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Brother Kills Sister for voting in Pakistan

@Hyperion being a typical Pakistani and defensive instead of acknowledging the problem. What a terrible thing to happen, but outside of civilised areas like Karachi, this is what the country is like
One of many MQM proxy accounts! :D
dear ""hyper"""on.
iz u a wannabee who think every one that uses the name of Pakistan on a thread title is doing it to give it a bad name?

concentrate on
i think the brother should be punished by way of public execution or not?

this is our internal issue and i wanted a discussion on this. this is a very serious issue especially in rural/illiterate areas where people consider their daughters/sisters as the property of the house rather than a separate human being that is gifted the right to choose her own path in her life by GOD (her consent marriage, her consent vote etc).

so i say when GOD gave women these rights, who the hell are "we" to deprive them.

i say people like these should be awarded with extreme punishment(s) so that others who are also unaware of our religion can learn from it and they may never even think about doing such an un-islamic act again.
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