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Burmese protest against Chinese investment

Maybe the fear of turning into China's vassal state. During Myanmar's isolation days, China used Myanmar on her will. Mandalay is now a Chinese majority city. The Myanmarese guy alaungphaya was telling China even financed separatist movments in the past.

While supplying the Myanmar government with Hongdu Jet... How do we even know its directly from China(straight from Hu jin Tao desk)? and not raise funds like the Tamil Tiger to buy weapons.
Greece is a EU country with strict laws but you don't follow same rule elsewhere.

Nope, the Greek government had no pre-condition, we have the choice to not hire their workers.

However, we did, it is just to keep our image good enough in that country. :coffee:
Chinese don't hire local Myammarese for any project in Myanmar, Indians or Thais don't do such things.

No they let the Myanmar people do the "grunt work" while the Chinese does the "administration." In Bangladesh its pretty much the norm.
who doenst? the Americans? the British? the Indians? or the viets?

Sure, everybody does, but unlike others Chinese immigrants come in great number and tend to look down at Burmese in daily life. Many Burmese accuse China for supporting the old oppressive regime for decades.

If you're Racist just admit it don't make a justification for it, there's also a lot of Vietnamese in here maybe I should start doing the same thing here.

I am not a racist. I just want to share my opinions with others.
I am not a racist. I just want to share my opinions with others.

Don't justify it just admit it. Why else would you post something inflammatory like this:

Sure, everybody does, but unlike others Chinese immigrants come in great number and tend to look down at Burmese in daily life. Many Burmese accuse China for supporting the old oppressive regime for decades.
Chinese don't hire local Myammarese for any project in Myanmar, Indians or Thais don't do such things.

please, spare your simpleton and naivity..those indian cornershops in the U.K, U.S, France and Canada dont hire any locals but bring hords of their families (illegally)
please, spare your simpleton and naivity..those indian cornershops in the U.K, U.S, France and Canada dont hire any locals but bring hords of their families (illegally)

Myanmar is more close to India since British times and it is after the Military Junta came to power it went close to China.

Off late Myanmar people fear china sucking their resources.
Why are there so many anti China threads opened up by Indians on this forum ? And why so many overdrawn conclusions ? Is it out of frustration that China is leaving India further and further behind ? Jealous of our friendship with Pakistan and other neighbours of India ? If i read the posts from our Pakistani, Bangladeshi and Sri Lankan members India doesn't seem to score well in the popularity contest in her own region.
Here's a post that explain about the condition between Myanmar & China.

Burma Tests Limits Of China’s ‘Good Neighbor’ Policy – Analysis

By: Asian Correspondent
January 24, 2013

By Michele Penna


As Burma opens its doors to the rest of the world, a chilly wind rages on Sino-Burmese relations. The first sign that things between the two long-time allies were about to change came on September 30, 2011, when the construction of the Myitsone dam on the Irrawaddy river was suddenly halted by authorities Naypyidaw. On that occasion, president Thein Sein stated: “we have to respect the will of the people as our government is elected by the people.” He added that the construction would not resume at least until 2015, when his term will be over.

China Power Investment Corp project was worth US$3.6 billion and was supposed to produce 29,400 million kilowatt-hours a year. Almost all of them would have been sent back to the People’s Republic.

Interestingly enough, just the day before, Wunna Maung Lin, Burma’s Foreign Minister, had met Derek Mitchell, the newly appointed US coordinator on Burma (Myanmar), which sparked suspicions of a connection between the meeting and the suspension of the dam project. Regardless of whether the connection existed or not, the decision was interpreted by analysts as a clear message that trouble was brewing for Beijing.

After more than two decades of isolation and sanctions, Burmese leaders have grown worried because of their country’s over-dependence on the giant neighbor to the north. According to Bertil Lintner, a journalist and expert in Burmese affairs, this problem was acknowledged by the Burmese government already seven years ago in a top secret document written by Lieutenant Colonel Aung Kyaw Hla, a researcher at Burma’s Defense Services Academy. In an article on Asia Times Online, Mr Lintner writes that the document – titled ‘A Study of Myanmar [Burma]-U.S. Relations’ – indicates that dependence on China has created a national emergency that threatens the country’s independence. The paper calls for Naypyidaw to establish a more acceptable regime in order to avoid criticism from the international community. Mr Lintner writes that “although the author does not specify those interests, it is clear from the thesis that he is thinking of common ground with the US vis-à-vis China.”

The opening up of Burma began right after the Obama administration hailed the idea of a new American pivot to Asia, which has understandably concerned the Chinese leadership. Zhu Feng, professor of international relations at Peking University in Beijing, a well known expert on Chinese foreign policy, states on Project-Syndicate that China’s “good neighbor” policy is under unprecedented pressure and argues that the Myitsone dam episode came as a shock for the Chinese government.

In an effort to fight off suspicions, Burmese authorities have tried to reassure their Chinese counterparts. In September 2011, Thein Sein reassured the Chinese audience that ties between the two countries are still strong. Aung San Suu Kyi herself has said in July 2012 that she hoped for improvements in bilateral relations.

Recent reports, however, point out that tensions between the Chinese and the Burmese side are rising rather than dissipating. Reuters, for one, has published an analysis whose authors claim that “in some cases, long-festering resentment is flaring into the open.”

