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Bullet-proof, fire-proof, bomb-proof and defy all physical laws


This,100% this is what every sane person is thinking!
Passport, most of you are familiar with, is an official document that is necessary requirement when you travel abroad i.e. to a country of which you are not a citizen or permanent resident.
But I will like to draw your attention to the erstwhile unknown qualities of the passport. Passports have amazing characteristics that seem to defy physical laws and mortality. Passports have proven to be fire-proof, they can withstand the elevated temperatures that the hardened and annealed steel core of WTC building could not. In Charlie Hebdo attack, all the passports were recovered in immaculate conditions despite the attackers were obsessed with anonymity and wearing masks but none of them forgot to place their passports in a safe place that could later be easily accessed by French police in no time. The same is repeated in the recent Paris attacks. Thus the passports have been able to withstand firings and even suicide attacks. My suggestion is that we should use this bullet-proof, bomb-proof, air-crash-proof and fire-proof material for producing future aircrafts, tanks, armoured personnel carriers, vests for army, police.

But before you rush into collecting passports and start your projects, I must warn you that the passports have to be from certain nationalities e.g. Saudi Arabia, Syria, etc. Another caveat is that the passports somehow do not survive the aircraft crashes of Malaysian and Russian airliners. We need to work on it and further R&D is needed but other than that we have made a huge discovery that warrants award of several Nobel prizes in Physics and Chemistry for solving almost all the problems the mankind is facing now.


@Indus Falcon @Horus @Akheilos @Areesh @MastanKhan @Neutron

it's like a bad Hollywood movie where the main character's family is killed by an explosion. Then the only thing he find is a a teddy bear belonging to his son while everything is burnt more black than a dark Indian.
Sorry. That technology is already patended by Apple Inc. You can't simply use it.:enjoy:
This really has to be one of the most annoying and ridiculous arguments thrown at people who disagree with a set of laws or attitudes prevalent in a country.

Why should people leave instead of working within the system to change things?

Working within the system to change things? For that you first have to identify the problem and not live in denial.

He's a terrorist sympathiser rather than outrightly condemning the killings, he's coming up with some next level conspiracy theory of this being an inside job and what not. Trust me if such ISIS apologists left west it'd best for everyone. Including image of the billion plus peace loving Muslims.
It is perhaps obvious that the attack was carried out by the Western agencies to malign Islam. Perhaps that is what the members here are implying.
You can comfortably add ISIS to be one of theirs.

This article was written in a lighter and humorous way so as to spread some smiles and a lighter discussion but some members are trying their utmost to bring their negativity like a virus. I would request them to enjoy and if they have some differing opinion, display some creativity and express it in a lighter way. Otherwise please leave this thread and you will find a plenty of other threads that suit your taste.
Working within the system to change things? For that you first have to identify the problem and not live in denial.
Identification of perceived problems is part of the process of 'working to change policies and attitudes from within the system'.
He's a terrorist sympathiser rather than outrightly condemning the killings, he's coming up with some next level conspiracy theory of this being an inside job and what not. Trust me if such ISIS apologists left west it'd best for everyone. Including image of the billion plus peace loving Muslims.
He's not a terrorist sympathizer - he is, at the most, anti-Western foreign policy and irrationally suspicious of the West with respect to their actions against Muslim majority States. He's focused on the wrong issues at the wrong time and is extremely sensitive to criticism against Muslims which ends up driving him (and others like him) to take positions that are insensitive.

I understand where he's coming from, though I would address the issue in a different manner. For example, I'm not going to create a fuss about 'why Muslims shouldn't be singled out or expected to apologize for terrorist attacks perpetrated by groups like ISIS'. To me that is self evident, and the only time I would consider making that point is if I was specifically asked to respond. Even if I wanted to address the general attitude regarding the expectation that 'Muslims apologize on behalf of Islamic terrorists', I wouldn't do so this close to the tragedy itself.

There are some 'terrorist sympathizers' on the forum - most get banned and keep returning under different ID's, but they're always easy to spot because they end up justifying violence against non-combatants.
Identification of perceived problems is part of the process of 'working to change policies and attitudes from within the system'.

He's not a terrorist sympathizer - he is, at the most, anti-Western foreign policy and irrationally suspicious of the West with respect to their actions against Muslim majority States. He's focused on the wrong issues at the wrong time and is extremely sensitive to criticism against Muslims which ends up driving him (and others like him) to take positions that are insensitive.

I understand where he's coming from, though I would address the issue in a different manner. For example, I'm not going to create a fuss about 'why Muslims shouldn't be singled out or expected to apologize for terrorist attacks perpetrated by groups like ISIS'. To me that is self evident, and the only time I would consider making that point is if I was specifically asked to respond. Even if I wanted to address the general attitude regarding the expectation that 'Muslims apologize on behalf of Islamic terrorists', I wouldn't do so this close to the tragedy itself.

There are some 'terrorist sympathizers' on the forum - most get banned and keep returning under different ID's, but they're always easy to spot because they end up justifying violence against non-combatants.

One can't sugar-coat the atrocious attitude on display - looks like apologizing for an apologist in turn.

