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C-130 + Lots of local upgrades = AC130U For Pakistan?


Sep 6, 2008
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Is it feasible for Pakistan to locally upgrade a few C-130's into gunships without sending them off to Boeing? And if no, what about sending them to Boeing as part of the anti terror bs and getting them "refurbished" ?

AC130U is an amazing asset, the US only has 17 because they are rather costly upgrades, a small handful would be a strategic acquisition.
Kharian_beast boss i dont think PAF is interested in doing that nor has the funds to do so although if we did have funds all the toys in the world would be great to have and nor do i think the US would approve of this idea !! it useless no offense!
Well, we already have the plane and despite the cost all it is is basically stuff we have in our tanks plus some small mortars and a small howitzer and easily acquirable chain guns. It's one of those projects that PAF should take on the side like 1-2 planes that would be much more useful in a2g than flying jets or sending troops. I'm pretty sure a prototype could be made using entirely off the shelf products.

Perhaps sir !! that could be done just so u know i knew wat u were getting at i was just being realastic at this point from PAF's view but u never know good idea though thx mate!:toast_sign::cheers:
Is it feasible for Pakistan to locally upgrade a few C-130's into gunships without sending them off to Boeing? And if no, what about sending them to Boeing as part of the anti terror bs and getting them "refurbished" ?

AC130U is an amazing asset, the US only has 17 because they are rather costly upgrades, a small handful would be a strategic acquisition.

its a good idea but i believe the PAF has no such plans at this time. pls note that the AC-130U has not been offered by the US to anyone including their pet-child Israel.
Hello Kharian-Beast,

How are you today? The upgrade that you are talking about---PAF neither has the money nor the resource to bring about this upgrade. The casual manner that your post is written in---shows that you have not read into what it takes to build upto this upgrade. Here is some update----by the way what off the shelf products are you talking about and where is this shelf located at!!!

" AC-130U Gunship
Under a contract awarded in 1987, Boeing manufactures and supports the AC-130U Gunship aircraft for the U.S. Air Force Special Operations Command. The AC-130U represents a major advancement over previous generation gunships. Existing C-130 airframes receive the latest sensor technologies and fire control systems that, together, substantially increase the gunship's combat effectiveness. The AC-130U features increased weapon stand-off range, improved first-shot accuracy, and a state-of-the-art suite of electronic and infrared countermeasures that greatly enhance the AC-130U's survivability against modern threats. The AC-130U design also incorporates features to enhance maintainability and supportability.

Sensor Suite
The most significant changes in the AC-130U Gunship are enhancements and expansions to its sensor suite. Both the All Light Level Television and the Infrared Detection System can scan a full 360 degrees, allowing the gunship crew to search for and find targets much faster. The target detection and recognition ranges of both sensors are nearly double those of previous gunships. The television also incorporates a laser target designator and rangefinder that allows the AC-130U to designate targets for other aircraft armed with smart, laser-guided weapons. The gunship's target detection capability makes it a highly effective force multiplier. The AC-130U incorporates Night Vision Imaging System, with compatible lighting throughout to support use of night vision equipment by its crew.

Radar System
The AC-130U features Raytheon's APQ-180 fire control radar system, derived from the system on F-15E Eagle aircraft. The APQ-180 system is integrated with the gunship's fire control system. This enables the radar not only to locate and track targets but also to track rounds from the gunships 40 mm and 105 mm guns and to adjust fire automatically. As a result, the AC-130U gunship is an all-weather, precision attack aircraft -- the only one of its kind.

Navigation System
The AC-130U Gunship integrates ring-laser gyro technology with precision locater capabilities of the Global Positioning Satellite, or GPS system. This provides the aircraft with its exact position and the precise location of any target detected by its sensors, reducing workload, speeding up target location and improving the precision of targeting information for other friendly forces.

Fire Control System
Today's AC-130U Gunship is more lethal than its predecessors, due to the addition of a GAU-12, 25 mm Gatling gun (similar to those on AV-8B Harrier aircraft). Firing at 1,800 shots per minute and mounted on a fully trainable gun mount, the GAU-12 provides twice the lethality of its former 20 mm cannons, a longer stand-off range and greater accuracy. The operator can select from a series of burst lengths to tailor effectiveness of the GAU-12 for each target due to a fully automated ammunition handling system, capable of carrying 3,000 rounds. The gunship also carries both a 40 mm Bofors cannon, capable of up to 100 shots per minute, and a 105 mm howitzer that can be fired six times a minute. To maximize accuracy, both large guns also are installed on trainable gun mounts. The AC-130U has a dual-target attack capability that allows it to attack simultaneously two targets located up to a kilometer apart. Its fire control system enables the AC-130U to destroy targets more quickly, expediting air-to-ground mission objectives while decreasing threat exposure time, which enhances aircraft survivability.

The AC-130U aircraft includes a complementary suite of both active and passive threat countermeasures, including the ALQ-172 Electronic Countermeasure System, to provide protection against radar-guided threats. The ALQ-172 is augmented by the ALR-56M radar warning receiver, used on the F-16 fighter. In addition, an APR-46A panoramic receiver alerts the crew to electronic emissions in the aircraft vicinity, enhancing early radar threat detection. Protection against infrared threats is provided by an AAR-44 infrared warning receiver integrated with a series of ALE-40 flare dispensers strategically placed around the aircraft. The ALE-40 also dispenses chaff to provide added protection against radar threats. The AC-130U Gunship is compatible with the newer generation ALE-47 flare and chaff dispensers. An 84-02A active infrared countermeasure system provides additional infrared missile protection. Passive countermeasures include lightweight Spectra armor to protect critical components and crew. All mission-essential avionics are dual redundant and physically separated to maintain mission capability in the event of battle damage. The AC-130U Gunship's system architecture allows the operators to reconfigure subsystems to maintain combat effectiveness in the event of component failure.

