspiracy as @Old School said , but if he fear any such case then I would humbly say that you are actually the citizen of USA . So I do not think the argument of @Old School is valid for you . So My 100% vote is for you !

If you ban Nilgiri, you won't even need a mod as most BD members, though we disagree many times, are civil and rational.

In the end, BD and Pakistan have the same enemies. I hope @Avicenna That you will be more diplomatic as mod, seems all BD posters want you.

In sha Allah, hope for whatever is best.
Thanks bro, but best to give mice-control role to a cat rather than lion haha.
Are you seriously calling yourself a lion? You, who regularly tags other members to save yourself from retaliation even when you're trolling? Just like a damsel in distress summoning her Prince Charmings.

The irony is strong in this one!
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