There is nothing sensitive about terming a terrorist attack by ISIS as conspiracy by West - doesn't matter if one gives it a humorous tone, or dresses it up in pretty words. Pakistan itself has suffered from heinous acts of terrorism and I see no one jumping up and down pointing it was an inside job but open any thread on Mumbai Attacks, 9/11, Paris attack etc which are not exclusively in Muslim countries and behold it would filled with insinuations of a conspiracy and inside job. It is nauseating and beyond disgusting and no wonder colors the attitude with many view the populace at large.

I do hope that the Admin confronts this issue head on - PDF can be a marquee international defense-political forum or it can be an isolationist rabid domestic one like Bharat Rakshak - it can't be both.
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You can comfortably add ISIS to be one of theirs.

This article was written in a lighter and humorous way so as to spread some smiles and a lighter discussion but some members are trying their utmost to bring their negativity like a virus. I would request them to enjoy and if they have some differing opinion, display some creativity and express it in a lighter way. Otherwise please leave this thread and you will find a plenty of other threads that suit your taste.
You mean the death of 160+ Parisians was (/not) funny ?
One can't sugar-coat the atrocious attitude on display - looks like apologizing for an apologist in turn.

There is nothing sensitive about terming a terrorist attack by ISIS as conspiracy by West - doesn't matter if one gives it a humorous tone, all dresses it up in pretty words. Pakistan itself has suffered from heinous acts of terrorism and I see no one jumping up and down pointing it was an inside job but open any thread on Mumbai Attacks, 9/11, Paris attack etc which are not exclusively in Muslim countries and behold it would filled with insinuations of a conspiracy and inside job. It is nauseating and beyond disgusting and no wonder colors the attitude with many view the populace at large.

I do hope that the Admin confronts this issue head on - PDF can be a marquee international defense-political forum or it can be an isolationist rabid domestic one like Bharat Rakshak - it can't be both.
What is your stance on the terrorist of mukti bahani trained by India?
What is your stance on the terrorism of RSS and their massacre of 4000 Muslims in Gujjarat?
What about indian state terrorism agains Kashmiris in indian occupied Kashmir?
What about RAW sponsoring terrorism in Pakistan and supporting TTP and Baluchi terrorists?

And going by your logic, since it was done by some hindus....means all hindus are terrorists and they should apologise to Pakistan and labelled as a terrorists.
doesn't matter if one gives it a humorous tone, all dresses it up in pretty words.
It becomes much worse.

isolationist rabid domestic one like Bharat Rakshak
It is a splendid forum. There are no trolls as regular free emails are not allowed. A smart move. :tup:

What is your stance on the terrorist of mukti bahani trained by India?
What is your stance on the terrorism of RSS and their massacre of 4000 Muslims in Gujjarat?
What about indian state terrorism agains Kashmiris in indian occupied Kashmir?
What about RAW sponsoring terrorism in Pakistan and supporting TTP and Baluchi terrorists?

And going by your logic, since it was done by some hindus....means all hindus are terrorists and they should apologise to Pakistan and labelled as a terrorists.
Wait. Are you finding equivalence between Hindus and Muslims? Will you judge both on the same pedestal? Don't you think it would be unfair?
What is your stance on the terrorist of mukti bahani trained by India?
What is your stance on the terrorism of RSS and their massacre of 4000 Muslims in Gujjarat?
What about indian state terrorism agains Kashmiris in indian occupied Kashmir?
What about RAW sponsoring terrorism in Pakistan and supporting TTP and Baluchi terrorists?

And going by your logic, since it was done by some hindus....means all hindus are terrorists and they should apologise to Pakistan and labelled as a terrorists.

I would have engaged you if hadn't been a terrorist sympathizer as thing stand there is nothing to be gained as such from this discussion. You have no inkling about the incidents of which you speak - just for educational purpose - 2/4 are victims of Pakistani State. Gujarat was riot in backlash against the Godhra Train Burning. TTP and Baluchi terrorists are Pakistan's problem - Not a single Indian has been identified by any independent agency as a backer of these groups.
Again it was ' inside job' like 26/11 and 9/11. :hitwall:
It becomes much worse.
No it is not if you have sense of humour because is written in very generalised way and not to hurt any feelings of French people since I have lot French as my friends and colleagues.

Wait. Are you finding equivalence between Hindus and Muslims? Will you judge both on the same pedestal? Don't you think it would be unfair?
I think it is much better if the person who has been asked, answers them.

I would have engaged you if hadn't been a terrorist sympathizer as thing stand there is nothing to be gained as such from this discussion. You have no inkling about the incidents of which you speak - just for educational purpose - 2/4 are victims of Pakistani State. Gujarat was riot in backlash against the Godhra Train Burning. TTP and Baluchi terrorists are Pakistan's problem - Not a single Indian has been identified by any independent agency as a backer of these groups.
Wow you got exposed. A typical hindu in denial mode and justifying the terrorism by hindus against Muslims and other minorities and countries. I would request you to leave this thread and even the forum since you are biased and cannot hold talks at any logical level.
Wow you got exposed. A typical hindu in denial mode and justifying the terrorism by hindus against Muslims and other minorities and countries. I would request you to leave this thread and even the forum since you are biased and cannot hold talks at any logical level.

REQUEST DENIED. You can request the admin/moderators to ban me if it pleases you.

As for my religion - Just because you hate them so much I have decided to become a proud Hindu for the next 24 hours.

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