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BSF and TTP two sides of same coin

Reasons for that go very deep actually. To keep it short, and yet precise, let's say, the very existence and importance of Pakistani army is dependent upon India being the boogeyman. If there's no enmity, then they have no importance and there by much lesser funds and many other things.. Have you seen Pak-Army's Defence colonies ? :D
You hit the nail on the head bro. That's precisely the reason why the Pak Army wants to keep Kashmir on the boil till the end of time. They will never want a solution to the Kashmir issue because they would then be out of business, power, and pelf! :azn:
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BSF is a professional force and not a pack of Jihaadi idiots like ttp. :pissed:

God Forbid the day BSF will start acting like rouge TTP, Rangers will be running to Pak army for help.
i was talking civilian causalities buddy in villages at a quite distance from border but still BSF uses mortars to specifically target those now that is inhuman...now give me two accounts where pakistan had shot at your population near border....it should not be speculations and propoganda it should be credible.....i dont have any fucking problem withe soldiers firing at soldiers although it shoould stop too....but whats with shooting at population....

I'm not aware of the events. But I'' say, if something of that sort has happened, the it is very wrong indeed. Many a times I hear about Indian villages being specifically targeted as well.
It should stop from both the sides, not even between the soldiers. Everybody deserves to live in peace.
I'm not aware of the events. But I'' say, if something of that sort has happened, the it is very wrong indeed. Many a times I hear about Indian villages being specifically targeted as well.
It should stop from both the sides, not even between the soldiers. Everybody deserves to live in peace.
here you go.... Five killed in Indian BSF firing near Sialkot: ISPR - The Express Tribune is not first time it has been done by bsf many a times if you ask i can provide many links of older dates as well....

BSF is a professional force and not a pack of Jihaadi idiots like ttp. :pissed:

God Forbid the day BSF will start acting like rouge TTP, Rangers will be running to Pak army for help.
if it is a professional force why doesnot it keeps shooting from soldier to soldier why shoot at villages and kill innocent civillains ...thats not what professional forces do ...these kind of tactics are used by rad tag terrorists organizations.....here is proof as well...Five killed in Indian BSF firing near Sialkot: ISPR - The Express Tribune

okay a thread for personal opinion???
no the thread is in support of humans on this side of border who are being butchered by your terrorist bordr force example is here...Five killed in Indian BSF firing near Sialkot: ISPR - The Express Tribune tou suna tha kay ent ka jawab pathar say but this is like throwing stones at onlookers
Hmm.. so it says..ISPR broke the information to the press. Very condemnable indeed. Also, I'm quite sure this is not the first time.
A question to you, how old are you ? I'm just interested to know :)
i am 24
come on now who the hell is going the give the information if not ISPR ....media itself that too will be butchered and fired at by your secuirty forces who are killing civilians
i am 24
come on now who the hell is going the give the information if not ISPR ....media itself that too will be butchered and fired at by your secuirty forces who are killing civilians
Civilian Media do cover stories from time to time. I know some of them.
Why didn't you join the army ? I wonder.
You hit the nail on the head bro. That's precisely the reason why the Pak Army wants to keep Kashmir on the boil till the end of time. They will never want a solution to the Kashmir issue because they would then be out of business, power, and pelf! :azn:
i dont know on what basis here one is made an elite member ...you surely dont deserve to be .....on other posts like this i have also seen your ranting without any logic...you come up with funny and stupid replies as per to the standard of ELITE members....

Civilian Media do cover stories from time to time. I know some of them.
Why didn't you join the army ? I wonder.
i am too lazy for their liking.... they sure would have kicked me out on first day i am that much lazy ....what about you are you one...and why you want me to be in there
i dont know on what basis here one is made an elite member ...you surely dont deserve to be .....on other posts like this i have also seen your ranting without any logic...you come up with funny and stupid replies as per to the standard of ELITE members....
What is ranting to you is par for the course for others. You won't understand my posts son. You need to grow up and get some education or you'll keep trolling like you've just done...
i am too lazy for their liking.... they sure would have kicked me out on first day i am that much lazy ....what about you are you one...and why you want me to be in there

Naahh..it's not like I want you to be there :)
But it's good life, disciplined, with a purpose. I was in a military school, so I can tell. Then I got bored...hahaha..
Nowadays, I just work on getting things done...and guess what ? That's even more boring!!
Naahh..it's not like I want you to be there :)
But it's good life, disciplined, with a purpose. I was in a military school, so I can tell. Then I got bored...hahaha..
Nowadays, I just work on getting things done...and guess what ? That's even more boring!!
well thats true they sure make you disciplined but cranky as well....these soldiers coming from borders sure turn out to be headache for their families and people in their societies because of their rules....they look at the other beings as if we are useless bunch of them all......so why are you out of there medical disability or something...and what do you do now....
may be you are right about zardari. but your totally wrong about Modi. i google it noting was found. but when i google "Pakistan sponsoring terrorism" i found lot of interesting things.
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noting but your wet dream... i can understand that as terror sponsorship of pakistan have been exposed by India and other countries, a brainwashed idiots like you will become frustrated. it is common for pakistanis, and start dreaming about india sponsoring terrorism.

it is not our army.. it is pakistan army which created a world record of raping.. they raped millions of women in East pakistan, now they are raping women in remaining Pakistan(as East Pakistan got liberated from rapists in 1971). so it is not our Bharath matha it is your matha who is a terrorist and producer of terrorists.:enjoy:..."your land is an epic center of terrorism":lol: planing, funding, design, manufacture and distribution of terrorists are done by pakistan:pakistan:
As mujahid force of pak army had shot down the indian spy drone near the border hence the reaction from BSF in return was quite expected and it indeed happened when BSF today started firing at pakistani side blindly and in return Punjab rangers gave them befitting reply as a result BSF was forced to stop BLA BLA BLA... now this is nothing new from the both sides and it has become kind of norm.... soldiers from both sides as we are enemy states fire at eachother ...... now and than we find soldiers getting martyred and injured from both sides ok now we dont have problem with that (although we pray this should stop) as in skirmishes from both side it is bound to happen....now problem which lies in this scenario is that BSF many a times as i have observed from several years past experience..... shells at villages along the border and as a result of it civilians get killed as it has happened todays firing on border as well.....now that according to me is barbaric on part of BSF now that is what TTP is doing also killing innocent civilians ....hence from above incident at is quite clear that there is no difference between BSF and these talibitches as they resort to same tactics killing innocent civilians.....
We know .. you guys are feeling the pain of Indian retaliation... but thats' what you get when you feed snakes all along... and now you are blaming India for every failure of your own state.... your government and army together have failed Pakistan.. and always you will blame everyone but them for your troubles.
well thats true they sure make you disciplined but cranky as well....these soldiers coming from borders sure turn out to be headache for their families and people in their societies because of their rules....they look at the other beings as if we are useless bunch of them all......
Hahaha.. being cranky is one of the characteristics of a soldier and they surely the first thing they notice is indiscipline outside. Also, i'll say, there is a certain degree of mental pressure and thereby fatigue involved in serving in the line of fire.
You have some relative in the army ? Cousin or uncle ?
so why are you out of there medical disability or something...and what do you do now....

As I said, grew tired of it.. Medical disability, no.. I had my accidents..But no permanent damage, and I can give a lot of those guys a run for their money :D
And as I said, nowadays, I work on getting things done..somewhat like a low-level manager may be ? lol.. that makes me a Jack of all trades and master of none.

What do you do ? And further more important than that, what do you want to be ?
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