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Brotherhood: Muslims themselves razed parts of Mosques to facilitate a Hindu Festival

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Brotherhood: Muslims themselves destroyed various Mosques to facilitate a Hindu Festival

That is really going out of the way. I am sure that there is a very harmonious relation between the people there and they really don't see the difference.
“Brotherhood” :rofl:

More like cuckery when you have no choice but be nice to the savage majority...

Thank God for Jinnah from separating us from that shithole
Exactly... and lakh di lanat on these slaves so they deserve to live this miserable situation good that they pieces of filth are separate from us.
Better to demolish the encroachment themselves.. rather than getting fined for illegal encroachment and paying demolition & clean up charges to ADA and ANN.
By the way, ADA & ANN have demolished far more temples than mosques or roadside dargahs, which were built on encroached land.

It's the new Prayagraj Smart City master plan rather than Kumbh Mela under which these construction are removed.

Pakistanis should worry about the happy muslims of Pakistan, which are loosing homes and lively hood in Anti-encroachment drives of Lahore and Karachi. Indian Muslims are doing fine.
So much for being "Allahabad"

It never was 'Allahabad' in the first place, until it was made out to be one.

Prayagraj it was before a temporary aberration, and Prayagraj it will be.

Call it what it is. Slave mentality.

In your country, it is slave mentality. Here it is called adjusting and living peacefully.

The other day, there were some Iranian tourists who were visiting a tourist spot in Rajasthan. Since there was no mosque around and the elderly among the group wanted to pray, the backyard of a Hanuman temple (a flat enclosed ground) was opened for them to pray without any fear or apprehension.

Since your kind is used to taking things with force, it all seems strange to you.

That's called co-existing and welcoming people.

You won't understand it.
These kinds of traitors are worthy of their ancestors who resisted Quaid e Azam tooth and nail for Hindu masters. Shame.
They were illegally built. To prevent demolition , they did this. The old gentelmge in video exactly said that.
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