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Burhan Wani: Posterboy of Kashmiri Jihad Hunted down

The way secular media trying to portray this dude is shameful. They are mourning as if someone from their own studio had died.

Not surprising, considering how they behaved when Afzal was hanged

What's wrong with Indian Express off late? They really spout venom against general sentiments..& are acting total rebel.

Off late ?, they(seculars) have been like this for a long time now we just started noticing this now...

"Rebel leader"

Looks like there are a whole host of people trying to fan the flames in Kashmir...
What freedom???? They all have their freedom. Their freedom has been hijacked by the peope who are using them for their evil deeds.

Lol hindu control?????? Kashmir has its own gov under their own muslim leaders.... if few separatists who are mind washed can't accept the reality they can cross the border in Pakistan. No one here would care

Of course.. but spray him with 100s of bullets, take a snap and spread it on media. And burn his body, Giving back his body is only going to encourage terrorism
The best would have been spray him and release info that they suspect he might have been killed in some fight at XYZ location? No pressure to look for the body or provide info.

How is Barkha Dutt coping with her boyfriend's death? :lol:
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