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CAC to boost fighter production by several times


Sep 9, 2016
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Official AVIC news confirmed, to meet the challenge of high demand from PLA, CAC (the manufacturer of J-10 and J-20) of AVIC will increase the production rate of their future fighters by several times, through means like management innovation and adopt massive scale production experience from automobile industry, "make a fighter like make a car".

CAC set rewards to enourage workers to boost production rate:

The "management innovation" awards will award each staff up to ~$9000 for innovations in production managment.

The "techology innovation" awards will award staff up to ~$25000 for innovations in tech related to production process improvements.

So far, in 2016, there are over 300 innovation proposal has been made by workers in CAC factory and over 100 has been awarded.

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Opening a new pulse production/assembly line?:D:D

Exactly my thought too! Maybe they could ask the guys at XAC, as far as I know, both the Y-20 and - no sure if already active - the JH-7A was manufactured on a pulsed line. ... and the guys at SAC should go with them and learn too.

The production rate in general is IMO much too low in comparison to what could and maybe should be done. 3.33 J-10 per month is simply too few and I can't think that the current rate of J-20s is higher. I won't even speak about SAC and their Flankers ... seems as if they are more or less made on demand in small batches only.

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