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Burmese Muslims given two-child limit

Are you idiot or retarded ??This news is not even a day old and you are asking for UN's view.

Mr retardo troll, hold your tongue. There is a massacre since last 1-2 years in that country & new discriminated laws poping up, i was talking about UN sleeping on the issue as whole, learn to comprehend before poking your dirty nose & quoting someone with your worthless replies/posts.
India's TFR of 2.5 would be much lower if muslims controlled themselves a little.
Would be great for your nation if you all control yourselves, be it Muslims, Hindus, Christians, Buddhists etc
May be they should stop these monks from burning themselves to death which should improve their population.
You mean to say India was partitioned in 1990's, Mr. Think Tank?

In between, he is still to answer about Hindu population contribution in Pakistan , which nose dived to 2% from 23%.
@Imran Khan..
Get you testicles removed after first child...Why wait for a law change?
Simple solutions...

In India they Pay men to get infertility operation.....you will have to do it free :lol:
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In between, he is still to answer about Hindu population contribution in Pakistan , which nose dived to 2% from 23%.
You were expecting an answer!!??? :cheesy:
The UN was :lazy::lazy: when the kashmiri pundits were being massacred and were sent out from their own homeland. Stop playing the victim card.

I don't know about Kashmiri Pundit massacre but if it happened then it was equally bad, the innocents be it Muslims, Christians or Hindus doesn't deserve this...but you can't deny that it was the result of continious indian state sponsered massacre of Kashmiri Muslims 50 odd years still continuing after 64+ years.
Would be great for your nation if you all control yourselves, be it Muslims, Hindus, Christians, Buddhists etc

Mullah and Imams of various Jama Masjid are real obstacle.India desperately need to control her population, I am sick of crowd everywhere .
hwy is that funny? India's fertility rate is way lower than Pakistan's.

indian population density is much higher than Pakistan.
Mr retardo troll, hold your tongue. There is a massacre since last 1-2 years in that country & new discriminated laws poping up, i was talking about UN sleeping on the issue as whole, learn to comprehend before poking your dirty nose & quoting someone with your worthless replies/posts.
Did UN intervened when Pakistan massacred 30 lakh in eastern pakistan ??So just learn history.
By the way in Myanmar it's only 486 people till date.Can you compare it with 30 lakh ??
I don't know about Kashmiri Pundit massacre but if it happened then it was equally bad, the innocents be it Muslims, Christians or Hindus doesn't deserve this...but you can't deny that it was the result of continious indian state sponsered massacre of Kashmiri Muslims 50 odd years still continuing after 64+ years.
Firstly, :tup: that you have condemned it.
Regarding bold part, as you said it was "result" if "Indian state sponsered massacre of Kashmiri Muslims", why the mujahideen killed scores of innocent kashmiris?? What was their fault?? They were also kashmiris right...born in kashmir just like any other kashmiri. But wait...oh yeah...they were not muslims...so it's ok to kill them. :cheers:
indian population density is much higher than Pakistan.

The difference is not very large and Pakistan has a very large area that is unsuitable for habitation of large human populations.
This law should be equal to religion, same way blasphemy laws in Pakistan and laws based on religion in BD should be considered.
I don't know about Kashmiri Pundit massacre but if it happened then it was equally bad, the innocents be it Muslims, Christians or Hindus doesn't deserve this...but you can't deny that it was the result of continious indian state sponsered massacre of Kashmiri Muslims 50 odd years still continuing after 64+ years.

We are killing Kashmir Muslims since 64 years ??Who teaches you these rubbish facts ??We started to counter terrorism sponsored by GOP only after 1990. You seriously needs to read some history books from neutral sources.
Did UN intervened when Pakistan massacred 30 lakh in eastern pakistan ??So just learn history.
By the way in Myanmar it's only 486 people till date.Ca you compare it with 30 lakh ??

You know that we don't go by indian propagandistically propagated figures of 30 lakhs:lol: it is around 20-25 thousands plus Pakistan was massacring mutki terrorists sponsored & supported by india.
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