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Burma's Suu Kyi in anti-China campaign


Oct 8, 2012
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Myanmar: Aung San Suu Kyi Silent Over Rohingya Violence, but Decries Crackdown on Anti-China Protest

By Tony Cartalucci
Global Research, December 02, 2012
Land Destroyer
Region: Asia
13 2 1 108

Nobel laureate’s double standards toe line of pro-Western “pivot” toward Asia and the recolonization of Myanmar.

In its article, “Suu Kyi demands apology for mine violence,” Bangkok Post reported that:

Opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi has demanded an apology for monks hurt in a violent police crackdown at a Chinese copper mine protest, after she held talks with the two sides.

The “monks” form the foundation of Suu Kyi’s so-called “pro-democracy” movement, as well as the leading front carrying out genocidal violence against Myanmar’s Rohingya population. Suu Kyi’s recent demand for an apology stands in stark contrast to her habitual silence over the plight of the Rohingya. The common denominator behind this consistent hypocrisy is the targeting of Chinese interests across the country.


Image: The Western media gladly fills their coverage of the Monywa mine protest with images of battered, “victimized” “monks,” while downplaying both the violence these same “monks” have visited upon Rohingya refugees in Rakhin state, as well as the indefensible silence of Aung San Suu Kyi regarding that violence.

The violence against the Rohingya, carried out by Suu Kyi’s own support base, threatens to destabilize the Rakhine state where exists significant Chinese interests including a deep-water port and an oil pipeline terminal that is to connect Sittwe, Myanmar with Kunming, China. Likewise, the protests in Monywa, located further north, target a Chinese mine. The protesters cited “human rights” and “environmental” concerns, mirroring identical efforts by NGOs subsidized by Western corporate-financier interests seeking to supplant China and exploit Myanmar’s vast natural resources themselves, who had targeted and halted the construction of Myitsone Dam.


Image: Praying for genocide. While Associated Press claims these protesters are demonstrating against ethnic violence targeting Rohingya refugees, the sign they carry clearly states that they seek the expulsion of the refugees from Myanmar, and are merely protesting against the Myanmar Army’s use of force to protect the refugees from attacks that have left scores dead and thousands of homes destroyed.

One of the most prominent of these NGOs is the “Burma River Network” (BRN). While BRN’s website fails to mention where they get their funding or who they are affiliated with, California-based, Ford Foundation, Sigrid Rausing Trust, Tides Foundation, Open Society-funded “International Rivers (page 3)” who is also active in blocking the development of Myanmar’s rivers, gives them away by listing them as “partners” alongside the “Kachin Development Networking Group” (KDNG).

Together these organizations interlock, cross-reference, and cross-post with other US-funded NGOs operating in Myanmar. These include the Irrawaddy, Era Journal, and the Democratic Voice of Burma, all admitted by the Burma Campaign UK (page 15) to be funded by the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) along with “Mizzima” also fully funded by NED and Soros’ Open Society.

The protests at the Monywa mine have been ongoing. They too have been supported by Western corporate-financier funded foundations. The “Burma Partnership” has been particularly prolific in regards to protesting China’s mine. Upon its “About Us” page, is listed a myriad of associations and organizations directly linked to Aung San Suu Kyi’s National League for Democracy (NLD) party, including the Students and Youth Congress of Burma, the Forum for Democracy in Burma, and the Nationalities Youth Forum, which is directly funded by the Euro-Burma Office (in turn funded by the EU, and US National Endowment for Democracy), and convicted financial criminal George Soros’ Open Society.

A clear pattern has developed, exposing Aung San Suu Kyi’s motives as being purely political. Her indefensible silence over violence against the Ronhingya, while she vocally decries crackdowns on her own Western-funded mobs as they attempt to evict Chinese interests from the country – all pave the way for equal or worse exploitation by uncontested Western corporate-financier hegemony as Western interests prepare to take advantage of the newly “opened” Myanmar as part of their “pivot” toward Asia.

Myanmar: Aung San Suu Kyi Silent Over Rohingya Violence, but Decries Crackdown on Anti-China Protest | Global Research
1. Suu Kyi is a British-American asset.

She was married to a British academic and is working to promote the US agenda in Burma, which is an anti-Chinese agenda.

2. The US wants to bring Burma under its sphere of influence and weaken China in the country and this is part of what these mine protests are about.

3. It seems that somehow the US may also have had a hand in creating trouble in heavily Muslim Arakan and the communal clashes there.

