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British parliamentarians to take Indian PM to ICJ over Kashmir oppression

Britain can jump all they want India cares two hoots for what they think they are Colonial power in decline and they don't have any power over India infact it is the other way around now They invite Indians to invest in their nation or buy their products by bribing etc. we saw the eurofighter case how angry were they when we rejected them for rafale.
Britain still lives in old world nostalgia truth is India is out of their reach, No country can take india to court without Indias permission period.
Nor will any interference be tolerated in kashmir it is for India to resolve and we made it clear after pakistan signed simla agreement and surrender in 1971.
UNO is paper tiger just there for namesake it cant do anything nor can it force any nation to anything.
Pakistanis are crying due to desperation they tried shelling and got a befitting reply they got the message dont mess with BJP government with NAMO as PM after that they ran to P5,UNO,USA and now UK crying we are being beaten and kashmir is the issue.
India has never interfered in Balochisthan BUT perhaps it is time someone funded a similar 1 million march for Balochisthan in UK. ;)

This dehati aurat needs to be "empowered" .. lol RaGa is needed.
Now dehati aurat is running everywhere saying please save me someone while there is no one to save her, the sooner they get this in their mind the better. :D

UK is causing lot of trouble these days by giving platform for raising voice against India.

First they held some discussion on Kashmir Issue in their Parliament then next was this joke march and now some morons talking about taking our PM to ICJ , as if he is war capative. I guess UK needs to be brought under strike range of some nuke tipped Agni-**.
Just make it official the suppressed range of Agni to cover all of europe until iceland they will get the message. ;)
UK is causing lot of trouble these days by giving platform for raising voice against India.

First they held some discussion on Kashmir Issue in their Parliament then next was this joke march and now some morons talking about taking our PM to ICJ , as if he is war capative. I guess UK needs to be brought under strike range of some nuke tipped Agni-**.
It's not the UK. It's just a couple of white skinned yahoos who are smoking Afghan pot and on the payroll of the Pakistani Establishment. (Needless to say, the pot consignments are over and above this dole).
First these 2 parliamentarians are heavily dependent on the Pakistani voters to remain in parliament, so they humour the Pakistani constituents by joining in wacky protests. They really dont give a rats arse about Kashmir or Modi. Secondly nowhere in the report does it say that they are intigating or participating in taking India or Modi to ICJ. That just happens to be extrapolation by Pakistani reporters.
So Indians frothing at the mouth are wasting their time and keyboards bashing away at a non report.

Even if true this humouring of their voters on whom they are heavily reliant to retain their seats amounts to **** all in the real world and they certainly know it.

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