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British woman jailed in Tehran for insulting Islam and Iranian government on Facebook fears executio

VOLUNTARY: Person seeking to voluntarily renounce Iranian citizenship must have reached the age of 25, have performed military service, have settled all affairs in the country, and acquired the permission of the Council of Ministers. Though the rules for renunciation of citizenship are stated in Iranian Law, practical experiences have shown that Council permission is difficult to obtain, thus hindering legal renunciation of Iranian citizenship.

INVOLUNTARY: Voluntary acquisition of a foreign citizenship does not lead to automatic loss of Iranian citizenship. According to Iranian law, any Iranian national who acquires foreign citizenship without due observance of legal procedures will not have a renunciation of citizenship recognized by the government of Iran. In the eyes of the government, a male (and, in some cases, his wife and children) is still considered a citizen of Iran, regardless of the individual's status in the new country of citizenship.
In other words it's impossible to do it voluntary

And btw, yet another amazing accomplishment by the akhoond republic. Way to show the world how it's done.
In other words it's impossible to do it voluntary

And btw, yet another amazing accomplishment by the akhoond republic. Way to show the world how it's done.
not impossible ,but well who care to go all the hard way.

by the way these sort of news always have some flaw , last time they said such news about a woman who also had Netherlands nationality and they said Iran arrested her for being a civil right bla bla bla ,but later it come out that she was arrested for carrying drugs (enough to made several thousand people addict). for this one I also prefer to wait and hear the other side of the story.
fk that shit she is a muslim and immigrant with british passport
Backward mindset still can't grasp the fact that in the West, it doesn't work like that. You're not a 2nd class citizen if you have a different ethnicity. Maybe that's how it works in India.

not impossible ,but well who care to go all the hard way.
Why would you go through all the trouble. If you really want to finish your ties with a country, burn all your identity papers and passport.
not impossible ,but well who care to go all the hard way.

by the way these sort of news always have some flaw , last time they said such news about a woman who also had Netherlands nationality and they said Iran arrested her for being a civil right bla bla bla ,but later it come out that she was arrested for carrying drugs (enough to made several thousand people addict). for this one I also prefer to wait and hear the other side of the story.
Is there an easy way?

What about those people who want to visit their relatives in Iran and yet don't want to subscribe to the extreme laws the natives face?
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not impossible ,but well who care to go all the hard way.

by the way these sort of news always have some flaw , last time they said such news about a woman who also had Netherlands nationality and they said Iran arrested her for being a civil right bla bla bla ,but later it come out that she was arrested for carrying drugs (enough to made several thousand people addict). for this one I also prefer to wait and hear the other side of the story.
Keep justifying and being a good soldier for the akhoond republic and see where it gets you.

What do you think you're accomplishing exactly? And who do you think you're fooling?

And it's impossible. What you described is nothing but a system designed so that nobody can voluntary give up their citizenship. Iranian citizenship laws are still based on blood (tied to the birth place and Iranian race of the father of the child, regardless of the race and citizenship of the mother and where the child is born).

If I want to give up my citizenship, it would be next to impossible according to the criteria you stated. When traveling to Iran, I can't use my Canadian passport without fearing its confiscation either (was told to use my Iranian passport explicitly by Iranian embassy workers or it might be taken away at the airport).

Under these akhoonds, Iran is only slightly better than North Korea and no different from the former USSR and East Germany.
Hang Her !!!

The Brits-it are the most anti-Islamic race, fascist haters, with a criminal history and an island built on evil methods and dirty ways of using African slavery. Sorry but Britain a country built upon dirty and hypocrite designs...totally unlike the Empires of Chinese, Arabs in older times or the Ottoman Turkish empires.
Hang Her !!!

The Brits-it are the most anti-Islamic race, fascist haters, with a criminal history and an island built on evil methods and dirty ways of using African slavery. Sorry but Britain a country built upon dirty and hypocrite designs...totally unlike the Empires of Chinese, Arabs in older times or the Ottoman Turkish empires.
She's British-Iranian
Exactly, in an Islamic Country, if this British woman condemned and insulted Islamic values and code of conduct in a Muslim country like Iran....she has to be treated according to the law of the land...

Imagine if an Iranian commits and insults the British God Queen and breaks Britshiit laws, what would u do??????

My point is as simple as that.
you STFU....SLAVE.

Who the f... talking about Canada here...why slaves of west like u keep lurking like wounded creatures to protect ur second rated citisens.

You always to be second rated citizens donot have any identity neither religion, you f.... iranian canadians are most pathetic slaves of west....
Oh shit I didn't notice your UK flag. So according to your logic you have to executed here for insulting Britain right now.

How do you think Arab empire was built upon? Arabs are one of the first people to utilize slavery and even up to this day slaves exist in Arabian gulf.

What do you keep talking about being second class citizens? I never feel like a second class citizen here. In fact any educated, ambitious person has a bright future in this country. If some people choose to ignore education and solely stick to religious education, then it is not state's duty to protect them. Then again Britain is too soft on hate preaching criminals. Instead of executing, they keep maintaining them on tax payers' money.

Abu Hamza: The cost of allowing hate preacher to treat Britain with contempt for so long | Mail Online
Are you aware that the guy in your avatar was a mass murderer and probably even worse than Hitler because he was intimately involved in killing unlike Hitler who "merely" gave orders.
I don't care what he did he was good military leader
Anyway that's off topic
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