Arakan's capital, Sittwe is where a pipeline to China is to be built.

If Arakan is unstable and war-torn and Sittwe is also engulfed in conflict this pipeline can not become a reality.


4 Suu Kyi is a fraud.

She is an anti-Muslim racist and supporter of Bamar ethnic supremacism and wants to ethnically cleanse Muslim Rohingyas from Burma.
Can any Chinese brothers tell us what China may do (short term & long term) against this anti-Chinese campaign in Burma, and how they will deal with Suu Kyi?
Can any Chinese brothers tell us what China may do (short term & long term) against this anti-Chinese campaign in Burma, and how they will deal with Suu Kyi?

Well; they could declare War on Myanmar and set the PLA on the march to occupy the country. That is the hard option.
The soft option is that the Chinese can pull-out all their investments from Myanmar. Quite direct and simple.
Well; they could declare War on Myanmar and set the PLA on the march to occupy the country. That is the hard option.
The soft option is that the Chinese can pull-out all their investments from Myanmar. Quite direct and simple.

Are you Chinese?

This thread has nothing to do with India so please stay out.

I want to hear from Chinese (our friends and allies) what they think their country may/could do.
Are you Chinese?

This thread has nothing to do with India so please stay out.

I want to hear from Chinese (our friends and allies) what they think their country may/could do.

I don't have to be Chinese or Somali or Rwandan to be able to consider what the Chinese could do.
Can any Chinese brothers tell us what China may do (short term & long term) against this anti-Chinese campaign in Burma, and how they will deal with Suu Kyi?
Burma is a member of ASEAN.China bully VN-Phil-Malay-Brunei in SCS(east sea),so Burma must support ASEAN aganst China's aggression.

Just like Thailan-Malay-Singore,there's Nothing wrong if Burma want to ally with US.
1.In her book, "Freedom from Fear", Suu Kyi says that Burma is dominated by the Burmans who live in the central highland consisting of 7 civil divs. Whenever the Burmans felt strong they colonized the surrounding 7 states of Burma, and went even beyond upto the Mekong and Brahmaputra valleys. Again when the Burmans felt weaker they withdrew into their original habitat.

2. Like the other nationalities the Rohingyas also need to fight the Burmese to survive.
Can any Chinese brothers tell us what China may do (short term & long term) against this anti-Chinese campaign in Burma, and how they will deal with Suu Kyi?

China has a non-interference policy in other country's internal affairs. China also have a good neighbour policy in dealing with countries that share a common border with China.

China will not interfere in Burma's internal unrest until it spill over its international border. Next level up, China will consult and coordinate its action with the regional grouping in this case, ASEAN. Next level will be United Nations and the UNSC. Also China will deal with and support whoever is in power and will alway respect the country's sovreignity and teritory integrity.

This is in line with the 1955 Bandung Declaration.
If she is truly anti china then its good it will help her country well.

And one must not forget that chiona is nobody's friend just look at the conditions of north korea or the way it left gaddafi and Libya at the hands of USA. :sick:
1. Suu Kyi is a British-American asset.

She was married to a British academic and is working to promote the US agenda in Burma, which is an anti-Chinese agenda.

2. The US wants to bring Burma under its sphere of influence and weaken China in the country and this is part of what these mine protests are about.

3. It seems that somehow the US may also have had a hand in creating trouble in heavily Muslim Arakan and the communal clashes there.

Arakan's capital, Sittwe is where a pipeline to China is to be built.

If Arakan is unstable and war-torn and Sittwe is also engulfed in conflict this pipeline can not become a reality.


4 Suu Kyi is a fraud.

She is an anti-Muslim racist and supporter of Bamar ethnic supremacism and wants to ethnically cleanse Muslim Rohingyas from Burma.
Myanmar is firmly under Than Shwe's army control. Suu Kyi is just a Western puppet with no real power. Than Shwe is so close with China he allows PLA to cross Myanmar territory to attack Indian northeast.
There are only four countries in Asia that China has a problem with thats India, Japan, Vietnam and the Philippines. The tensions with these countries mainly surround territorial disputes over islands and borders. China's relationships with other countries in Asia are quite cordial. And Aung San Suu Kyi doesn't speak on behalf of the Myanmar government she's just a member of parlement.
Your hard option is never on China's agenda.

We won't do the soft option either.

Well; they could declare War on Myanmar and set the PLA on the march to occupy the country. That is the hard option.
The soft option is that the Chinese can pull-out all their investments from Myanmar. Quite direct and simple.
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