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California Zooms Past Russia, Italy and Soon Brazil in Economic Might

LOL you forgot how it started in the first place,

some dude living in a cave 10000kms away killed 2000 Americans in one day.

Talking about achievement, yes, the time and money spend to find one guy is definitely worth noting, not to mention US invaded Iraq for no stupid reason and created a war debt never seen in history and now ISIS lol

1.) OBL was not in a cave hiding when he plan and execute 9/11, he was living like a king in Afghanistan, infact CIA and NSA have a pretty good idea where he is before he went to the cave and hide and eventually ended up in Pakistan.

2.) I dont recall fighting in Iraq was a stupid reason. Even tho the WMD Motive is a bit shaky, removing Saddam is a right thing to do. I have seem how people, those who aginst him lives in Iraq and saddam is a minority..

3.) We have defeated AQI (What later form into ISIS) In Iraq in 2008, They ranaway and ran to syria, and they found their foothole there, is it the US who create ISIS? wait, I forgot, whatever bad thing happened in the world, the first thing people do is to blame the US, well....
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