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BSF shot dead a Pakistani women on Indo-Pak border

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Jun 24, 2012
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AMRITSAR: The Border Security Force (BSF), on Tuesday, shot dead a woman intruder from Pakistan near the international border after she had entered into the Indian territory ignoring warnings.

BSF deputy inspector general (DIG) R P S Jaiswal told TOI on late Tuesday evening that a woman from Pakistan, in mid-30s, had entered the Indian territory. She ignored the BSF warning and kept coming towards the border fence aggressively, following which she was shot, said DIG Jaiswal.

He informed that BSF had told Pakistan Rangers about the intruder but they refused to accept her body. "We have sent her body for postmortem and had given her pictures to Pak Rangers to identify her," the officer said.

Link - Woman intruder shot near Indo-Pak border - The Times of India
Again another woman coming to India. What is happening? Good job BSF.
BTW Rip.....
What if the lady is Indian, as the BSF shot dead Indian citizens "intruding" into India not long ago. I believe it sound like a good strategy, just walk Indian prisoners in midnight towards BSF, their men, their bullets.
What if the lady is Indian, as the BSF shot dead Indian citizens "intruding" into India not long ago. I believe it sound like a good strategy, just walk Indian prisoners in midnight towards BSF, their men, their bullets.

Killing an unarmed women, who may even be your own citizen is a "good job", are you nuts?

What else are border guards expected to do with ppl walking in from a land where wearing suicide vests is almost standard practice ?

Its an IB with nominated crossing points & laid down procedures for crossing.

In any case I find his suggestion far less ' nutty' than that highlighted above.
Killing an unarmed women, who may even be your own citizen is a "good job", are you nuts?

What did you expect Aero? Recently an individual died while crossing the border over from the Pakistani side when something that he was carrying on his person detonated/com-busted/exploded- later it was theorized to have been a suicide vest, afterwards our jawaans were injured by an IED explosion at the border. We are talking of a period encompassing the last 10-15 days. A soldier will fight another soldier or as is predominant in this case an illegal combatant/insurgent bullet to bullet but it is difficult to just stand their with your trigger disengaged as someone strolls up to your position, someone who could very well walk right into your midst or just close enough to press a button and take a jawaan or two with them. If illegal combatants and terrorists are involved then the line between civilians and combatants always gets blurred, specially if there is a precedent for innocuous individuals turning out to be armed with explosives, in such a scenario there is a cognitive inability to accurately categorize threats as imminent or remote. This is a hot border, efforts need to be made to keep bona fide civilians away from it with all coordinated means and measures possible on both sides.
Killing an unarmed women, who may even be your own citizen is a "good job", are you nuts?

Indo-pak border is not like US-Canada border.BSF only did what the procedures says.
Killing an unarmed women, who may even be your own citizen is a "good job", are you nuts?

After given warnings she should have stopped there. Who knows if she was armed or not at that time. Respective of any country(India or Pakistan) BSF did its job. RIP to dead.
Ḥashshāshīn;4508302 said:
Non-lethal rounds should be used for unarmed people.

What if the lady is Indian, as the BSF shot dead Indian citizens "intruding" into India not long ago. I believe it sound like a good strategy, just walk Indian prisoners in midnight towards BSF, their men, their bullets.

People crossing in from west of the Indian border have a tendency to be armed. Better safe than sorry.
Instead of criticizing each others forces, it is better to teach the people not to take IB as your neighbors fence (no pun intended).
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