China’s economic penetration – whose signs are everywhere in today’s Burma – is partly to blame for this. Just have a ride on a local bus and keep your ears open for the songs that are playing: plenty have been adapted from Chinese ones. Or have a look around in Mandalay and notice how many restaurants advertise their food in Mandarin. China’s presence is evident also in infrastructure and resources, sectors where Chinese companies have enjoyed a relatively free hand for a long time. Chinese companies, however, have not always been welcome.

Protests at the Monywa copper mine are a case in point. Located in the Letpadaung mountain range, the mine is a joint venture between the Burmese military-owned Union of Myanmar Economic Holdings Ltd and China’s Wanbao Mining Company. Locals claim they were forced to give up their land in exchange for housing and some financial compensation. In June 2012, tensions culminated in protests which lasted until November, when government forces intervened and violently clamped down on protesters.

While traveling in Burma this month, I spoke to a young Kachin who had worked in China’s Yunnan province for a while before moving back to Yangon. Asked about how things were going between China and Burma, he said that relations are “bu hao,” not good. Despite difficulties in communicating in Chinese, he made it clear that the copper mine and the dam were not appreciated.

Chinese media so far have played down the repercussions of Burma’s foreign policy change. On November 20, 2012, The Global Times – a state-owned newspaper – published an article titled ‘Don’t read too much into Myanmar visit’, which argues that “Myanmar’s democratic reforms and opening up to the West not only satisfy Washington but are also in China’s long-term interests. Sino-Myanmese relations must undergo some changes to adapt to this. But the changes will be limited.”

Whether changes will be limited or not is indeed a crucial matter for all players involved. Stakes are high because of the strategic position of Burma, located literally at the crossroads between Southeast Asia, China and India. In an extract from ‘Where China Meets India: Burma and the New Crossroads of Asia’ published on Foreign Policy, Burmese scholar Thant Myint-U writes that “if Burma indeed takes a turn for the better and we see an end to decades of armed conflict, a lifting of Western sanctions, democratic government, and broad-based economic growth, the impact could be dramatic. [..] What happens next in Burma could be a game-changer for all Asia.” If it does not, however, it may become a flashpoint between the US and the People’s Republic: not an encouraging thought for any country.

Burma Tests Limits Of China

China-Myanmar ties unaltered by West's rebranding

By Xiao An
China.org.cn, January 23, 2013


Myanmar President U Thein Sein (L) shakes hands with visiting Special Envoy of the Chinese Government Fu Ying during their meeting in Yangon, Myanmar, Jan 19, 2013. Fu Ying, who is also Chinese vice foreign minister, arrived in Yangon on Saturday. [Photo/Xinhua]

Myanmar, a Southeast Asian country that recently took the path of reform, has arisen as a star in the international community.

Myanmar's political advancement, including its urge to reform, internal democratization, and the amelioration of its external environment has pleased China, its neighboring country to the north. Such changes in Myanmar fit China's Myanmar policy as well as China's long term interests.

But there are people who keenly think that such changes in Myanmar and China's interests are contradictory to each other, describing China as the protector of the Burmese dictatorship and a raider of its resources. Such allegations are deceptive, misleading and inflammatory to Burmese who may not know the truth.

The fact is that China and Myanmar have always kept a constructive intergovernmental relationship over the years, during which China has supported Myanmar in developing its economy and in improving its people's livelihoods.

China has encouraged Myanmar to undertake reforms which can allow the Myanmar government to resolve its conflicts with opposition forces and achieve harmonious reconciliation among its ethnic groups.

China also maintains contacts with various parties in Myanmar, including Aung San Suu Kyi, who has recently ascended to international focus. In doing so, China has won understanding and respect from all parties in Myanmar.

In terms of international affairs, China backs Myanmar's effort to be more involved in the ASEAN community.

At the same time, China's investments in Myanmar have drawn much criticism from the West. Some media reports claimed the Myitsone Dam, a China-invested hydropower station still under construction on the Irawaddy River, will only supply electricity to China when it becomes operational in 2017. Other reports said the Sino-Burmese joint venture Leipzig Tong copper mine would result in huge environmental destruction. Some even asserted that China got these contracts by bribing the Burmese military government.

Actually, in spite of some existing problems, the Chinese investments in Myanmar have taken a path of mutually beneficial cooperation, taking into consideration of both the Chinese interests and Myanmar's demand for national development.

In fact, in recent history Western countries led by the U.S. have been hostile to Myanmar, which has been reflected in their foreign policy of isolating and blocking the Southeast Asian country.

Even so, these Western countries still maintain contacts with the Burmese military government and sometimes resort to China to have their message delivered. The U.S. has acknowledged that China's Myanmar-related foreign policies have been reasonable and effective. In Sino-U.S. bilateral talks, Myanmar-related issues are often important topics.

China's support has helped to prevent Myanmar from suffering deeper internal strife, and its people from being overwhelmed by humanitarian disasters – both of which are prerequisites for reform.

Despite this, some Western countries are complacent to attribute recent positive developments in Myanmar entirely to their own efforts, disregarding China's strides to make this happen. They are also trying to exploit Myanmar's reform and include Myanmar in their strategy to contain China.

read more:http://www.china.org.cn/opinion/2013-01/23/content_27772083_2.htm

For what reason? the Vietnam hate China because they invade them. The greatest supporter of Burma is China why would they hate them now.
Maybe just like in Laos-Camb,we sent our undercover general and troops there to support anti-China group.

As u know,our ground forces deserve to be No 3 in the world,if our undercover troop support Burma,then pro-China group have No chance to stop us:P

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