Control Systems
A highly integrated system of controls and displays increase operational effectiveness and enhance situational awareness. The AC-130U crew maintains full knowledge of the combat environment, system status and mission requirements to employ the gunship's weapons and sensors more quickly and effectively. Co-located in the battle-management center, the AC-130U Gunship's five-person tactical crew as well as its three-person flight deck crew, have access to a computer generated tactical situation map, TSM. The TSM provides situational awareness of the combat environment and enhances intra-crew communications. Exploiting the precision navigation and targeting capabilities of the AC-130U, the TSM displays threat locations and both friendly and enemy force positions. It also shows where the AC-130U Gunship's sensors and guns are tracking, which greatly reduces the possibility of friendly fire incidents.

Enhanced Availability
The AC-130U Gunship is designed to avoid any single point of failure for mission critical systems, which maximizes the aircraft's availability to warfighters. While providing a two-level maintenance capability, the aircraft makes extensive use of built-in-testing of various components to develop a systems integrated test function that provides the maintainer with detailed diagnostics of AC-130U subsystems. The aircraft's fully integrated 1553 computer architecture speeds up troubleshooting and provides a means of tracking component performance throughout the life cycle of the system".

If an AC130U is not an option - can another aircraft be configured to be employed as a gunship?

Even a much smaller ship but with succifient fire power (of lower calibre), but still effective against the smuggler, insurgents that we face?

And why not see non-state entities for the retrofit?

If an AC130U is not an option - can another aircraft be configured to be employed as a gunship?

Even a much smaller ship but with succifient fire power (of lower calibre), but still effective against the smuggler, insurgents that we face?

And why not see non-state entities for the retrofit?

Well if thats the case Muse wat do u guys think about a CN-235 i dont know just a thought?? :what::coffee:
Is it feasible for Pakistan to locally upgrade a few C-130's into gunships without sending them off to Boeing? And if no, what about sending them to Boeing as part of the anti terror bs and getting them "refurbished" ?

AC130U is an amazing asset, the US only has 17 because they are rather costly upgrades, a small handful would be a strategic acquisition.

it is a nightmare for any ground enemy, it was useful in afghan,and could be used in tribal areas:whistle:
Hello Kharian-Beast,

How are you today? The upgrade that you are talking about---PAF neither has the money nor the resource to bring about this upgrade. The casual manner that your post is written in---shows that you have not read into what it takes to build upto this upgrade. Here is some update----by the way what off the shelf products are you talking about and where is this shelf located at!!!


I realize that there are some sensitive toys on the AC130's, but areas such as radar, countermeasures, sensors, lazer guided munitions and the weapons themselves can be substituted by available means and if not those missing gaps should be filled in through indigenous means. A gunship is not a new idea at all and our scientists engineers and aviation specialists should study this. I'm not saying it has to be exactly the same or better than the AC-130U, I'm just saying that the role a gunship plays would drastically reduce casualties in anti terror operations. Just one prototype would be needed, it would have to be evaluated and then as cost is formulated, other C-130's would be converted into an offensive weapon, all domestically. No more than 3-4 would be needed anyways. This would remove the need for buying those expensive Turkish Mangustas or longbows. Imagine being only the second country in the world to operate a modern gunship, this would put respect and fear into the terrorists, something which I'm afraid to say they are lacking. You could even install a few hardpoints and give it A2A capability like the new AC-130U's will have.

We need to kickstart our R&D by seeing where the weaknesses are, if we as a country can achieve nuclear weapons, a gunship should be less than a piece of cake.

It's just a thought!
I really don't know if CN235 will do, however; before the C130, the venerable DC3 was used as gunship, actually the C130 role evolved from the DC3, so unless there are performance characteristics of CN235 which disqualify it from such a role, why not.

Such a ship can be most useful tool against insurgents in Balouchistan.
The weapons fit is not the problem but all the targeting sensors and acquistion avionics on board in order to direct that firepower accurately. I don't think Pakistan has the funds to bring about such a program.

For a dedicated COIN aircraft I'd prefer to see a K8 upgraded with weapons and avionics so it can operate in a similar capacity to the AMX aircraft in service with Brazil and Italy.
I really don't know if CN235 will do, however; before the C130, the venerable DC3 was used as gunship, actually the C130 role evolved from the DC3, so unless there are performance characteristics of CN235 which disqualify it from such a role, why not.

Such a ship can be most useful tool against insurgents in Balouchistan.

hitech weapons to kill own people,r u serious,its only for taliban
Well, if some body has played ' Call of Duty 4' ther you can fully comrehend the idea, how forceful and effective this aircarft is.

Using Thermal Imaging suite, this iarcarft can easilly operate at night. This aircarft is best suited to operate in low anti aircarft enviroment,although it comes up with a good countermeasure system

So i think, this is the best aircarft for COIN operations like in FATA, as it can bring heavy barrage of rapid fire. More effective then helicopters and PAF jets used today.
I still think that Cn-235 can do the job !!
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